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GOTO 2020 • You Really Don't Need All That JavaScript, I Promise • Stuart Langridge

GOTO Conferences · Youtube · 125 HN points · 0 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention GOTO Conferences's video "GOTO 2020 • You Really Don't Need All That JavaScript, I Promise • Stuart Langridge".
Youtube Summary
This presentation was recorded at GOTO Chicago 2020. #GOTOcon #GOTOchgo

Stuart Langridge - Member of the Web Standards Project's DOM Scripting Task Force, Podcaster, Developer and Author

JavaScript is your behavior layer; the way to add interactivity to your sites, to provide a slick and delightful user experience, to make everything fast and easy and clean. But at some point everything changed: the tail started to wag the dog instead and development became JavaScript-first.
We'll talk about how you maybe shouldn't rely on JS as much as you're told to, and some practical strategies for how to build sites without reaching for a JS framework as first, last, and only tool for making the web [...]

00:00 Intro
00:30 Performance
02:54 Availability
05:56 It's unnecessarily difficult
08:33 Why?
09:41 After the fact
10:18 Loss of control
12:57 Control loading
13:26 Demo
14:33 Solve actual problems
18:31 HTML is smarter than it used to be
20:36 The leading edge

Download slides and read the full abstract here:
#JavaScript #JS #Frontend #HTML #Programming

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Sep 12, 2020 · 4 points, 2 comments · submitted by kiyanwang
There's an argument in terms of security against server side templating. It also depends upon what you are building like Hugo is best for information sites without dynamic server templating where lots of HTML is better than a huge load of js.
You can just use FTP, and HTML/CSS, as the presenter claims, but if you want reusable components, you're going to need at least some-JavaScript based technology, like custom elements (web components).

If you don't have a concept of a component, and every time a developer needs a simple component: a Button, a Link, a Card, pray that every single developer in your organization understands the accessible, semantically-correct way to implement it (spoiler alert: they won't, occasionally, a junior engineer won't understand why buttons shouldn't be implemented with <div> tags). And hopefully they follow your design team's specification for how the component should look (again, they won't). Then, you end up developing a product with ten disparate and interwoven look-and-feels, due to developers on separate projects re-inventing the wheel instead of using a common Design System. It no longer feels like one cohesive experience.

The counter point: That JavaScript is actually solving enterprise grade problems-- controlling your brand via a Design System, ensuring accessible HTML gets generated, and so forth. It comes at a cost of potentially somewhat slower performance, but the solutions provided make the tradeoff worth it.

Sep 08, 2020 · 4 points, 0 comments · submitted by rimliu
Sep 08, 2020 · 112 points, 61 comments · submitted by tambourine_man
I saw this earlier today (Edit: instead of the first 10 minutes, I ended up watching the whole thing.) After going into the problems of client side rendering, he does get into the benefits (9:00), but then argues that these are after-the-fact rationalizations. He then argues that the real problem designers and devs are trying to solve is the loss of control - that the browser controls loading, and the blank screen is "bad."

He then says that the solution is using an iframe (called a portal.) which looks to be a proposed API. - this is available as an origin trial in Chrome 85.

So, he's saying that SPAs are bad and we should invest in a Chrome-only feature or future feature that might make it through standards? This makes no sense to me.

There are multiple uses for SPAs. One is building a genuine web application, such as Gmail or a SAAS. SPAs are also used in places they shouldn't, such as news sites, because of the page load problem as mentioned above. Portals would be useful here.

But it gets to the real problem: client side rendering in the past decade has had a lot more thought and effort in tooling, tutorials, and patterns on the client side than server side, especially with mixed mode. (Mixed mode: adding javascript on top of server-side rendering.) The problem is that server-side rendering and mixed mode is not a good development experience. The back button was never a fully solved problem and POST-redirect-GET is essentially an insufficient hack.

If someone wants to talk about making server side rendering for web applications a viable experience, we are likely going to need changes to the standards and we will need to build up a great set of tooling to solve the problem. (Oh, and since it's server-side rather than javascript, each framework or language will have to replicate it just like React, Angular, Vue, and others have done.)

