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APL demonstration 1975

Imperial College London · Youtube · 201 HN points · 11 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention Imperial College London's video "APL demonstration 1975".
Youtube Summary
1975 live demonstration of the computer language APL (A Programming Language) by Professor Bob Spence, Imperial College London. Bob joined the staff of Imperial College in the 1962 and is now Professor Emeritus in EEED. His field of work has ranged from engineering design, to human-computer interaction (HCI) and along the way is credited with the invention of the first 'focus+context' technique, the Bifocal Display (aka Fisheye lens) featured in another video.

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Jul 19, 2022 · 1 points, 0 comments · submitted by memorable
Jul 16, 2022 · 8 points, 1 comments · submitted by max_
Wow! Seeing APL used on a typewriter terminal gives me a new appreciation for it.
This video is what should get you into APL

I love that demo! I want something like that, but much more modern. I already have demo video ready –
Nov 24, 2021 · 1 points, 0 comments · submitted by sususu
Thanks for sharing. I worked on the UIUC campus for some time right by the greenhouses where they experimented with cultivars of corn and other grasses, always funny to see giant 8 foot tall plants lit with sodium lamps through the winter.

As for APL, I haven't really got past an orientation in the language but it's held a total mystique to me since seeing this video circa 1975 [0] walking through the language with a Selectric teletype acting as a REPL, totally flipped my understanding of computer history, I assumed it was all punchcard programming back in the old black and white days xD (I am born 1990 for reference, trying to catch up with what happened before me)

[0] (30min)

Re APL I totally know what you mean. I've never done anything with that category of language that wasn't just golfing / goofing around, but conceptually it's made an impression. Once the big picture concept clicks you look at the way we write most code and see so much bookkeeping that's just managing names and values of iterators and indexes. Lifting that up to bulk transformation of multidimensional objects is powerful, and much closer to the intuitive picture of what's going on I have in my imagination.
Nov 11, 2021 · 2 points, 0 comments · submitted by dmmalam
Nov 05, 2021 · 3 points, 0 comments · submitted by dboreham
You have posted an amazing and comprehensive comment.

> If you look at the symbol, it looks like a rectangle with a division symbol inside.

If you skip exactly 20 minutes into this video it IS EXACTLY a rectangle with a division symbol inside:

I don't know whether to think "thank goodness for unicode" or "unicode is an enabler of problematic practices"


I got started in the early '80's, 1982 if I remember correctly. I actually used a teletype for a (thankfully) very short period of time --just like what the presenter is using in this video. In the most primitive early days you had to type two characters, the rectangle and then go back and type the division symbol. Again, thankfully, that lasted a very short time for me.

What most people do not realize when they discuss APL today is that back in 1962 and going into the mid to late '80's APL was an incredibly advanced tool when compared to almost anything available at the time. I mean, people were programming in Fortran, Cobol, C, Forth, Lisp, Basic and a few other languages. They were incredibly primitive when compared to APL.

I was doing crazy multi-dimensional array work in physics that would have required massive amounts of C code to implement, not to mention that I could type a few lines of code that represented weeks of development in other languages.

It is easy to be critical of APL today and not realize that its creation back in the '60's and usage for the next 20 to 30 years was sheer genius.

Today most of these capabilities are not found as inherent parts of languages but as an array of domain specific libraries. The tool-set available to an APL programmer back around the time of this video and for the next decade (at least) was without comparison in the world of computing.

I am very glad to have been shoved into an APL class in college. It made a huge difference in my life and taught me to think about computing in a very different manner.

Sep 29, 2019 · 78 points, 51 comments · submitted by emersonrsantos
The clarity, simplicity and minimal didactic approach towards making old instructional videos is gone now. We have subscribe/hit-the-bell reminders, annotations, background music, sponsorships, intro and exit greetings and all kinds of unneeded bullshit in video production.

Commercialization of video has ruined this art form. Just compare early Mythbuster episodes to something from 2016. Production quality has horrendously degraded. The money is where the masses are and the masses want entertainment, not education.

As cool as this is, APL has improved a lot in the 34 years since that video was made. Most notably, these days, APL has `direct functions`, which enable a degree of concision and tacit-programming support unmatched in any other programming language (yes, including Haskell).

