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Keynote: The Last Hope for Scala's Infinity War - John A. De Goes

Scalapeño · Youtube · 105 HN points · 5 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention Scalapeño's video "Keynote: The Last Hope for Scala's Infinity War - John A. De Goes".
Youtube Summary
Java, the heavyweight champion of the JVM, has easily defeated attacks from newer programming languages by appropriating features like lambdas, streaming pipelines, and optional types from more capable languages. Kotlin continues its meteoric rise as a better Java, gaining traction from its exploding Android development community, and Eta has given the world its first taste of true Haskell-level programming on the JVM. Scala’s popularity, on the other hand, is starting to decline, driven by long compile times, non-essential complexity in the language, binary and source compatibility problems, the looming threat of obsolesce that is Dotty, brain drain to the Rust and Haskell communities, and fractures in the Scala community that are driven by political agendas and personal grudges.

In this keynote, John A. De Goes, a decade-long Scala user and contributor, presents his unfiltered take on the state of Scala, a raw and bleeding examination of everything that is good and bad with the language, tooling, and community. Extremely grateful that Scala has brought the power of functional programming to many companies, John thinks that despite declining popularity and threats from every direction, there is still hope for the future of Scala. Hope that Scala will power a new generation of businesses who want to leverage the JVM ecosystem to build principled software that is easier to reason about, easier to compose, easier to test, and easier to change.

John has foreseen many permutations of Scala’s future, and while most do not end well for Scala, John thinks there is one possible future that will lead to strong, vibrant, and growing adoption of the language in new and existing domains. Join John in this keynote to learn about this future, and what we must sacrifice to obtain it.
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All the comments and stories posted to Hacker News that reference this video.
There are certainly folks that argue the language it too big. Here's a great talk arguing that a lot of language features should be eliminated and Scala should be made a functional programming language:

I'm personally in the camp of "keep Scala huge and weird and multi-paradigm, but just make less breaking changes and focus all efforts on making the ecosystem more stable".

Worth noting that the presenter of this talk has done a complete 180 on subtyping as he's now using subtyping and variance in the core of his flagship library ZIO. He realized it was sometimes better to use the language's strengths rather than denigrate them for "ideological" reasons.

Also worth noting that Scala is not a "very big" language in any sense that I know of. It has a lot fewer features than C#, for instance. And probably a comparable amount to TypeScript.

Yep, there is even a talk on the Scala Infinity War which argues for one subset version of Scala that it needs in order to survive:

For me, Scala is a multi-paradigm language with tons of features. The community just needs different types of style guides for different apps. vars are horrifying for the functional crowd, but cool with me for example.

Aug 27, 2020 · emccue on New Racket Language Website
Weird nitpick, but "No Makefiles required" is an odd selling point to me. I haven't seen or used a Makefile in eons, and I would wager a decent chunk of programmers never needed to.

I'm not sure how to describe the feeling this creates. Like...I can feel the authors other experiences shine through or something to that effect.

There was a talk awhile ago by John A. De Goes where he asserted roughly that Scala's then pitch of "combines object oriented and functional programming" was basically gobbledygook from the standpoint of "why would I use this language."

I feel much the same way about Racket. Cool, very advanced DSLs and mini languages...what does that give me? What can I do with that?

Most of the page is dedicated to justifying "no wait everyone, we have the bare minimum number of libraries" or waxing poetic about the mini language concept.

What is the reason to use this over a less "lexically powerful" lisp like Clojure? What is the reason to use this over one of the boring old stalwarts like Java or Python?

Can I read from a Kafka queue? Can I call into AWS? Google Cloud? How strong are the libraries, and what would I have to commit to writing myself?

I actually do not understand why I would use Racket, and this page doesn't help.

> I actually do not understand why I would use Racket

You don't HAVE to.

But if you are interested, maybe this would help:

EDIT: Also, if you want a look at the dialects, check out the comic here:

Be advised that it is extremely difficult to "sell" Lisp and related languages to someone that hasn't bought the idea yet. No-one seems to have found a winning formula. All people see are the parentheses (although, for some reason, they don't see the ocean of []{}(); in other languages).

The normal experience is: you get tired of hearing about all those people preaching about Lisp(or Scheme) and decide to see for yourself. You take the plunge. You slave away at a book or two (or tutorials) trying to grasp the language. And then, at some point, it all just "clicks" into place and you see the light! That's what's its all about!

But then you start trying to explain it to other people... and you have exactly the same problem. All those features you now know about and can't live without? They are either difficult to explain without explaining more concepts, or they just don't see the value compared to what they are used to. "What do you mean, code is data? Code is not data, I use JSON for that."

Which is understandable. After all, if you are writing Scheme, you can easily see the value. You know how Java can spend years (and sometimes over a decade, see lambda) to get a new language feature? Well, with very few exceptions, you can do it yourself. You know 'for each'? A Scheme(or lisp) programmer could solve that in 5 minutes with a macro. But you can't, because you are not a Lisp programmer yet.

Similarly you probably see no problem at all with having YAML with a C program and maybe a scripting language too. Whereas a Lisp programmer would see that as a waste and just want to use S-Expressions for everything. Sometimes including HTML and CSS representation. And maybe more.

But there's an opportunity cost. Up to you if you want to pay for that.

What convinced me and I found it to be true: Lisp or Scheme (and I guess Haskell) _will_ make you a better programmer even if you don't end up using them in your day to day. It will expose you to concepts that you may not be familiar with - or may not had the opportunity to practice.

