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Hacker News Comments on
Leadership: Practical Leadership Skills

Udemy · Chris Croft · 1 HN comments

HN Academy has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention Udemy's "Leadership: Practical Leadership Skills" from Chris Croft.
Course Description

Leadership: Practical Leadership Skills

Master leadership skills and leadership techniques with this highly practical advice and training

Leadership is often seen an elusive or complex skill, but with this practical course you'll soon have it mastered. Whether you're managing a small team or an entire business this course will build essential skills for your time management, team motivation, and personal happiness. Leadership is an essential skill at home, at work, and in every stage of your career. If you're in charge of two or more people at work, this course could change your life.

Chris Croft is an international speaker, and widely published author, who's been teaching Leadership Skills to companies for over 20 years. He's taught all over the world, as well as online, and has an entertaining and practical teaching style. This course is guaranteed to keep you engaged and amused, and teach you life changing skills for home and work.

This Leadership course covers everything you need to know from delegating and motivating, differing leadership styles, keeping your finger on the pulse, and planning the future of your business. It looks at lots of real life examples (some of which will definitely get you laughing) and gives practical tools you can use right away to get better results.

The course overview includes:

  • What makes a great leader

  • How to motivate teams and personalise your approach

  • Which common mistakes will instantly crush your credibility

  • Creating the perfect balance of delegating and monitoring

  • Building confidence and skills into your employees

  • Key academic theories made practical

  • Why being replaceable is a good thing

  • And lots lots more!

By becoming great at leadership, not only will you pave the way for future promotion, you'll also have a better work/life balance, and a much happier team.

This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee.

HN Academy Rankings
Provider Info
This course is offered by Chris Croft on the Udemy platform.
HN Academy may receive a referral commission when you make purchases on sites after clicking through links on this page. Most courses are available for free with the option to purchase a completion certificate.
See also: all Reddit discussions that mention this course at

Hacker News Stories and Comments

All the comments and stories posted to Hacker News that reference this url.
A few good resources for this. The different positions of "Technical Lead", "CTO", "Engineering Manager" all vary from company to company so I'm not sure what your new role will entail.

1., which had a good conversation here (

2. by Michael Lopes

3., which also has a good weekly newsletter -


5. - quite old now, but it's still hugely insightful.

May I wish you the best of luck. It's an exciting and really difficult challenge, but can be hugely rewarding in the end.

On #2, there are a ton of well-written and entertaining articles by the author—Michael "Rands" Lopp—on his website.

He also hosts a slack that's up to something like 100,000 people. Ask a lot of dumb questions.

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