As a minor taste of the power of direct fns, here's a naive implementation of the Fibonacci sequence with one: `fib←{1≥⍵:⍵⋄(∇⍵-1)+∇⍵-2}`

In case anyone else is curious, but having trouble parsing that, "1≥⍵:⍵" means "return the input ⍵, for ⍵≤1", "⋄" is a statement separator, and "(∇⍵-1)+∇⍵-2" effectively means "otherwise, return fib(⍵-1)+fib(⍵-2)". ("∇⍵-2" means "∇(⍵-2)", because, as mentioned in the video, APL expressions are evaluated right-to-left.)

The {} indicate that this is a function definition:

My initial take on this, at least, is that it seems pretty reader-hostile. Maybe you get used to it, though.

That is truly beautiful. I already loved APL, from a distance as it were, but this gives me renewed respect for it.
It's as reader hostile as mathematics symbol is reader hostile. It's not English, it's not meant to be read like a novel but to be read and understood like mathematics. One of the frustrating thing about programming in English like languages is that words might not mean what they claim to mean. Written language is very ambiguous. Nothing from stoping me from writing something as not_true = true; if (not_true) { ... }. or calling something manager or a process when it's neither. Easy to read and pronounce but harder to digest. The idea of APL is that once you understand the symbol like maths, it's unambiguous, if you can parse it, you can understand. There's no crazy naming to confuse you.
Programming is generally not mathematics, though. Usually, you're doing something considerably more complex, though also more concrete.
That's an example of what I call "stupid terse".

When comparing program length, we should count tokens, not characters.

We should give a penalty to excessively long tokens, of course, like pointlessly_long_variable_or_function_names. Say, any token longer than 8 characters counts as two tokens. Any longer than 16 counts as 4 and so on, exponentially. Pairing tokens like { } and ( ) can count as one for the pair. In syntax like f(x, y), the () are essentialy one operator denoting function application, spread out to enclose the arguments.

Your APL

has 19 tokens. jodrelllblank's Python:

    def fib(n):
        if (1 >= n):
            return n
            return fib(n-1) + fib(n - 2)
has 27. There is a bit of verbiage with the colons, the else punctuation and the explicit return commands.

TXR Lisp:

  (defun fib (n) (if (plusp n) n (fib (+ (pred n) (ppred n)))))
has 21 tokens (or, if you will, nodes in the syntax tree). Only two more over APL, and provides a clear function definition from which we know it takes exactly one required argument, which is given a name. It exhibits no ambiguities.
It might interest you to read the thoughts of the author of APL, search for "notation as a tool of thought", it's the paper he won the Turing award for. Give it a read and see if it softens your resolve on this.
> When comparing program length, we should count tokens, not characters.

GP said APL had "concision" and you then replied about measuring tokens, ended up using some personal ƒ(tokens,nodes,symbols) for reasons I can't fathom.

> It exhibits no ambiguities

What ambiguities are present in the APL function? If you answer, please write clearly, because I know nothing about APL (I was watching the video for my own didactic purposes).

> That's an example of what I call "stupid terse".

That seems needlessly provocative to me.

Edits: clarity. I think I would like the function definition to be written a little more clearly, but I would need more interaction with APL authors to understand their communication norms for their language.

> What ambiguities are present in the APL function?

For instance:

is that ∇(⍵-2) or (∇⍵)-2?

If something similar to ∇⍵-2 appears but with another symbol in place of ∇, does it parse the same way?

(I'm not even certain that the ∇⍵-2 excerpt is a syntactic sub-unit that is valid on its own.)

Funnily enough, APL is as unambigous as possible when it comes to order of execution. It's _always_ right-to-left

So ∇⍵-2 does ⍵-2 the applies ∇ to it.

Simmilarly (and initially confusing), 2+45-2 evaluates to: (2+(4(5-2))) = 14

From experience, the simplicity of not having operator precendence is liberating (why do we even need operator precendence in the first place, really?).

I'm sure in the numeric example the forum engine made the result wrong.

Let me try. 2 + 4 * 5 - 2 should be 14...

