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First Private Passenger on Lunar Starship Mission

SpaceX · Youtube · 15 HN points · 6 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention SpaceX's video "First Private Passenger on Lunar Starship Mission".
Youtube Summary
SpaceX has signed the world’s first private passenger to fly around the Moon aboard our Starship launch vehicle - an important step toward enabling access for everyday people who dream of traveling to space.

Only 24 humans have been to the Moon in history. No one has visited since the last Apollo mission in 1972. Find out who’s flying and why on Monday, September 17 at 6pm PT.
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All the comments and stories posted to Hacker News that reference this video.
There was a big press conference 2 years ago -
I'm sorry but you are embracing yourself.

I seem to have really strong opinion on things that you really don't seem to know much about.

> I doubt BFR even exists outside of graphics renditions.

We know what exists and what doesn't. The most important thing about a rocket is a new engine, and they have showed videos of it firing 3 years ago and have since then shown many more videos of it firing for different duration and so on.

They have bought a factor and they have shown of structural tools to build the frame of the BFR. They have started to construct sections. The have already build and tested a carbon fiber tank for example.

So, yes, it doesn't exists yet but they are very clearly building it and working on it right now.

Its not some hype where everybody just believes Elon because he has a mindspell on everybody, they are actually showing of hardware all the time.

> Mars colonization is well beyond their technical capabilities even if there is a market for it.

Mars colonization is incredibly difficult and of course it is outside their technical capability, and everybody including Elon would agree with you. The important point is that they are working towards resolving this, unlike most people.

> NASA for example didn't start by putting a man on the moon. Space exploration is a dangerous, slow, expensive, stepwise process. They did mercury, gemini, and then finally Apollo.

Yes and SpaceX started with the Falcon 1, then the Falcon 9, then Falcon Heavy and then BFR.

The also started with Dragon 1 then made that reusable, now they are building Dragon 2 (Cargo and Crew) and they will fly those for a couple of years. And they are working on the next generation after that with the BFS.

They will start by sending humans to the space station, then around the moon and probably do some other stuff before sending people to mars.

Your narrative that they are ignorant and just make a mars shot is false, the have a very deliberate and systematic growth in their capabilities.









Your constant claims that everybody is just "drinking the Kool aid" and your the only one smart enough to understand what is really going on is just false. I and others understand exactly what SpaceX current capabilities are, what they are doing in the short term and what they are devloping in the longer term. That's why we are exited.

> I'm sorry but you are embracing yourself.

I do love embracing myself.

In all seriousness, I am already aware and have seen everything you have posted. Nothing that I have said is wrong.

> So, yes, it doesn't exists yet but they are very clearly building it and working on it right now.

It is ingenuine at best to post things like this on twitter:

When they don't even have a launch vehicle yet, let alone a man-rated launch vehicle. Not to mention the other billion challenges in a crewed 7+ month flight. These are some of the challenges in human certification:

Hell, forget BFS, Dragon2 isn't even human certified and isn't expected to be human certified till 2020 as per the U.S government.

> Your constant claims that everybody is just "drinking the Kool aid" and your the only one smart enough to understand what is really going on is just false. I and others understand exactly what SpaceX current capabilities are, what they are doing in the short term and what they are devloping in the longer term. That's why we are exited.

I am not the only skeptic calling bullshit on Elon's premature announcements. Also, just look at some of the comments in response to his twitter announcement about Mars base alpha.

BTW, I think you're the one "embracing" yourself with the number of typos in your comment.

First of all, human certification is only if you want to fly with NASA. If Elon does not want to fly NASA he doesn't have to human rate it.

The mars picture was not an 'announcements', it just a concept.

Clearly you haven't been following along, but NASA is SpaceX's primary customer. If SpaceX does not man rate the BFR, they'll go bankrupt real quick.

Additionally, spaceflight is under the domain of the FAA so there are a crap of regulations there that they have to be compliant with even if they aren't flying with NASA.

NASA has not booked or given any indication that they care about BFR specially for humans.

There is a large difference between being the primary costumer of SpaceX and BFR.

If NASA wants to fly Astronauts on BFR, then SpaceX can tell them that they have to pay for human rating. SpaceX development targets that, they just don't go threw all the paper work.

Also, the reality is that this 'human rating' is really not clear at all. NASA has no clue how to human rate anything because nothing was really human rated according to the NASA guidelines. They specially have no idea how to human rate a shit that goes to Mars. Every-time they do a rating it is a new and different process.

The problem with this process is well known in the industry. The reality is SpaceX simply couldn't develop it fully human rated because its not clear what that even means. All they can do is build the best possible ship and see where the dice fall.

If you're talking about this video:

Then you're proving my point that the rocket doesn't exist outside of CGI. Musk himself said that they haven't even built out the prototype fairings yet. The engine has been fired for 1200 seconds as per Wikipedia but I can't find a source for it.

Also, this isn't technical documentation, it's the sort of thing that'd impress people ignorant about the complexities of spaceflight. You are wrong that I am ignorant of SpaceX. I watched the landing of the Falcon Heavy boosters and even saw the core crash into the ocean on the day of the test launch.

Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to be a debbie downer. However, I am a skeptic and Musk continues to over promise and under deliver across all of his ventures. He continuously makes promises he won't be able to fulfill. Like this one:

"We will make one of the mini-sub/pod going all the way to Cave 5 no problemo. Sorry pedo guy, you really did ask for it"

I love spaceflight and have loved it all my life. I think the hype that SpaceX has generated is amazing. But that doesn't mean that we should suddenly throw aside our thinking hats. Hype generated on the basis of falsehoods is wrong.

When I read what you wrote, it appears to me that you are confused as to what we were talking about. You asked for proof of a thing that was stated. I gave it. We were talking about proof of the rocket being more than just a render, with some parts having been under construction and testing. Please re-read the thread context.
Re-reading my response, I think I didn't give you enough credit for being genuine. Here is a more direct link to the proof. I can understand how you would miss it. The presentation is very long.
Sep 19, 2018 · 1 points, 0 comments · submitted by rochacon
Sep 18, 2018 · feniv on Dear Moon
Livestream link of the SpaceX announcement with a lot more details on the BFR -
Sep 18, 2018 · 7 points, 2 comments · submitted by AlexeyBrin
Yusaku Maezawa in 2023. Inviting 6-8 artists to travel with him. Hope this happens. live after the broadcast.

Sep 17, 2018 · 6 points, 0 comments · submitted by rbanffy
Sep 17, 2018 · 1 points, 0 comments · submitted by rbanffy
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