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Data Brokers: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

LastWeekTonight · Youtube · 37 HN points · 9 HN comments
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John Oliver discusses how much data brokers know about us, what they’re doing with our personal information, and one….unusual way to change privacy laws.

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Oct 20, 2022 · glandium on Stop Scanning Me
John Oliver did something like that. (from about 21 minutes in)
To get an overview of these (toxic IMHO) companies, I strongly recommend this episode of Last Week Tonight:

John Oliver is informative here, though some of his jokes fall flat on this one. It's just not a funny subject I suppose.

You may not be aware of the full extent of the problem. It's not just the "time wasting" of the old days, just ~15 years ago. Try these documentaries:

- "The Social Dilemma" on Netflix

- "The United States of Secrets" on PBS.

- John Oliver on Data Brokers,

There are others I can't remember off the top of my head. You may feel differently when you find out about companies profiting off the current (as in right now) whereabouts of your child.

Care to share some details?

When it comes to privacy invasion the EU has been a champion in curbing massively intrusive corporate practices for years now.

Some of it is awful yes, but other high visibility projects have been amazing. I'm glad to be European when I look at the insanity that is the American tracking and personal data brokers industry.

I recommend a recent John Oliver on this:

So private entities can't snoop on me, just thee government?
hell yes!

Government is a body of elected people, by the people.

And it's subject to the people's scrutiny!

It didn't get worse because you can't see it. The value of Whatsapp is in the metadata. Not the UI/ UX.

A bank used to keep your personal financial information as private. Now post-acquisition, the bank starts selling your personal financial information to insurance companies. To you, as an account holder, you don't know the difference because its all hidden away from you.

Maybe you don't care because the bank hasn't increased your fees, but other people you don't know can now buy your data and target you. Here's how data brokers work:

You seem to think that there's something really inherently evil in customer data. As if this hasn't been something that businesses have done since the dawn of business.
> As if this hasn't been something that businesses have done since the dawn of business.

What!? Can you tell me an example of how businessmen sold customer data in the Victorian times? Unless, your definition of the 'dawn of business' is limited to this century or your lifetime?

There is nothing inherently evil with data, it's what these today's businesses do with it and at this scale. There has never been a platform with over 1 billion users' data for sale. This has only happened in the last 20 years.

You don't seem to have a very good understanding of the topic you are commenting on. In both your original and this comment, you make incorrect and face-value assumptions of how things work.

John Oliver actually bought information from data broker to see if they could identify members of congress
Removing from google doesn't go far enough, the big culprit is the data broker. Displaying your age, is the biggest worry, among your friends circle. John oliver recently made a late night show on data brokers, threatening the congress members, must watch for anyone.
Data collection, anti-trust and privacy policies. Right now it is the wild west and consumers have no idea what is being collected and how they are being profiled for ads.
It is pretty clear what is collected:

They also share what they know about you (used for ad purposes) and you can control (delete) that data:

Apr 13, 2022 · 7 points, 0 comments · submitted by latchkey
Apr 13, 2022 · 7 points, 0 comments · submitted by tthun
Apr 12, 2022 · 5 points, 7 comments · submitted by badrabbit
How is this not considered extortion?
It's all legally obtained data. I'm sure the HBO legal team thoroughly vets these stunts.
Glad to see British Milhouse is back with another stunt and commentary about how much this country sucks
Isn't being able to criticize this country literally the first right of any American? Which he is now...

I think people like you are the least patriotic people out there. When you hear faults pointed out about your country you defend the faults because of your ego, your country is only valuable relative to the benefit it provides your ego. Patriots find faults in their country because they want their country to improve and to be greater, especially if it means admitting weakness and faults. They don't hide problems under the rug or wait for enemies to exploit faults. They identify faults and fix them, stopping the enemy and increasing the greatness of their country at the expense of their ego.

Have you considered that people are tired of being preached to about their morality and character, by celebrities and priestlike figures like John Oliver? Or by randos on the Internet, like you’re doing right now?
Have you considered not listening to John Oliver or reading my comments if you are tired of them? Your level of tiredness is not my concern but rather incorrect or misleading statements are.
There's an easy way to prevent "randos" preaching at you. When you see something online and there's an option to share your opinion or make rude comments, don't comment.
Apr 11, 2022 · 6 points, 0 comments · submitted by mathieutd
Apr 11, 2022 · 12 points, 1 comments · submitted by ratsforhorses
The idea of applying pressure by bringing a problem near elected representatives is interesting. Though it also highlights the lack of care some politicians have, unless you individually pressure them into taking action, to protect the people they represent.

Edit: It would be interesting how much effort it would take to replicate this in other jurisdictions.

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