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Found it ! Adam Back is Satoshi Nakamoto! ( Meet the Founder of Bitcoin )

NoCyberwarforgames · Youtube · 10 HN points · 1 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention NoCyberwarforgames's video "Found it ! Adam Back is Satoshi Nakamoto! ( Meet the Founder of Bitcoin )".
Youtube Summary
Hi guys

This is Nima Bagheri Cyber Security Expert.

Satoshi Nakamoto is Adam Back ( Meet the Founder of Bitcoin ) and Gavin Anderson knew about it.

I have analyzed files from their computers and here are the results.

Please check more technical details here:

Question ?
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Sep 22, 2021 · 10 points, 9 comments · submitted by n0mad01
Adam put enough effort into proclaiming that Bitcoin was based on the concept of HashCash that, if he was Satoshi, Satoshi would have given HashCash more credit.
so essentially, everyone in the world using the same linker version is Satoshi (no, not many people love to update to the latest and greatest. Many stick to what works and don't touch the env unless Microsoft surreptitiously updates your machine). The plot thickens ...
We should start calling these "Yet Another Satoshi Nakamoto Expose" (YASNE) posts. A great rabbit hole to fall down.

Coming up next... "Unsolved Nerd Mysteries".

There's a video of Peter Thiel from last year where he states that Satoshi attended the Financial Cryptography conference in Anguilla in Feb. 2000. This possibly points to Ian Grigg. I'm inclined to think Thiel has better intel than most people but who knows.

Tell them to send 1 BTC to Satoshi's Wallet and withdraw 1 BTC from it and sent it to a newly created wallet address if they are really Satoshi.

And no 'I lost my keys' isn't proof.

This guy claims [0] to have evidence of who Satoshi Nakamoto is. Basically he claims it's Adam Back because he used the same linker for Hashcash as for (a very early version) Bitcoin.

Sounds thick milky to me, what you guys think?


It seems unlikely to me at this point that Satoshi was anyone but Hal Finney. Until someone touches Satoshi’s wallets, the coincidences are just too great.
I was sure too about Hal Finney until i saw this video [0]. There are a few more references that it is more likely that Adam Back could be Satoshi.


I recently came across this:

which lays out a pretty compelling case for Len Sassaman being Satoshi. Len worked alongside Hal on PGP

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