In HN, asterisks denote italics, which is troublesome for citing pieces of code in-line. Look at your rendered comment!

Reliable code formatting is achieved by putting code in its own paragraph that has at least two leading spaces on each line.

Oops, you're right. Unfortunately, it's too late to edit the post now (can't find an edit button).
Why we need operator precedence is so that math notation can properly serve as a "tool of thought".

The correspondence between arithmetic laws and an algebraic notation which remains sane when not fully parenthesized requires precedence levels. Higher "power" operations must be placed at higher precedence levels. For instance, given

  A(x + y + z)
we can distribute A into the trinomial factor:

  Ax + Ay + Az
That doesn't work if that result has some wacky interpretation like:

  A(x + A(y + (Az)))
And under this rule, although you don't have precedence, you still have an implicit rule of associativity: multiplication and addition share the same precedence level, and associate right to left. You have not been been liberated from ambiguity that requires invisible rules.

Why the higher-powered multiplication must have precedence over lower-powered addition is that at the most rudimentary level, it represents repeated addition. 3y means y + y + y arithmetically. If we want that equivalence to be mirrored in notation, we need the precedence. This allows us to take an expression like x + y + y + y + z and confidently rewrite y + y + y as 3y. The properties of addition and multiplication assure us that it's mathematically correct, and the properties of the syntax, assure us that the symbolic manipulation is semantics-preserving: replacing multiple terms of a sum by a single product has no interaction with adjacent terms due to precedence. That's the gist of it: correspondence between syntax rewrite rules and the semantics of algebraic rules.

I'd argue that having

  A*x + A*y + A*z
evaluate to

seems wacky because we've been instilled the idea of operator precedence from early school years. So now, when you see

  A*x + A*y + A*z
you instantly do the grouping in your head.

That's all convention really. (And, sure, conventions are powerful).

The point i was making about simplicity was at a mechanical level. The rule "everything is evaluated right-to-left" is mechanically much easier than having, say, 15 different levels of operator precedence[0].

Another point to make here is that + and * are only 2 operators in a much larger list of operators present in a programming language. So even if you have a strong bias towards following the convention and having * have precedence before +, you still need to figure out evaluation order when new operators are included.

There's a spectrum between spartan simplicity and baroque APIs with lots of convenience features and I find that having a sparse set of simple rules is less mentally taxing and more effective than big API surfaces.


The reason we group

  A*x + A*y + A*z
in our heads somehow is that it has a repeating pattern. Either the grouping is

  (A*x) + (A*y) + (A*z)
Or else it must be

  A*(x + A)*(y + A)*z.
It's not obvious that the

interpretation of

  A*x + A*y + A*z
lends itself to manipulations of syntactic units that corresponds to arithmetic in the same way.

We can't factor out A. If we divide by A, it just goes to

  x + A*y + A*z.
Then if we divide by A again, we get

  (x/A) + y + A*z.
We don't have the concept of commutative laws being reflected in the ability to simply exchange syntactic elements that are siblings at the same level in the tree.

For instance, these are commutative pairs:

  A*x + A*y + A*z <==>  A*x + A*(A*z) + y.
We can't lose the parentheses around (A* z) because the interpretation of the syntax doesn't respect the boundaries required to express commutativity.

The proper way to eliminate nuisance N-level is Lisp syntax, not some silly version of associativity without precedence. Then we still have those algebraic properties:

  (+ (* A x) (* A y) (* A z)) --> exchange nodes to commute -->  (+ (* A z) (* A y) (A x))

  --> factor A:  (* A (+ x y z)).
It can get cumbersome, but we have a sane way to do algebra by manipulating sanely delimited subtrees in regular ways. People have developed (more importantly, debugged) computer algebra systems in this representation.
The preceding discussion is a good example of "whoosh!" because it fails to understand that APL is an array language. It eschews scalar representation like "A1x1 + A2x2 ...". In APL, you would write this as something like "A +.× x".

The same lack of understanding of the array context also underlies the earlier comment favoring "standard" order of operation that works well for maybe five functions with three levels of precedence but quickly becomes unwieldy for more functions.