> So, he's saying that SPAs are bad and we should invest in a Chrome-only feature or future feature that might make it through standards? This makes no sense to me.

That was my own conclusion, at first I thought "whoa, <portal>? never heard about it but looks cool", I proceeded to search for `HTMLPortalElement` and then I got to a W3C page saying "Draft" and I was like "what? a yet to be standardized feature? thanks, but no thanks, I'll might check it back in 2 years".

This presentation is essentially Dev Advocacy, he's describing where we want to go, not necessarily where we are now.

I hear you though; I thought this was gonna be another "you don't need React, here's the Vanilla JS that does the same thing" kinda presentation, but was actually intrigued to learn about this <portal> tag. I does seem to address the (main?!) bugbear we have with interactive webpages and the fight between the server and client.

Although I am surprised there's little to no support for it right now - thought at least Chrome would.

Edit: Ofc it can be tried out w/ Chrome if Dev Enabled, but it's not user supported at this time.

Video feels like clickbait.

Appeals to people who are:

1. Frustrated with the complexity/brittleness of javascript tooling

2. Still learning (oooo, shortcut?)

3. Pining for the good ol' days (conveniently forget ie6)

A better, more realistic talk might have been "how to make a fast, responsive, mobile-friendly site without javascript and here are some new browser features to look forward to" but I'm sure that would have got a lot less clicks.

I have exactly the same feelings after watching the video.

I can understand the assumption that your audience is a bunch of bootcamp graduates who put React in anything they build. But at a Goto conference, shouldn't you be targeting a more sophisticated audience? What if your product is more like gmail, or Google Docs, or Facebook, or Google Earth, or Youtube? What would you think then of someone who tells you to let go of your desire to control the behavior of the anchor tag?

He also doesn't cover the high interaction problems of server-side rendering. If you have a website that isn't a SPA but has a really complex form (for let's say a good reason). Making that server side can be incredibly complex for only fractions of a second in gains.
Thank you for the summary
> So, he's saying that SPAs are bad and we should invest in a Chrome-only feature or future feature that might make it through standards?

I don't think so. The video takes a couple of interesting turns for me. I thought it was "JavaScript...bad!", but then he converted to a discussion of <portal>, which I thought is where he would end. But the last few minutes he spends on a much higher level point, which makes me think the portal discussion is just an example. In the spirit of your summary, here's my own:

The web platform is evolving. While some of our work exceeds the capabilities of least powerful part of that platform (HTML/CSS) and therefore requires JavaScript, much of it does not. Notably, as the web platform evolves, features that used to require JavaScript no longer will. This suggests a "principle of least power" argument: make an effort to learn about the new advances in HTML/CSS so you can leverage them for as many features as you can, and push the rest into JavaScript. He contrasts this approach with the "just use JavaScript for everything" approach, which carries with it all the risks he outlines in the first part of the video.

His example of using portals to solve "a real problem" is really interesting to me, because it seems to point to a much more fundamental problem with UI development via HTML and browsers.

The example involves a common page design: left hand table of contents, right hand (typically most of the width) with current contents (chosen via ToC). Jump to a new section, and the scroll position in the ToC is lost.

He describes how to use a portal to fix this.

Compare with desktop GUI toolkits. The ToC would be its own element (GtkListView or QtWhateverList or NSThisNThat). The contents would be their own element (GtkTextView or QtCanvas or whatever). Both are drawn independently of the other. You can call for an invalidation of part of the window. You do not need to consider them part of a single window rectangle that will always be redrawn in-toto for a page load.

Now, my (weak) understanding of why we've ended up with things like React is that in part they are an attempt to solve this by effectively creating the equivalent of a widget heirarchy inside the browser. When a React implementation of his example gets new content, it doesn't invalidate or even necessarily "redraw" the ToC, and it tells the browser what to do by invalidating certain DOM elements (or even just one DOM element).

I think he misses this as a key reason for the movement towards frameworks.