This is, again, subjective. Up to you. All programming languages are Turing-complete anyway.

To be clear, I'm no stranger to Lisps. I use Clojure a ton for personal stuff and on occasion have found ways to sneak it in to production.

The difference there is that Clojure isn't responsible for giving a wide enough ecosystem to justify investment, it just yoinks it from Java.

Racket doesn't have that ecosystem and probably never will. Macros on the level of common lisp and clojure are already found in those places. Racket gives, and seems to base it's pitch around, a far more flexible hammer than classic lisp macros.

But it doesn't do anything to offset the downsides of a small community or justify why that more powerful "actual mini language" level DSL is something to care about.

I am well aware of how macros can let you add your own language features and conveniences specific to your project. Homoiconicity is an all around neat property to have.

I'm just not buying a "beating the averages" style "you just see it as blub" explanation either. Mini languages do have niche uses. I acknowledge that. ANTLR wouldn't have users if they didn't. It's just not something I think is worth writing home about.

Jul 15, 2018 · metalrain on Lisp and Haskell (2017)
Scala is interesting language, but I wish it had tighter focus. John De Goes describes pain points quite accurately in Scalapeno keynote:
> Egison is a programming language that realizes non-linear pattern-matching against non-free data types.

It's a what? Can someone ELI5 this for a lowly Python and JS dev - why would I want this?


I watched a talk about Scala's future [0] recently, in which the presenter compared the taglines of a few different languages (Go, Rust, Erlang, Scala), and how they relate to business pains or non-academic problems.

His conclusion about Scala's tagline - "Scala combines object-oriented and functional programming in one concise, high-level language" is that "no engineering manager in the history of software development ever thought to themselves 'hmmm, if only I had a language that fused OO and FP, I'd be able to solve my business problems'. That hasn't happened; that will never happen. This is an academic novelty that has zero relevance to any of us as professional software developers [...] this is not a business pain, this is an academic interest."

I felt a little bit like that when I read Egison's tagline: why should I care about this language?

[0] "The Last Hope for Scala's Infinity War"

Scala's mistake is ostensibly that it is an academic language trying to pitch itself as a language for building business applications.

Egison appears to be a self-consciously academic language, which strikes me as a perfectly legitimate.

In particular, the goal seems to be to provide a more intuitive way of writing algorithms using extensible pattern matching. Now, I have worked on commercial software that has highly algorithmic parts (graph traversals, etc.) written in Erlang (a language that supports a powerful, but not extensible, form of pattern matching). I found the pattern matching facilities to be quite helpful in producing readable, concise, correct code.

The use case is narrow, but strikes me as real nonetheless.

As a Scala dev, one issue I see with the language is that it doesn't keep you in check. Easy things are easy and there are lots of syntax sugar and little conveniences here and there that make the language great, but the advanced features are just as accesible to the developer. You need self-restraint when doing Scala, there is a real risk of losing perspective and getting distracted with fancy features and libraries.
It requires taste or code reviews, essentially.
I have the same feeling. It is a very powerful and interesting language from my anecdotal experience, but I also feel it gives too much options to use
Which syntax sugar do you think verbose? I don't think Egison has lots of syntax sugar.
Which syntax sugar do you think verbose? I don't think Egison has lots of syntax sugar.

Egison features a customizable pattern-matching facility. Pattern-matching methods for each data type and pattern can be customizable by users. There might be a possibility that you thought syntax sugar is not syntax sugar.

> "Scala's mistake is ostensibly that it is an academic language trying to pitch itself as a language for building business applications."

It's a bit subtler than that. Scala is an industry programming language perfectly suited to business applications, but with a big academic and research input (remember that Odersky, its creator, was a big contributor to Java, an industry language) and with an initial emphasis on research. The mentioned talk is criticizing Scala's marketing blurb because it was written almost entirely from a research angle, and doesn't accurately and convincingly portray Scala's benefits for business. See the revised blurb at the end of the talk [1]. It's a question of being clever about marketing.


[1] revised blurb: "Scala is an open source programming language that helps you write correct code and modify code safely, while seamlessly reusing existing JVM libraries."

I think you're right - this is an academic language. That doesn't mean it's devoid of value, it's just not meant to solve industrial problems. Instead, it's supposed to experiment with a new paradigm so that other (more pragmatic) languages can someday incorporate some of its ideas.
Scala has always nurtured that ridiculous notion that an animal that's 50% cat and 50% dog would appeal to both cat-lovers and dog-lovers, which doesn't actually make any sense.

This language is clearly an academic endeavor.

Disclaimer: I don't know what non-linear pattern matching on non-free data means either, but the fact that it's not explained to me is proof enough they aren't meaning to cater to non-academic users.

> It's a what? Can someone ELI5 this for a lowly Python and JS dev - why would I want this?

Nah, but I can ELI a person with some programming experience.

Pattern matching is super useful for writing code that spends a lot of time building and deconstructing syntactic data structures.

Non-linear pattern matching is useful when de-constructing large-ish expressions that might contain multiple occurances of the same sub-term.

Nonfree datatypes allow you to encode some constraints about your datatypes; e.g., "lists that are equal modulo permutation".

Supporting type-checked non-linear matching over nonfree datatypes allows you to encode a lot of constraints in the type system and syntax that would otherwise be encoded with lots of nested if-statements and only checked by tests, not by static type checking.

This combination of features could be very useful when implementing a lot of mathematical code that operates over algebraic structures. Which is why the language's homepage mentions the implementation of (features for) computer algebra systems as a sort of killer app.

