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Quakecon 2013: Welcome and Annual Keynote - John Carmack

Quaddicted · Youtube · 2 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention Quaddicted's video "Quakecon 2013: Welcome and Annual Keynote - John Carmack".
Youtube Summary
Quick and dirty streamrip of the Quakecon 2013: Welcome and Annual Keynote with John Carmack, Tim Willits and Pete Hines. This is John Carmack' part.
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At 1:44:00 it sounds like he is actively looking for an opportunity to use Scheme as an embedded language in a game. Does HN know of any examples of such use?
Abuse [1] uses Lisp for game logic. You'd have to dive in the source code to find out more, a quick online search didn't turn out much.


Some guy on /g/ is developing a scheme gamedev library.
Naughty Dog is the canonical example. They were founded by two ex-MIT AI Lab guys. They designed a couple of in-house languages for Crash Bandicoot, and Jak & Daxter.

In the early days of the PS2, they supposedly derived a benefit from having a higher-level language that could be compiled for any of the PS2's various processors (EE, VU0, VU1). I think that at the time, you couldn't do VU programming in C.

In the end, they had to revert to industry standard C/C++ due to hiring issues.

Actually, only one was MIT AI lab. The other was an economics major at the University of Michigan. But, same result nevertheless.
While their games used to be even more Scheme-based than they are now, AFAIK they do still use PLT Scheme (at least as far up as the Uncharted games, haven't read too much on the tech under The Last of Us) for the sort of traditional scripting one would use UnrealScript or QuakeC for.
PLT Scheme, or Racket as it is now known, is in use in the Last of Us:

A bit of insight into the use of Racket here (scroll down):

Absolutely! I uploaded it as single segment at , will archive it to shortly.
Is there any chance you could extract the audio and put it online somewhere? I am currently finishing a cross-country bike trip, and would absolutely love to listen to his keynote, but only have a phone on me currently. It would mean a ton!
A phone that doesn't do YouTube - is that even legal?
Sure thing! includes the AAC track extracted from the video as well as a mono 32kbit/s VBR Opus in Ogg to save you bandwidth. Enjoy!
Sorry, that ogg was borked. At least I cannot play it anywhere. Will replace it with a standard Ogg Vorbis one.
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