But ... notice that the browser will probably (I'm not 100% sure about this, would appreciate comment from someone who knows), re-render the entire rectangle the contains the page.

Desktop applications don't work this way. If you turn on Quartz debugging on macOS you can actually see the rects on screen that are re-rendered to reflect invalidation by the application (e.g. after new content needs to be displayed).

Maybe I have this wrong, and React and similar frameworks have leveraged a subtle capability in the browser to invalidate a DOM element as a way to only re-render part of the on-screen rect.

But assuming that I've have this roughly correct, this model in which the "atomic, indivisible rendering unit" for browser apps is the page rect seems fundamentally disadvantaged and mis-designed compared to desktop apps.

I don't have technical references to point to atm, but as far as I know, browsers _do_ go to great lengths to only actually repaint portions of the page that have changed. There's lots of layer compositing on GPUs, checks to see what DOM nodes were mutated, etc. Nothing framework-specific here at all - this is how all modern browsers are implemented.

React in turn does work to let you, the developer, divide your UI code into discrete components that control the layout of some subset of the page, and lets you declare what the UI should look like at any given point in time based on our data. React then tries to minimize the number of DOM updates that have to be modified to make the previous DOM structure look like the structure you said you want now.

Assuming that you're right about the browser avoiding invalidating windows rects unnecessarily, that still leaves the fundamental problem that DOM elements are not widgets in the way that (say) GtkListView and GtkTextView are. In a desktop GUI toolkit, you can alter one of those entirely independently of the other (and because of the typically non-overlapping assumption of most widget-centric toolkits, only resizing will ever create a dependency between them for the parent window).

More technically: if you change the content of a desktop text view widget, then there is more or less a straightforward and simple code path from the widget invalidating its own rect to the native window/graphics system causing a re-render of just that rect. The toolkit really has almost no work to do to make this happen, and neither does the native window/graphics system.

But in the browser model, the DOM is an abstract model that may or may not map easily onto window rects. So to decide what will be invalidated in the (native) window, the browser has to essentially recompute the entire window and then decide what to invalidate at the native window/graphics level.

Are you sure about layer compositing on GPUs within the browser? My guess is that this is done mostly by the (desktop/native) toolkit used by the browser and is an optional optimization, since the browsers will function normally without a GPU.

At some level though, I think you're right and that the video is wrong in some deep way: the way I was first told about React made it sound precisely like "it is designed to work more like a desktop toolkit", and given this, the video misses one of the more fundamental reasons for contemporary web frameworks.

A few seconds of googling turns up these relevant articles on how browsers paint via GPU (which date back many years):




and also how they handle painting and redrawing in general:




So no, browsers don't "recompute the entire window". They know what DOM nodes have been mutated, and are able to fairly efficiently redraw just those pieces of the UI that have changed.

I haven't watched the video yet, but React's approach to defining UI structure and updates is considerably different than your typical desktop UI toolkit (ie, Swing, Windows Forms, MFC, Qt, etc). With those classical frameworks, you generally have a bunch of object-oriented class inheritance hierarchies and manually instantiated child widgets with specific parameters (`button.setWidth(80)`, `button.setPosition(20, 40)`, etc), then add a lot of event listeners to manually modify both the data and the UI.

As I previously mentioned, React expects to work with a "retained mode" environment, such as the DOM, where previously-set UI layouts persist until such time as they are modified. React is explicitly based on determining what the current UI _ought_ too look like based on your current state. The problem that frequently plagued jQuery-type UIs is figuring out how to transition the UI contents from where it was previously to where it needs to be now, taking into account all the possible permutations of what could be shown on screen. With React, you tell it what UI output you want at any point in time based on your current state, and it takes care of figuring out what relatively minimal set of changes actually need to be applied.

Thanks for the links.

I'll have to hunt around a bit harder, because it seems that in general, the people who talk in the most detail about browser rendering don't seem to understand the rendering processes in non-browser apps, and vice versa.

