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What CRDTs, distributed editing and the speed of light means to your writer friends- Jonathan Martin

NDC Conferences · Youtube · 4 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention NDC Conferences's video "What CRDTs, distributed editing and the speed of light means to your writer friends- Jonathan Martin".
Youtube Summary
Git + Github revolutionized collaboration for developers, but for writers it doesn’t get better than Google Docs. But without WiFi, offline editors like Microsoft Word remain their tool of choice despite the explosion of feature-rich web apps, leaving them out in the cold when it comes to realtime collaboration.

With the help of Operational Transforms + Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types, peer-to-peer web apps can empower writers, musicians and artists to collaborate off-the-grid and climb up to the digital nomad’s ultimate dream: collaborative writing atop Half Dome.

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One of the best intros to CRDTs and distributed editing by Jonathan Martin at NDC Oslo 2017:
At one point I was strugging with the basics of CRDTs. Someone linked me to this gem:

It made a lot of stuff click for me. HTH someone!

This is one of the best videos I've seen on CRDTs:

CRDTs are just a way to send to send data between parties so that all parties end up with the same thing after receiving all messages, even if they receive them out of order. The way the messages are encoded is the math part, ensuring that you can keep applying these functions to your existing state to always get to the final state. That's where the associative/commutative requirements come from.

Note that there are operation-based (sending how something should be updated) and stated-based (sending what it should be updated to) CRDTs and they have different semantics and use-cases.

Wow, that is a fantastic video, thanks!
Try this video:

One of the best overviews covering CRDTs and OTs, especially in the context of collaborative editing.

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