> this is not a business pain, this is an academic interest

Not all innovation is motivated by the business pains of today's engineering managers. And often the solutions to those pains are not recognizable; e.g., thousands engineering manager in 1950 could've beneifted from CAD software but I bet very feew were sitting around saying "I could really use a good piece of CAD software right now".

Scala is another good example of that, despite a marketing complaints about messaging. No one asked for FP+OO, but Scala took off because the combination of FP and OO solved a lot of the pain caused by Java.

Substantially improving the ease of implementing new types of computer algebra systems could easily create a lot of business opportunities e.g. in providing improved analysis/synthesis tools for all sorts of CAD tools.

that said, I don't think this language hits the target. See the hodge operator example...

Thanks for making the effort to explain, I think I have a better handle on what it means now.
Jul 10, 2018 · 105 points, 73 comments · submitted by luu
His basic argument hinges on incorrect division of devs into Java/OOP crowd and Haskell/FP crowd. There are plenty of Scala users who don't fit these stereotypes though. I personally very much appreciate the unique mix of OOP and FP that Scala allows for.

For me Scala is a very general and a remarkably unopinionated language. It efficiently encodes and integrates multiple programming paradigms in one language, letting you pick and choose what makes sense to you.

Scala is useful to a wider range of programmer preferences and skill sets than any Haskell-on-the-JVM could ever be. It's a feature, not a bug, both for individuals and enterprises. Pure FP is just some people's preference that requires a significant buy-in, not the one true way of doing things.

In general, this talk just seems like a case for one man's preferences rather than a fair summary of Scala's current market situation.

The criticisms I found strongest from the talk:

- Tooling needs improvements. He mentioned how the Scala plugin for IntelliJ IDEA will flag working code as incorrect. It will also fail to flag code that won't compile as written. He didn't mention sbt as a pain point, perhaps because it goes without saying.

- Scala 3 (Dotty) has the potential to split the community and libraries for years, much like the Python 2/3 transition. That said, I'm still kind of excited about Dotty because I only have 10s of thousands of lines of code that potentially need porting work, not 10s of millions, and that seems worth it in exchange for stable macros, faster compilation, etc.

- The Scala community is losing people who just want "better Java" to Kotlin, and losing people who want pure FP to Haskell. I came to Scala because of Spark and I keep using it because I have grown to really like it, despite the pain points. I'm not eager to jump ship toward Kotlin, plain old Java, or Haskell. But if the community keeps shrinking, and the ecosystem shrinks with it, I will eventually be forced to jump toward something else.

If you think scala editor tooling is bad, check out haskell's. Scala can't lose people comfortable working with nice tools like IDEA to haskell.
Intero with either Visual Code or Emacs is fantastic for Haskell. I own licenses for all JetBrains IDEs, a big fan, but my Haskell setup is equally great to work with.
i am using dante with nix; new to haskell, but the tooling is inferior compared to tuareg(with merlin) in ocaml; my main problem is geting the type of an expression often doesn't work.
1. Tooling has seen huge improvements lately. I use many libraries that are macros and implicits heavy, and IDEA does a near perfect job. LSP support is coming too.

SBT keeps getting better, and you have a handful of viable alternatives these days.

2. All major Scala releases bring breaking changes, this is incomparable to Python.

3. By any real-life metric (jobs, conferences, meetups, libraries, ...) I don't see evidence that the community is shrinking, quite the opposite.

I did a talk in Portland at their Scala meetup and one of their organizers often takes an open source project and starts hacking on it. Every time he pulls down SBT, he finds it a terribly painful mess.

I've never looked deep into SBT myself, but the sbt-native-packager plugin use to be an insane mess of craziness the last time I looked at it.

As far as tooling, I got pretty use to running sbt even if I got red lines and felt that my types were correct. Often it was to see what the compiler error would be and then I'd be surprised to see it compile with no warnings.

Scala is complex. The Intellij issues an be frustrating, but I can also understand how difficult it is to resolve the complexities in Scala.

I still <3 Scala though.

I encountered IDEA pain with implicits and type checking just yesterday, relating to a library that uses Cats and Shapeless. It happens enough to remark upon. It doesn't happen often enough to make me wish I were still using Python for data processing.

The Dotty transition looks like it will be significantly more breaking than the changes in the 2.x releases over the past 5 years. I'll be pleasantly surprised if the transition goes smoother than I expect, though.

I am excited by some recent alternatives to sbt, particularly Li Haoyi's Mill.

I hope that 3.x / Dotty will be released with a helpful upgrade tool. Something like 2to3 from Python, but with better success rate (thanks to type checking).

Also, I hope that this hypothetical tool will get the necessary testing on the community build system, so it'll be actually usable and useful.

I’m one of the leads on a large Scala project that I feel has been very successful. While I have great respect for jdg there are a number of important things missing from his talk:

Typelevel ecosystem is thriving and has great fp projects including Cats, Monix, Doobie, Circe and Fs2.

Having Oop is a great gateway so we can convince our pointy haired bosses and mainstream colleagues that Scala can be gradually adopted into a project

Reactive and actor based patterns, Lightbend and so on don’t get a mention and yet are used throughout industry and are very valuable tools

ZIO maybe 100x faster than Future in certain benchmarks but can I get a 100x speed up on my real world oop code, my actor code, even my future based code, by switching to ZIO

I was thinking about Python3/Perl6 as he was talking and glad when he brought it up.