For example, all of the discussions of GPU usage that you linked to all seem to skip over the fact that (most) native desktop apps do the same thing implicitly c/o the toolkit they're using. If your ListView widget is ultimately drawn using Vulkan or Metal etc., then the exact same set of abstraction processes and delivery to the GPU are going in a a native toolkit app as the browser (which is not suprising, really).

AFAICT, React has no access to the browser render tree, and it can only control the DOM. As such, it is really positioned at a very different level in the "drawing stack" than, say, Qt. At the same time, as you point out, it also isn't particularly close to the widget layout models of "classical frameworks" (even constraint-based versions as have become more common in recent years), because it deliberately tries to prevent you from having too much direct control over the current DOM - that's supposed to be driven by the state.

I wish there was a more fruitful meeting place where the experiences of 30+ years of "classical frameworks" could shape and in turn be shaped by the decade plus of "web frameworks". I think that the former has a lot offer the latter and the latter has many ideas and insights that could probably improve the former.

I am definitely one that loves a good "get off my lawn" moment, but it seems like we rehash this point every few weeks (and I don't even read frontend twitter). There is a reason we are where we are in the front end world -- most every useful tool/wave of engineering came to be for a reason. A (very spotty) timeline[0] was even submitted in the not too distant past to HN, and I won't go into it here, but from jquery to mootools to snowpack/vite, people built tools to solve problems (some of which don't exist anymore or won't in the near future) -- a strong grasp of fundamentals and knowledge of why a thing exists and you will feel a lot less like you're being thrown around by the waves of frontend development zeitgeist.

All that said -- SSR is the best of both worlds. To the untrained eye, it looks like a step backwards, but there's more to it than that -- it gives separation (if you want it) for your frontend code that usually moves at a different pace than the backend code, server-side rendering for performance (obviously), and complex client side functionality for building rich experiences. If you can withstand the increase in complexity, you can mostly have your cake and eat it too -- server-side rendered robust client applications.

Even for the most stalwart monolith enthusiast, isn't it nice to make it relatively difficult for your View code to call some Model/Controller/util method/function that it shouldn't be calling? If you go through the trouble of committing to separating your "API" and your "frontend server" (there's a trendy name for this which I have forgotten -- "companion" server? BFF?[1]), you get better focused and hopefully more manageable domains.

All that said, portals are a pretty cool new feature, but I'm not going to hold my breath for them to be ready to use any time soon.



> There is a reason we are where we are in the front end world

Insecurity resulting from a lack of proper training.

I would say fashion and résumé-driven development.
Well yeah, but that's everywhere. More realistically I think it's because browsers are the biggest software delivery platform every created (and likely that ever will be created until we get some sort of neural/in-body interface), and they change faster than regular desktop software ever could.

The browser is so popular as a software distribution method, it now competes with GTK/QT/Cocoa/etc for (large amounts of) "RAMshare" on your neighborhood desktop.

Yes to everything here except ... browsers do not change faster than the equivalent part of desktop software: the toolkits (GTK/Qt/Cocoa/etc). The latter change at least as fast and often much faster than browsers ever had.
Let's say you're updating your UI through Ajax requests, something like Laravel Livewire. For example filtering a list. If you do a web request, although is going to be fast that request and the re-rendering could take up to 300ms.

That's very noticeable when you're browsing. It makes the website feel slow. It's very hard to beat that latency if you're going to update everything from the server.

So you really do need JavaScript to create that snappiness. If you're filtering in the browser with the data that you already received, it's going to feel instant.

I purposefully chose the filtering example because it's something that you can do server-side or client-side. But the server side is always going to feel slower if you're sending all the data in each request and simply changing the rendering.

So where do you draw the line? I think you should only let the server re-render the UI if there's new data being queried and sent. I'm of the opinion that JavaScript should only manage the interactivity of what receives and should be fetching very few data.

Of course this only makes sense if you're using something like Laravel or Rails. But even if you are building a SPA and working against a series of endpoints I think you should make an effort to write those endpoints in such way that you're sending as much data as you can in each request and let the client handle it without requesting again just to re-paint the UI.

You make a good distinction with “can the working set be preloaded or not”.

