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Proto REPL, a New Clojure Development and Visualization Tool - Jason Gilman

ClojureTV · Youtube · 136 HN points · 0 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention ClojureTV's video "Proto REPL, a New Clojure Development and Visualization Tool - Jason Gilman".
Youtube Summary
Proto REPL is a full featured Clojure development environment built within the popular open source text editor, Atom. Built on the foundations of the Chrome web browser, Atom provides an ideal platform for building a development environment because it provides all the flexibility of the web for visualizing data and constructing a GUI. Proto REPL exploits Atom’s browser-like capabilities to provide full integration with the REPL and allow visualizing data within the context of your code using libraries like D3. This talk will cover how to best use Proto REPL’s unique features such as its debugging and visualization tools and how to extend Proto REPL to add new capabilities.
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All the comments and stories posted to Hacker News that reference this video.
Dec 19, 2016 · 129 points, 11 comments · submitted by tosh
Wow! This looks great.

I really like the power of emacs. It seems like Atom might be more powerful, thanks to its browser capabilities.

I've read that Atom is not great when it comes to how many resources is requires. Has it gotten better? Is there a timeline for Atom performance improvements?

Here is a good checklist on how to get started with Clojure in Atom.

Great video. I need to do some work on a medium large Clojure web app that I wrote five years ago, with few recent changes. This talk motivates me to change my development environment to use Proto REPL.

The demos in the talk remind me of some great data visualization demos I have seen for Pharo Smalltalk.

Atom? ick. Atom spies on you:
HN downvotes you without providing feedback, because your negativity is correctly placed, and no one can summon the words to contradict the substance of your response.

They take chromium, and they repurpose the spyware that gets baked into the Google Chrome product, rather than removing it. Take note of this and any app based on the Electron framework.

It's opt in now:

Thank you for taking the time to explain why the parent post may have been downvoted. It's useful information that should be communicated. It'd be nice if more users explained whether they were downvoting incorrect information, rather than a preference for tone of voice or conventional community sentiment.
Proto REPL has some great features in its earliest incarnations. Kudos to Jason for such a great start. The drill-down pretty printed eval output is very cool. And I love the built in charting/graphing plugin and how easy it is to use within this IDE.

I'm an Emacs/CIDER hardcore, so it takes a lot to sway me to try something new.

I'm looking forward to this being refined to the point of fully usable for daily work. The Clojure community would really benefit from a "just works" IDE - especially for ClojureBridge where we need to get people up and running quickly and without teaching them a new editor. Nightcode, and now Proto REPL seem like leading candidates.

Current minor quibbles: * Eval of charting expressions creates 2 tabs each time. * Eval popup gets truncated if size exceeds size of frame * Several charting examples either render improperly or throw exceptions. This may just be version incompatibilities.

Some of these may be pilot error. I'll confirm and try to report the bugs soon.

I must say, I miss paredit. Parinfer (at least in this incarnation) drives me completely bonkers, especially in indent mode. It's magic, but horrible evil black magic that works "sometimes" and steals and inserts closing ])} willy nilly. I guess I'll just turn it off unless someone can testify that it can become tolerable with more experience.

Again, great work Jason.

FYI I've been using proto-repl, parinfer, and lisp-paredit in Atom and like that combination. If you like paredit more you can do without parinfer all together and get the paredit experience you're used to.
Thanks. After some more effort I found out much of my frustration was due some bugs and some bad config settings.

Lisp-paredit is buggy for me (must use a shortcut twice to get one motion, can't hold down modifier keys when changing direction e.g. from slurp to barf). Very troublesome. Also lisp-paredit strict mode fights with parinfer, so you must turn it off to get the expected parinfer paren closing behaviors. I'll give parinfer some more time to sink in now that I have it working better.

Adding some familiar paredit keybindings (to keymap.cson) helps a lot too:

      'ctrl-right': 'lisp-paredit:slurp-forwards'
      'ctrl-left': 'lisp-paredit:barf-forwards'
      'ctrl-alt-right': 'lisp-paredit:barf-backwards'
      'ctrl-alt-left': 'lisp-paredit:slurp-backwards'
Dec 13, 2016 · 4 points, 0 comments · submitted by ludwigvan
Dec 02, 2016 · 3 points, 0 comments · submitted by tosh
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