It's important to note, the world has transitioned to Python3. Django removed the py2 comparability imports a while ago and the Python3 Wall of Superpowers stopped updating a while back when it was over 90% green.

For most devs, all new Python code that's green field is Py3. There is still a lot of py2, yes .. a lot in commercial/closed apps that have embed python in there, along with scientific applications. But I think that will change eventually too.

Perl6 is the opposite end of the spectrum. Massive Perl codebases will always be Perl5. I don't see any enterprise people going to Perl6. If you're like and still using Perl for everything, you code is probably so decrepit, old and lacking meaningful testing you should just burn your entire company to the ground so your devs are no longer in miserable agony.

He has a point with Python3: it is a large community. Even with that large community, and even with how small many of the syntax changes were, it took a long time to get to py3! Scala is nowhere near as big.

Scala needs to move carefully with Scala3, so that Scala3 is more like Python3 and doesn't end up like Perl6.

> and still using Perl for everything, you code is probably so decrepit, old and lacking meaningful testing you should just burn your entire company to the ground

What makes you think that? The perl community pioneered a lot of the current best practices around testing.

A lot of the old perl code bases are still around because there is no compelling reason to move away from perl.

Python3 is/was hard, because it forced some problems to the forefront, that were under the mat with Py2. There was no automatic upgrade path, because what was a silent undefined behaviour in Py2 became an unhandled edge case in Py3. And a lot of very pragmatic people just wanted nothing to do with this, after all, their Py2 program worked for them, so why are now they forced to make it work again in some hypothetical scenarios they don't really care about?

Any maybe that's something Py3 could have handled with a py2 interop (at module load time you set assumptions that lift your py2 code into py3 with those assumptions). But python is not that big on these hacks, it instead just adds 10 more incomplete libraries into its std and calls it progress!

> If you're like and still using Perl for everything, you code is probably so decrepit, old and lacking meaningful testing you should just burn your entire company to the ground so your devs are no longer in miserable agony.

That's a lot of assumptions:

* still using Perl for everything

* Code being decrepit

* Code lacking meaningful testing

* Developers in agony

Do you have some inside information to know that all of these are true?

You also don't seem to understand that companies are in it for the money, not to provide nice new development projects to make developers happy. If you are programming for a living, you should know that programs are written to make money.

By the way, torturing the developers to make a better product, is a well known meme among Perl 6 core developers.

> doesn't end up like Perl6.

Perl 6 is ending up quite nicely, thank you.

I think this summarizes really well why I never became a Scala developer and am now a Kotlin programmer. I like Kotlin. It solves problems I had as a Java programmer in a way that is easy to understand. It's easy to move from one to the other. Tools are great. Documentation is great. Etc.

Based on this talk, it's not likely I'll ever become a Scala developer.

For reference, I learned FP in the nineties while in university; was exposed to monads, and a few haskell dialects (Gopher mainly). Been doing Java for about 20+ years at this point as well. However, despite this background I have trouble wrapping my head around Scala. The documentation seems to require a phd, which I have, just not in esoteric type system kungfoo. I find most Scala code completely unreadable. I admit, it's me. I'm probably too stupid or something. But if I'm too stupid, then most people I work with are definitely not smart enough either. So, that in a nutshell is why I ended up doing Kotlin instead.

> The documentation seems to require a phd, which I have, just not in esoteric type system kungfoo.

Completely agreed. Though the funny thing is, Scala has/had a Documentation Tzar and she is trying to get things to a better place. To supposedly take care of this. I'm very much a learn by example type, so I'd appreciate a lot more examples (e.g. for methods:$colo... ). On the other hand, the documentation is open source in the best way: anyone can shoot a PR if they feel they can/want-to contribute. And there's plenty of overview articles ( ) covering a wide range of topics.

Sometimes the fault is with the libraries and their documentation. Especially anything that's HC FP (scalaz : Let the types speak for themselves via the Scalaz Scaladocs! and then you're completely at the deep end - for example:[(A,B)] ).

What makes Scala code unreadable is - IMHO - that people rely too much on the IDE to help them understand and navigate code, or their own familiarity with that code (or in some cases the code is simply write only, making it more like obfuscated Perl and KDB+/Q than a modern object-functional hybrid language).

And since Scala has so many faculties, features, facilities to mange code, to abstract problems and their solutions, and people write almost none of their design choices down into READMEs or comments, we're left with the code. For some people it speaks for itself. (For some people types like a -> a tell everything, for me that's just a function with unknown "functionality", because it depends on what the fuck the function actually does. Sure, the type signature constrains the expected return value, and it's useful, but that's not the architecture, not the rationale of/for design choices, it's just the safety striping around the sharp edges.)

Somehow Scala is "the PHP" at the other end of the spectrum. Instead of being too little it usually ends up being too much (insert the relevant Paul Philips rants here), while both are perfectly capable of expressing nicely designed programs/systems.

Furthermore, Scala is actually a bit weak when it comes to expressing really high level concepts. So yes, you can do a lot of magic in it, but most of it ends up being of the Black variety, because "for performance" (minimize GC pressure) or because that part is still "experimental" (macros/reflection) or because that part is just ugly and badly designed (collections).

I agree with many of your points, but on that specific example code you pointed to which I have never used or looked at before, I find it plenty readable if you know how to read it. That doesn’t mean I find it “obvious” if you have never been trained on how to read those signatures or come from another language that does not support these concepts.

Here is how I read this in case it helps anyone

  Def zip[A, B](a: ⇒ F[A], b: ⇒ F[B]): F[(A, B)]
F[Something] is a “container type” or a type constructor, a type that is parameterized by another type, for example F[Int] could be List[Int] or Future[Int].