There are still some cases where I don’t think there’s an obvious answer in the general case. Photo gallery? Product list in webshop?

I've yet to encounter client-side filtering. Usually there are many pages of items. Server returns selected page according to filter criteria. Client just does not have all the items, so he'll be able to filter only already visible items which is not useful.
"Blank page" problem is usually only a problem if your site is really slow, but if it is fast (because of server side rendering) it is less of a problem.

As the presenter in the video said, browsers can render HTML documents really fast, this leads to some interesting conclusions.

Assume that you need to render a modal as popup for each item in a grid.

Frontend solution would be to reuse the same modal for every item and just swap in the on-the-fly rendered content for that item. Or maybe even on-the-fly create & render the entire modal when needed.

Backend solution would be to render one modal per item. This is actually easier, just loop & have unique ids (you can even reuse the same loop that you build the grid with) & no need for dynamic loading, rendering, etc. So even if you send more HTML down the line, the page acts smother.

Let's say you have a query that takes 3 seconds, and about half second to manipulate that into something that makes sense and start sending the data over. With the single page solution, you can have a spinner that is allowing the user to know that something is happening. What does it look like if you click that link?
The browser is instantly showing a spinner to let user know that something is happening, and after 3 seconds the page switches to a new one.

That's exactly how this very site we're on right now works, for instance.

You know browsers have built-in loading spinners?

In my experience, any time a web site reimplements basic browser functionality in JavaScript (e.g. loading spinners, scrolling, navigation) it is slow, buggy, and annoying.

A proper fully clientside rendered website gives a much better user experience. Yes you need a strong clientside framework able to render components, maintain state, history etc. Once the application is loaded, the only data communication between server and client is JSON or some other format. Much more efficient in bandwidth and speed. Another plus is that you can actually have multi platform versions of the application with the look and feel of the target platform. Good luck to get that feeling with a 800ms delay serverside rendered page.

The main reason why you shouldn't do it, is because of SEO. Dynamic sites are considered weak in SEO. Very challenging to get them properly indexed by Google etc. You also got still a lot of engineers who somehow favour the serverside rendering. For inhouse internal apps or b2b apps I would always prefer a clientside app.

For internal and b2b apps, what matters most is development velocity to be able to churn through a million unmet needs the fastest way possible, much more do than shaving off a few hundred milliseconds off the response time. On this metric, I don't think SPAs win.
The problem with this take is that browsers are really good and downloading and displaying static (to the browser) content which is the basis of server-side hydration. SSR is almost always going to be faster but it will beat the crap out of your servers depending on how dynamic the pages are.
I agree in theory but in practice SPAs chug on initial loading and they chug on loading new content (and they often even chug when scrolling this content!). the experience of using many websites increased drastically with javascript disabled. Something is clearly wrong with current SPA practice if this is the consistent result that users see.
<portal> is interesting for traditional static sites that were being tempted by Gatsby and others, but it's strange that this person goes through the whole presentation talking about the disadvantages of framework-managed DOM manipulation but never talks about managing state.

Until convinced otherwise, I'll continue using Vue and if necessary server-side rendering of it. This post didn't change my opinion.
More than anything this reminds me of the fact that HTML has failed on a basic level, to keep up with the ways that users want to experience content, and that designers want to present content. The browser has no real concept of "page navigation" or "site navigation" with any kind of state, or the "current" navigation item, or of hierarchy, breadcrumbs, menus, or other core navigational concepts involving site and page structure.

With a few built-in "site structure" features in the html standard, the browser could do a large part of what developers end up reimplementing over and over again - both with and without JS. A large part of "knowing about usability" is just knowing how to execute these basic navigation features without goofing up on the many pitfalls available to you.

For example, imagine if there was some kind of Site Structure standard, or Page Structure standard. The browser could then generate standardized navigation elements with perfect UX on every platform, and sure, you can style them, but the basic functionality just works everywhere without having to make advanced javascript/html/css menus that take into account concepts like responsiveness, touch interface, or accessibility.

