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Feeling sad about tragedy

Vihart · Youtube · 3 HN points · 1 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention Vihart's video "Feeling sad about tragedy".
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Two shootings in Orlando last weekend. We barely had time to start grieving Christina, a fellow member of the YouTube community, when the Pulse shooting happened. This is mostly about my personal experience with the culture of fame, harassment, and violence against women.
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[warning: this may sound hostile, which isn't intended. I want this to be educational, but I fear my writing ability may not be sufficient.]

> Can't movements as important and big as Egypt still occur without anonymity?

How is that even a question. Of course governments target people they see a potential threat. History is full of examples of movements being suppressed to protect the established seats of power.

You don't even need to go all the way to Egypt; the FBI's former program known as COINTELPRO was specifically about targeting potential leaders who speak up before they can form a larger movement.

> trolling, bullying

Have you ever actually been targeted by a person or group engaging in active trolling, bullying, or harassment? I doubt you have, because reliable anonymity is one of the only defenses against the current weapon of choice used to harass people that dare to express their opinion online: "doxing"[1]. Without anonymity, a lot more people would be subject to death threats (including their address and other specific details), calls to their neighbors or employer with slanderous accusations, swatting[2] or worse.

However, the largest problem with insisting that communication must include real names is the chilling effect it has on groups like the usual racial minorities, LGBT people, or women. The entire concept of being "in the closet" is based on the fear that comes form knowing that speaking publicly in support of civil rights might risk sever harassment or even death.

I suggest watching Vi Hart's video[3] from last year. It's difficult to watch. I'm hoping it can give you a sense sense of scale about the problems that are the daily reality of many people. Thanks to anonymous communication over the internet some of these problems are finally being discussed. People in targeted minority groups finally have a way they can communicate without risking harassment or death. Do you really want to tell them that they need to take that risk or get back in the closet?




Yeah, this is a good post. But the balance is hard. I've had a friend (who was not anonymous, because she had a real job in a public-facing industry) crash on my couch while she looked for a place to live because the GamerGate (anonymous scumbags) decided to take pictures in front of her house while wearing masks. It's a natural impulse to tear off the pimply-faced masks and show who's throwing around death threats like they're hard men. But, on balance, it's almost certainly a bad idea.

Which isn't to say that one has to care about the faceless mob; I'm perfectly happy not interacting with pseudonymous or anonymous people outside of--well, basically HN, but the problem pseudonymity/anonymity solves in many quarters is real.

Jun 21, 2016 · 2 points, 0 comments · submitted by panic
Jun 20, 2016 · 1 points, 0 comments · submitted by pdkl95
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