The method zip has two parameters, one a by name reference to something of type F[A] and the other a by name reference to something of type F[B] and returns an F of the pair of input types (A, B)

Looks like this deals with three total types, a container type F that must be the same for input param a, input param b, and the result.

I know nothing about F other than the fact that it contains another type. I know nothing about A and nothing about B which means I can’t be looking them up somewhere or using defaults, so the only way I could possibly return an F[(A, B)] is if I combined the two inputs.

Also, code written in this style is meant to follow the substitution principle, so I’ll think through a couple of substitutions to see how this method could be useful to me.

For: F = List, A = Int, B = String

  Def zip[Int, String](a: => List[Int], b: => List[String]): List[(Int, String)]
Since I can’t invent new members of list and the two members of the list may be different lengths, this must return a list whose length is the minimum of a.length and b.length containing and int -> string mapping. Handy.

F = Future, A = User, B = LastLoginDate

  Def zip[User, LastLoginDate](a: => Future[User], b: => Future[LastLoginDate]): Future[(User, LastLoginDate)]
This can only return me a User if they have logged in at least once. The fact that it is two Futures makes me think I am probably querying two remote servers for this information and that I can’t resolve the new Future until both of the input Futures have resolved. By the time this Future is ready I will have a User with their last login date or the Future will fail.

F = Option, A = IpAddress, B = Port

  Def zip[IpAddress, Port](a: => Option[IpAddress], b: => Option[Port]): Option[(IpAddress, Port)]
I may have an IpAddress, I may have a Port, either return to me both the IpAddress and the Port, or neither. This one is really easy to map out as their are only 4 possible code paths

  Some(IpAddress), Some(Port) => Some(IpAddress, Port)
  Some(IpAddress), None => None
  None, Some(Port) => None
  None, None => None
I agree some documentation explaining this would be nice, but there is considerable information I can pull from this signature.
Thanks for the detailed response and concrete examples!

Reading signatures is one thing (and zip is "easy"), but without examples it doesn't really help in most of the cases. Because even if I know the concept, I don't know when it comes handy. (For example I just looked at Forall ( ... Forall is an endofunctor in an endofunctor category ... ah yes!), and then there are tools that come with labels (DList's doc page: nice for append heavy workloads, eg. logging; yes, great, what's Forall good for? What's Strong? Why Alpha exists? What's =>: ? That's not even documented :( It cannot be searched for ... It's not on the cheatsheet .. .I mean it's on it, but it is only used, not defined. etc.)

That's not a type reading thing. That's the bad documentation, and the learner-unfriendly naming convention.

Wise words for any project or product that starts in academia but stays there for too long (building for papers and PhDs rather than real customers). Brave to deliver such a cutting critique to this audience too.

As a potential newcomer to Scala, many of these points ring true. Hopefully the community takes a good hard look at itself to see what it can improve.

With some time off this past week I started hunting for things I should be learning. After doing some research on Scala's popularity and trending I came to may of the same conclusions John does.

> building for papers and PhDs rather than real customers

> the community takes a good hard look at itself to see what it can improve

This has already been happening for a while. FYI, the Scala center is entirely dedicated to improving Scala usage and its tooling, which JDG somehow forgets to mention (along with many other positive things happening in the community).

In fact, it turned out in discussions on reddit that JDG is kind of living in his own bubble, not really aware of a lot of things happening outside of it, and thinks he is the only one to see some problems that have in fact been worked on for years. For example, tooling with the Scala center, and the Scala2/Scala3 transition which has been a _central_ consideration in the design and implementation of Dotty since the inception of the project!

Around 12 minutes in, he mentions Eta, Haskell on the JVM. Says it’s too new but it sounds interesting:

There's also Frege:

It's also Haskell for the JVM. Made me wonder why there are two efforts. Found an explanation:

There's was also OpenQuark CAL, but it looks dead now.

When you invite John De Goes to speak, you are already dead.
Could you elaborate on that for the ignorant bystanders?
Presumably it's a reference to the fact that DeGoes refused to roll over when activists tried to torpedo his conference for inviting the wrong kind of speaker after a double blind process. And continued to be pestered the next year because of another keynote speaker's unrelated tweets.

Having been to Lambdaconf, I can attest to it being an amazing event where people can nerd out shamelessly about functional programming without any bullshit or hostility. I highly recommend it. Easy to forget this is what all of open source used to be like, before the sociopaths moved in.

The supreme irony is the comment above seems to come from a guy kicked out of the Drupal community by the same kind of moralizing busybodies, for being too neuro-atypical and abrasive...

Thank you for diagnosing me as neuo-atypical, some might take offense at that but I don't, I never denied though I never was diagnosed I surely have some sort of mild ASD.

As for being kicked out, that's for the better. Yeah, it took me long enough to get over it but really, those days are gone. I should've left on Jan 8, 2013 when it was made clear how much we've grown apart. I didn't, both the community and I suffered for it. Ending it was good, even if took me close to two years of grieving to get past it.

I fundamentally disagree with calling the CWG "moralizing busybodies", see my take on them here. What I described there goes for any tech conference organizer: when you are given a chance to amplify a voice, make sure it belongs to someone who deserves their voice amplified. It never was an empty consideration but past #metoo it matters more than ever.

Once you have your eyes open... really, I was watching a pair ice skating on the TV while in the dentist chair (otherwise I wouldn't watch such) and it was appalling how much more skin the clothing of the woman showed than the male. Everywhere we sexualize women. Let me remind you of that time when the South Park creators went to the Oscars in female clothing this?