The missing cornerstone is native databinding. That's it. If we had native reactive HTML templating, 80% of the world's JavaScript could go away. The fundamental problem of the web as an application platform is that any element-state is trapped inside a single element, so you have to use JavaScript to dig it out and do something with it.

For example, HTML has a native <dialog> element, did you know that?

Most people don't, because it's completely useless without some JavaScript to toggle its "open" attribute. This was by design. The requisite interactivity across elements simply can't happen without a) databinding, or b) a whole turing-complete language. Since we don't have a, we use b.

I understand the point you're making, but the bigger reason that <dialog> isn't being used is because it's still locked behind a feature flag in Firefox since they haven't fully implemented it. For a recent project I was actually looking forward to using using it and would be more than happy to add the bit of JS necessary to toggle it, but ended up having to reinvent the wheel and make my own modal component.

If all we needed was a bit of JS to wire up state between HTML elements like <dialog> and <details> I think we would still be in a great place, even if we didn't have native data-binding. The bigger issue IMO is that in many cases native elements can't be used either because they fall short of the desired UX and can't be extended/enhanced (e.g. <select multiple>), or browser support isn't widespread enough (e.g. <details>).

> The browser has no real concept of "page navigation" or "site navigation" with any kind of state, or the "current" navigation item, or of hierarchy, breadcrumbs, menus, or other core navigational concepts involving site and page structure.

Why do you believe the browser should support that with primitives? Advocating for that kind of specialization lies somewhere between forgetting important and basic historical lessons on software engineering or an unsubstantiated belief that now everything will be different.

> A large part of "knowing about usability" is just knowing how to execute these basic navigation features without goofing up on the many pitfalls available to you.

You're leaving out a part where said usability principles lie somewhere between emerging requirements that are still under development or fads that are scheduled to be replaced with the latest and greatest promising idea.

Suffice to say arguing to force them into browser as primitives is demanding that they should be set in stone as is.

> HTML has failed on a basic level, to keep up with the ways that users want to experience content, and that designers want to present content

HTML was designed to be a way to create and link documents so that someone or a machine at one end of a distributed network could access it on a different network, not become an app platform. Everything else done beyond that is a perversion of HTML.

It would be interesting if there ever was a standard app container runtime that doesn't use HTML/JS/CSS. I guess that the last serious attempt at that were Java Applets which never took off.

>Everything else done beyond that is a perversion of HTML.

Here's a thread from the w3 mailing list discussing possible scripting languages for HTML back in 1995[0].

And here's Tim Berners-Lee talking about running code in HTML in 1992[1].

You're simply wrong that running code in HTML is a perversion - that was envisioned as a possibility since the beginning, it just took time to manifest.

What wasn't intended was for only one scripting language to dominate. When the script tag was released in HTML 3, the hope was browsers would support multiple languages, which is why it had a type attribute, but that never happened.



There was VBScript but Microsoft gave up on that idea early on.
Is this not the exact definition of a cowpath argument? "We didn't make it to be this way so, regardless of what people are actually using it for, we will continue to assume we're right and the users are wrong"?

If HTML is no longer being used the way it was intended, is it unreasonable to request A.) A replacement, or B.) an HTML upgrade?

You can add Adobe AIR, which was built for exactly that scenario. It flopped because people weren't going to pay when they could just use HTML 5.

That's the hard part - any such solution has to compete with the HTML/JS/CSS ecosystem for free.

> It would be interesting if there ever was a standard app container runtime that doesn't use HTML/JS/CSS.

Flutter Web is attempting something like that I suppose. Not that I think it will take off.

Even if it did take off, the slate would be clean for a while then eventually it would become bloated just like the current mess we're in.

It would be probably be a better idea to be more conservative with the adoption of new technology.

Insert my endless rant that most native apps are just interactive documents, that XML tree structures are a fine way to represent application state, and that native platforms like Linux would probably be a lot better if all of their apps rendered to some kind of DOM-like primitive instead of pixel buffers.

