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Joel Spolksy at Startup School 2012

Y Combinator · Youtube · 2 HN points · 5 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention Y Combinator's video "Joel Spolksy at Startup School 2012".
Youtube Summary
Joel Spolsky, founder of StackExchange and Fog Creek Software, at Y Combinator Startup School on October 20, 2012.

Presented in Stanford Memorial Auditorium by Y Combinator and the Stanford Technology Ventures Program.
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Hacker News Stories and Comments

All the comments and stories posted to Hacker News that reference this video.
> Startups are overdosing on ambition these days

> Not every billion dollar business starts with a billion dollar idea. Not everything unfundable by VCs is unworthy of doing.

It's interesting the author is being a VC is understandably blinded by the bubble that never reports on such businesses. The vast majority of businesses created in the world, i.e. almost all small businesses, are exactly that. It's been done before and it's being done now, in large quantities. It's just so common that people don't feel writing medium posts about it and you don't tend to call them startups per se without the VC-funding and fast growth factor[1]. If you restrict the definition of a startup to this, then almost by definition you need such ambitious visions.


I remember Joel Spolsky talked at Startup School a few years back on this subject and he was spot on[2].


Thanks for the Joel Spolsky video. Skip to 12:53 for the gems =>
It looks like you haven't been following Bryce close enough. He put his money (and PR) where his mouth is and started
Sep 13, 2016 · 2 points, 0 comments · submitted by wskinner
Actually, performance is quite important for scalability. A lot of sites written in Ruby / PHP have big scalability pains if they get popular. Twitter had to be re-written from Ruby to Java. Facebook had to completely rewrite PHP's compiler to make it close to a compiled / statically typed language.

Joel Spolsky mentioned how StackOverflow only needed 3 servers to run it for a really long time, because it was coded in a compiled language. [1]


He says that at the 22m mark. And he says that currently he can fit his servers into 1 rack, while being a top 100 site.
Joel is a class act. He spoke at YC's Startup School, which brings out his unique perspective -
He starts talking about Trello and his expectations for its exit at .
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