Where can I find a good description of the typeclasses and "effects" features in Scala 3 that he discusses (and criticizes)?
At least some of the content is appearing as Github issues:

SBT, implicits, CoC controversy and censorship, scalaz/cats debacle... There are more reasons not to get involved with scala ecosystem than to get involved.

I think people get snippet fever when they see a few lines of really pretty code and they forget how tangled up the scala scene actually is.

I can't believe, after seeing more Rails disasters that I know what to do with, that I'm looking at a software project and thinking "this shit is almost as bad as Rails."

Scala 3 could've been the opportunity to murder sbt to death, abandon implicits entirely, make the breaking changes they need and compose the foundation for 10+ more years of scala hackery. But from what's visible out of dotty currently, it's almost entirely invested in the old sins, with a stronger soundness story nonetheless (congrats DOT team). There's just no way to slow the train now, too much of it is dangling off the bridge and Spiderman won't be able to pull it back.

Good riddance. Thank goodness F# is starting to come together.

F# will gain more traction once the C# HKT proposal champion gets approved and merged (which will be a CLR change)
Where can I get more information about this effort?

> CoC controversy and censorship

Could you write a few sentences about this? What happened? What do you think should have happened instead?

> scalaz/cats debacle

Again, for the unfamiliar, what is this debacle?

> the breaking changes they need

What are those?

> murder sbt to death

yes pls! ( is actively maintained and developed and seems to be the sane replacement for sbt )


   abandon implicits entirely,
What's wrong with (carefully used) implicits? What would you replace them with? Haskell has type-classes, a very similar concept, and it's difficult to imagine contemporary Haskell programming without them.
they're an afterthought which serve truly no purpose other than to be fancy via obfuscation?
Implicits are not an afterthought, but a core feature that enables efficient context-dependent parameterisation. Implicits let you avoid a lot of boiler-plate. They are especially useful for well-structured ad-hoc polymorphism, quite like Haskell's type-classes, the predecessor and close relative of implicits.

If you don't like implicits, simply don't use them. You can add a style checker to your build automation that finds and rejects the keyword "implicit" in your code. As to use of implicits in libraries, you are perfectly free to pass explicit arguments instead.

Odersky has a couple of recent youtube videos where he explains implicits in detail.

I dumped jvm languages for Rust.

Scala _really_ needs to die.

They serve totally different purposes.

Rust is great if you want a language with a lot of type/bug safety and want to be able to compile it to run naively on everything from servers to embedded devices.

Scala tries to bring a functional language that can utilize everything that already exists on the JVM, including all the classic Java libraries, while providing a lot of FP idioms, pattern matching, etc.

If you write good Scala code (basically avoid anything and everything written by TypeSafe/LightBend ever .. except for TypeSafe Config .. that one is okay, and it's in Java), you can have some really awesome, clean looking code and programs compared to their Java equivalent boilerplate.

They both have their purposes.

There’s not really much argument behind your point here. Moving to Rust I’d be concerned about library support for one.
The Java libraries are plentiful, but not bountiful.

They are ugly, unergonomic, old, unmaintained (or worse, pumped full of decades of features, but never really refactored), and some are just simply broken.

Some libraries are of course the exception to these and all due respect toward them.

Please don't post unsubstantive comments or do programming language flamewars here.

Watched the entire video; still failed to understand why I would pick a JVM interpreted, impure functional programming language over ANSI common LISP which I can compile into machine code?

Which feature(s) is(are) there in Scala which trump running straight machine code for maximum speed and efficiency? I write software which runs on the command line and is designed to take command line options and work well with pipes like all the other UNIX®️ tools and the software has to be efficient on resources and lightning fast. Sell me on Scala.

Some people just don't like parentheses. And they hate the Paamayim Nekudotayim (PHP PTSD?) And really like that the compiler helps them (types), so they are left with Scala.

I thought this was a potentially strong argument delivered weakly.

First, he poisons the well by talking about "integrity" and "intellectual honesty". This is a bad move at the beginning of a speech because it is far too easy to take it such that people with different conclusions are lacking in those qualities. Given his delivery, I suspect that he might actually believe that. It would be better if he just owned that this was his opinion and delivered it respectfully.

Second, the section on academic priorities was weak. He spent a large portion of the talk highlighting the mission statements of various languages, which is marketing language. But if Scala made no other changes other than its marketing language, it would not solve the problems he was highlighting. I thought too much time was spent on that part of the talk. There's another moment later in his rushed conclusion where he made stronger points that could have been fleshed out - how the academic influence leads to theoretical features that later get abandoned when the academic project is completed. (And I quite liked his revised marketing statement for Scala.)

I also didn't like that he brought up Cats vs scalaz as a flaw with the community, given that it became clear later in the talk that he had a clear bias on which was preferable. That seemed needlessly provocative.

I think the final conclusion of abandoning the OO path was interesting and fun to think about! I don't know if there's already an opinionated compiler plugin that discourages the more OO techniques while encouraging FP techniques, but I can see how that would be a lot of fun to play with, and educational in the same way that static analysis tools are. (I don't understand why "partial functions" was crossed out as something to abandon, though.)