XML/DOM representations of graphical state are a lot closer to the Unix ideal that we have in the command line. A big reason why the command line is often more powerful than a graphical interface is because the command line allows users to easily wrap around, extend, pipe, scrape, script, and translate interfaces.

HTML is the evolution of that ideal -- a statement that graphical interfaces should be as flexible and as manipulable as a command line interface.

I think people are too hung up on the minor difference between html/xml vs json. The same folks who decry html as just for "documents" will at the same time push a "document" database because it's json. And now, we have GraphQL running on a server to turn our data into a tree shape to send to the client, but it's okay because it's json and not html...
I quite agree. HTML/CSS/JavaScript is really flexible for sure, but it's because humans happen to be capable of parsing, and extracting information from, what would be chaos for machines. Is this flexibility really necessary? In other words: How many people jump to the Reader View button when reading a long article? What is the success rate of that functionality? Hasn't anyone realized this functionality wouldn't have been necessary if there were limited flexibility available to web contents?

Imposing structures on webpages as suggested would incur limitations, but it's a necessitated consequence of having content with machine-readable semantics. Think of how we encode characters -- we don't encode them by vector graphics of each character or two-dimensional array of pixels. But rather, we encode characters by concise code points. Yes, we lost flexibility by that. In plain text files we cannot represent different fonts because characters are simply represented with a sequence of code points. But don't the advantages outweigh the disadvantages by a large margin? We can read them in whatever font we like, we can `diff` text files... the list goes on and on. It's unfortunate that web ended up as a huge mess which machines can never reliably comprehend.

The problem is that with web being so many thing to so many people, there is not much everyone will agree on. A browser must be able to act as text document viewer, graphic editor, game engine, chat, and with more of different usecases being pushed pushed into that pile, the more you want browser to be assembler of the web, otherwise you'll end up with a pile of incompatible "page structures", each required by some of those applications.
No thanks. Good languages start small and stay small. HTML is already bloated with tons of elements of questionable usefulness. It's a document presentation format, and that's all it should ever be. Does Markdown need knowledge of state and navigation and breadcrumbs and menus?
HTML was originally for relatively static documents and still works relatively well in that domain. But for almost everything ELSE it turned into a convoluted mess, requiring UI rocket science to manage, and bloating up development. I observed it takes roughly 3x the staff to produce and maintain custom small and medium CRUD applications than the IDE's of the 1990's.

Some claim the added flexibility and easier deployment[1] of web based applications is worth this 3x increase, but usually that's tech staff saying that, not business owners. They want get-it-done-on-budget, not eye candy, if given a clear choice.

We have to come clean and admit that job security is keeping us technical people from being objective on this. A convoluted standard increases demand for specialists.

I suggest the industry form 3 browser-based mini-standards: A) Art/Gaming/Charts/Entertainment, B) Document-oriented (current HTML may almost be good enough), an C) "productivity" oriented data and CRUD.

That way each can focus on doing its niche right instead of trying to be one-size-fits-all.

[1] With a good stateful GUI-markup-over-HTTP standard, we probably wouldn't need local installs to get decent GUI's.

> It's a document presentation format

Not it's not. That's what it was created for, but clearly it's not anymore. People are not publishing just documents anymore, it's a fact that HTML is used for all sorts of things from simple sites to complex applications.

We agree it's not great, for all of these purposes but this ship has sailed, we need to deal with it. Either we create something different and good enough to not die in the water, either we improve HTML so that it supports what people are already using it for.

> Not it's not.

It really is. Just because some people have a uncanny propensity to mix concerns that shouldn't be mixed, that doesn't mean that a data structure is something else.

Even if you want to go way back, HTML is still a document presentation format with headers and footers and sidebars.

The linked video talks about documentation, which is a great example. Do you think I should have to download an app to read documentation? Should I have to go find my phone to read documentation because they didn't have enough time to also support desktop OSes?

Yeah, you're probably right. I should've said "web standards" rather than "HTML". Ideally, a page structure standard would use a terse file format that supports hierarchy like json or yaml.
> It's a document presentation format, and that's all it should ever be.