Partial functions are undefined outside of the part that is given, therefore the result of an input that falls in that zone is undefined. This is not good, how do you deal with it, exceptions? Termination? You must make the function total by extending it to a version that gives some result to manipulate whatever the input (or restrict the domain to make it again total.)
So the idea would be to allow currying, but not allow partial application of the currying?
Currying always returns another function (if I’m not mistaken it doesn’t even evaluate anything yet) so it’s another thing and the compiler has a complete understanding of what will happen at runtime. With a partial it won’t be able to do that. The later comment with the Try[] is a great example
Partial application of functions is fine. Partial functions would be disallowed.

Here's a function that is only partial, because it can throw an exception instead of returning a value when b is zero:

def divide(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a / b

Here's a total function to accomplish the same basic goal:

def divide(a: Int, b: Int): Try[Int] = Try(a / b)

This function always returns a value of the type it's declared to return.

> Partial functions would be disallowed.

Some partial functions would be disallowed, assuming you aren't including an actual totality check (which would exclude all partial functions and some total ones).

Thanks for that clarification. I had googled for "partial function vs currying", which led me to results for "partial function application", which was really about partial application of functions, not partial functions. :-/

I swear, probably 80% of my problems in professional life are from overloaded terms.

By "overloaded", do you mean "having multiple definitions"? Or do you mean "carrying too much weight"?


Discouraging OO would be the worst thing Scala could do. Its one really unique capability is the fusion of OO and functional: it's a language that can go toe-to-toe with Haskell, yet also one that lets you switch from Java in a weekend. Take away the OO support and you'd have just another functional also-ran.

Sadly while the language itself has excellent OO support and Java interop, the community support just isn't there (by which I mainly mean: too many people like DeGoes will shout you down rather than trying to help you).

A minor note concerning the usual characterization of the Scala language itself as a fusion of OO and functional, it's definitely not an equal fusion. Not that you proposed that the fusion is equal, but I see it come up elsewhere.

The core language is very much OO. The functional aspects of Scala are either syntax sugar that desugars to OO stuff (e.g. automatic eta expansion, special syntax for defining FunctionN vs new classes, case syntax for partial functions, context bounds) or decisions made by the standard library (e.g. the prevalence of immutable data structures).

Understanding this has been the key for me to understanding where most of the warts of Scala come from. For example some of the weirdness of functions vs methods, weird performance issues, the existence of some of the encoding tricks that libraries like cats and scalaz use, and strange decisions made in the collection libraries all can be fundamentally traced back to this layering.

That being said you can do a lot of FP in Scala because of the combination of ecosystem and syntax sugar, but you have to always keep in mind that you're encoding FP concepts with OO tools (not as equals) otherwise Scala's limitations will come back to bite you.

"(by which I mainly mean: too many people like DeGoes will shout you down rather than trying to help you)."

Proposition for discussion (i.e., I don't necessarily believe this, but I don't necessarily not either): The biggest challenge facing languages and their communities that focus on correctness is that the very personality types that are willing to focus on them are also statistically much more likely to be, ah, potentially less suited to the sorts of compromises and engineering discussions that are necessary to make a personal language than other more pragmatic communities. The sort of relatively uncompromising spirit necessary to swim upstream against the current general consensus of very pragmatic programming nearly entirely unconcerned with academic-type correctness is, well... uncompromising.

This is exactly what drove me out of the lisp community. There are just too many people that insist on seeing engineering decisions between different sets of trade offs as stark choices between good and evil. Go read some of Eric Naggum’s rants for a really extreme example of this syndrome.
"The Lisp community" is purely an imaginary construct that only exists because you want it to.

"Community" is largely a toxic concept anyway.

Oh, we have to have a community. Community this, community that. Nice project, but where is your community? I can't write a line of code without a community!

Tired of "community".

Nice to see that nothing has changed.
You're still seething with hostility with regard to the conditions of a Usenet newsgroup fifteen years ago that is only very lightly active now. Reddit has r/Lisp which is more active and very different from old c.l.l. (Not that it's reasonable to equate r/Lisp with "Lisp community", either.)
No seething or hostility here. I learned a lot from Lisp.
Eric Naggum was one loud extremist. He wasn't the community, but he was so loud and rude (which unfortunately entertains people) that he was was what people thought the community was.
If I understood the talk correctly, except for the OOP+FP part, DeGoes seems to be arguing out of practicality, not correctness. He correctly argues, for example, that "FP + OOP in a concise language" is irrelevant as a marketing/business speech for Scala. He seemed to me to actually want to make those compromises and engineering decisions you mention, while maybe admitting that the existing ones are not as successful as initially hoped for.
I dunno, I think the DeGoes has a point. Like he says near the end, there's this fiction that an OOP+FP hybrid will be loved by both OOP and FP programmers, when many times it actually means both will dislike it and the language will be mediocre at both goals.

My opinion -- and I mostly write Scala in my day job! -- is that Scala is in a truly difficult position. Its OOP (and Java) DNA hurts its FP aspects. If it goes full hardcore FP, it will probably lose relevance (because most programmers can't be bothered with it, and those who can will probably hope for Haskell on the JVM). If it stays like it is and tries to be a "better Java", it will keep losing ground to more practical and "easier" languages on the JVM, possibly including losing to Java itself!

PS: DeGoes didn't sound disrespectful to me, and bear in mind I don't know who he is. He seemed to be arguing out of practicality, not shouting people down. I don't if he is angrier in other forums, but his tone in this presentation sounded closer to a wake up call to me.

> there's this fiction that an OOP+FP hybrid will be loved by both OOP and FP programmers

That seems more of a strawman than a fiction: I've never seen anyone, especially in the Scala community, suggest this.

I've seen lots of people suggest that OOP+FP fusion is what allows Scala to provide an easy gradual on-ramp to FP for people and projects transitioning from Java, which is Scala’s key value proposition.

Well, "love" is obviously an extreme, but I think I know what DeGoes means. I know I've cursed at Scala's Java/OOP heritage more than once. I've also puzzled over the related issue of how complex some of Scala's function signatures are (or used to be; I know there's work on this) compared to equivalent Haskell functions.

It seems to me DeGoes is arguing that Scala's "key value proposition" is a losing battle, because other languages are starting to do it much better. It's likely that the "practical programmer" will go with Kotlin or even the next iterations of Java, and the rest... well, you can guess the reaction of the audience to his question ("how many of you would work with Haskell if you could?"), and I must take his assertion at face value that in Scala conferences, the more popular talks are about FP, not about OOP or even FP+OOP. Maybe he's wrong about this, of course.

Again, I'm saying all this as a Scala practitioner. I'm not leaving it for Kotlin either. Then again, I certainly would work with Haskell if I could!

edit: one more thing:

> "I've seen lots of people suggest that OOP+FP fusion is what allows Scala to provide an easy gradual on-ramp to FP for people and projects transitioning from Java"

In my experience, this ramping up to FP happens in one of two ways with Scala:

- Completely ad hoc, misunderstanding every principle and making a Frankenstein's monster out of it. No lessons learned, just a mess that "works".

- Understanding it and doing it with care, and mentioning Haskell a lot (as these people start to read articles and watch tech talks on FP).

This is entirely my personal experience and probably won't generalize to every workplace.

Why can't you work in Haskell?
There aren't many Haskell jobs where I live, I don't want to move, and it's unfeasible to suggest it at my (otherwise decent) job.
Ok, I just want people to not think there are no Haskell jobs out there. The only reason not to be able to get one is if you don't want move and can't find something remote (although there are a few remote jobs around). There are otherwise plenty of Haskell jobs for those that are looking and sometimes in unusual places such as Alaska!
> I've seen lots of people suggest that OOP+FP fusion is what allows Scala to provide an easy gradual on-ramp to FP for people and projects transitioning from Java, which is Scala’s key value proposition.

I feel like I'm at the tail end of that on-ramp, and while I'm still as a whole really appreciating scala, I'm starting to wonder what the end-game is.

Now that I understand and am comfortable with all the functional stuff, I'm left wondering why I still have the OOP stuff, and why some of the FP stuff isn't more natural. I guess you still need some OOP for java interop, but the pure-scala ecosystem is pretty significant already.

I guess what I'm saying is that the easy transition from Java is only a benefit for bringing people in, not for a language as a mature ecosystem. And I'm thinking maybe I should get into one of the full-FP languages.

In fact, if anything, what's keeping me from making the switch is not any OOP features, but actually just imperative! Especially for performance-sensitive sections, and some rare-but-necessary data structures, it seems you really do want a small amount of mutable state.

> scala, I'm starting to wonder what the end-game is

The end game back in the early days of Scala was probably to provide a gradual on-ramp to FP for people and projects transitioning from Java, but it probably changed to a commercial purpose once more people got involved in its development. It's long since become a self-preserving product, and probably even tries to hinder people moving from FP-only Scala on to Haskell and the like.

I only spent a few months on Scala way back so don't know for sure, but I did see Apache Groovy go through a similar business re-purposing. It began as a JVM-based scripting language complementing Java, useful for glue code and testing, but later became a competitor to Java and other statically-compiled JVM languages, and even tried unsuccessfully to target Android.

Funny I was thinking of Groovy while reading the parent as well. I always feel like any language that defines itself in the shadow of another language is challenged to find its own true identity. Something I like about Groovy though is that it doesn't have pretenses: it shamelessly tries to be as close to Java as it can. They are busy right now redesigning the syntax so you can write '=>' instead of '->' in lambdas just so it can be more "java-like". I can't think of a more pointless change from a functional point of view but they are doing it anyway. When I use Groovy, I'm not doing it because "Java is bad", I'm using it because "Java is good" but "Groovy is better". When I code in Scala I keep feeling bad every time I divert back to Java-style and constantly struggle to figure out what paradigm is right and when to switch between them.
> When I use Groovy, I'm not doing it because "Java is bad", I'm using it because "Java is good" but "Groovy is better". When I code in Scala I keep feeling bad every time I divert back to Java-style and constantly struggle to figure out what paradigm is right and when to switch between them.

Take it slow, and don't expect to be using every Scala feature/library/pattern from day 1 - there is a lot of depth to functional idioms, the learning curve of something like Haskell has less to do with syntax than you might think. Write code that does things that are useful to you - even if you're only writing "Java without semicolons", you're getting value out of Scala - and adopt the fancier features one step at a time. I've been working in Scala for 8 years and there are still places I'd fear to tread (why do I care if my profunctor has strength?), but every year I've produced more concise, clearer, less buggy code than the year before, and even in year 1 I was doing as good as I had been in Java or Groovy.

> If it stays like it is and tries to be a "better Java", it will keep losing ground to more practical and "easier" languages on the JVM, possibly including losing to Java itself!

Well, to my mind the FP is a means to practical ends. I'm not attached to Scala qua Scala, I'm attached to HKT and typeclasses because there are practical problems I can't solve without them. As long as Scala has those things and Java or Kotlin don't, Scala will have an advantage - and if Java does adopt those things I'd say mission accomplished. (I mean, Odersky's original goal was to improve Java, right?)

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