Here's another way to think about it. The web is competing with platform-specific apps (iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, etc.) to be the primary computing platform of the world (in terms of how the general population interacts with computers). Your position seems to relegate the web to a secondary/niche platform by definition. Do you agree that the web should be a secondary/niche platform?

Disclosure: Google Web DevRel (work on

Not OP but damn, I'd like that. Then maybe we could go back to native programs instead of Electron-whatever and use the web for stuff that has proved to actually work well on the web.
More likely it would be iOS and Android apps, with all that that entails.
Oh, no doubt about that, but in the words of Professor Farnsworth: "A man can dream, though, a man can dream..."
>Then maybe we could go back to native programs instead of Electron-whatever and use the web for stuff that has proved to actually work well on the web.

The web/web app paradigm isn't the reason Electron exists. Electron exists to poach web developers into app development, because native code and frameworks are hard. There's no technical reason why we can't go back to native apps, the friction is entirely due to culture and business, and an entire generation of developers who've never written a line of anything that isn't javascript or maybe python.

Also, being able to distribute and run software over a network is a good idea, and it's a logical progression of the purpose of the web, which is to allow open access to information and media. Code is no less a form of media than video, audio, images or text. A web that would let me read whitepapers but not let me emulate an Amiga would be crippled in its potential.

And that notwithstanding the fact that most "web apps" are just documents that use javascript as a front-end framework, and most people's complaints along these lines are aesthetic and emotional, rather than technical.

> Electron exists to poach web developers into app development, because native code and frameworks are hard.

I don't agree with the "poaching" statement, but I would argue that "frameworks are hard" should be replaced with "desktop gui frameworks are appalingly poor".

Webview-based rendering frameworks trade away native look-and-feel for a myriad of tools and processes and techniques and workflows and expertise that you simply do not get with plain old widget frameworks. GUI developers know this, and in particularly GUI frameworks vendors are well aware of this. In fact, check XAML or QML.

> Electron exists to poach web developers into app development (...) an entire generation of developers who've never written a line of anything that isn't javascript or maybe python.

So the web app paradigm has spawned a massive number of web devs incapable of doing native development, but has nothing to do with the existence of Electron? I would of course argue that existing tools for native frameworks have existed for a long time (Visual Basic and NextStep comes to mind) and are oftentimes much easier to build complex, stateful GUIs with than the web.

> Also, being able to distribute and run software over a network is a good idea

That doesn't automatically make the browser an excellent platform for executing the code.

> A web that would let me read whitepapers but not let me emulate an Amiga would be crippled in its potential.

PostScript is a Turing complete language with great graphics capabilities but nobody's complaining about the lack of PDF-powered Amiga emulators, because we decided that was probably a bad idea after all. Sure, it'd be a fun thing, like Doom on a pregnancy test, but "fun" doesn't mean "should form the basis of all future professional application development".

> And that notwithstanding the fact that most "web apps" are just documents that use javascript as a front-end framework

Not sure what you mean. What are the current other options for building web apps?

At this point, the choice is not whether the web should have apps, but whether they should use multiple frameworks that invent the missing pieces on top, or whether some of that should be standardized. For me personally, knowing HTML is small will be cold comfort if we are all using react-router or whatever in the future.
> For me personally, knowing HTML is small will be cold comfort if we are all using react-router or whatever in the future.

Serious question, what's the issue with react-router?

I think the parent comment isn't a criticism of react-router, but rather suggesting that its features should be standardized in the HTML specs and supported natively by the browser.
I can't speak for OP, but my issue with react-router is that for just a single project I had to significantly change things as they kept doing things in completely new ways. Once I gave up and used page.js (or some other non-react-specific solution), not only was the resulting code shorter and cleaner, it needed much less upkeep.

I'm sure there are situations where using react-router makes sense, but for me it was one of the few packages 'blessed' by the react ecosystem that gave me more trouble than it was worth.

Sep 08, 2020 · 5 points, 1 comments · submitted by Mkayxx
Don't use Javascript because it might break, so here's some Javascript to work around that.
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