Someone else already alluded to this lack of scalability but the power of a strictly positional precedence - not "no precedence" - shows up in array operations. For example, consider reduction by a non-commutative function like "-/A".

In the "standard" order of precedence, since all the subtractions are at the same level, this can be restated as the first item in A minus the sum of the remaining items. This is not particularly interesting or useful.

However, positional precedence interprets this expression as an alternating sum: (2-3) + (5-9) (for the "A" above). Alternating sum is a common, useful construction in mathematics.

Interestingly, you are right in that APL grammar is ambiguous, but not in the way you describe above.

Programming in APL has been described as the "classical Chinese" of programming, and that's a good analogy. APL requires you to know both its primitives and implicit execution model off by heart to be efficient. You must learn to read it like a natural language, both vocabulary and grammar.

By comparison, LISP has an explicit execution model in that it's explicitly reflected in the syntax by parentheses. Relations between APL primitives are implicit, and that's actually very nice and useful too!

> "stupid terse"

Please don't break the HN guideline about calling names. Especially not with the shallowest of all programming dismissals (the old canard about the APLs, tied for first place with "but those parens" about the Lisps).

It's all very well to say your lisp is clear and unambiguous, how long did it take you to realise it's wrong? It took me a good 20-30 minutes of writing a reply about character count, before I tried to format your lisp onto three lines and then noticed.

I think the Python code is very clearly a correct Fibonacci, it looks at a glance like the layout of a procedural language doing a recursive call with a base case and a recursive case. The APL is not as clear in that sense, but knowing the diamond is a statement separator it breaks down into small pieces and is fairly easy to read because there's so little of it to read. The Lisp with 8 pairs of parens, 5 levels of nesting, and use of function names instead of "n - 2", while still being a long run of code where there are almost no symbols except alphabet letters and parens to make anything stand out, makes it difficult for me to parse by eye to see what the intended nesting is, and to make sure the parens are nested as intended.

You have it returning fib ((n-1) + (n-2)) instead of ((fib (n-1))+(fib (n-2))), and I think you might have the condition the wrong way around, if N is positive then the recursive calls should happen. That's not to say you or Lisp can't write a correct Fib, it's to say that I think I would spot errors in the Python much more easily, thus making it "more clear".

Which his another way of saying that I'm not convinced that counting characters is automatically worse than counting tokens - characters are what we type, what we have to read, they are what take up screen space and push other code off screen, they push related bits of code further apart even when it's all on-screen, and they are places bugs can hide. If they're not helping, what are they doing?

Characters are the reason the APL could fit 3x in a single 80 character wide line, and the Lisp code 1.3x in the same line, and the Python code 0.2x in the same line. Not that I desperately want to read 80 characters of uncommented APL, but that adds up quickly. The APL tends to be high level and more declarative, which doesn't show up in Fibonacci, but makes a difference in character count.


APL functions in the dfn style (curly braces) can only take an argument on the left and an argument on the right, both optional. The left one becomes alpha ⍺ and the right one becomes omega ⍵. That is to say, because you see omega in the code, you know it too expects exactly one argument, that argument goes on the right, and it has a name. The name is no less meaningful than "n", although no more meaningful either.

The steep learning curve about APL code isn't "what does the code say, those symbols are unreadable", they stop being scary quite quickly and just stay dense, instead it's "how on Earth does that manipulation of arrays solve the problem??"

> "how on Earth does that manipulation of arrays solve the problem??"

Exactly. The visual cortex easily takes care of the readability question, given time and proper exposure for training.

Thinking of how to solve problems using matrices and indices is a whole 'nother thing. It's quite fun if you're bent that way.

> I think you might have the condition the wrong way around,

Yes I do! I did this just minutes before rushing out the door, and didn't even bother to run it.

Now, the funny thing is, I was focused on paraphrasing your Python expression for expression, so that it calculates Fibonacci in exactly the same way with the same conventions, so any size comparisons are fair. (Though obviously I took advantage of the pred and ppred idioms.) I wasn't thinking "is this correct Fib", but "does it match whatever the Python is doing".

So now I'm looking at: why did I transcribe the simple conditional backwards? Taking a second look at the Python, I now clearly see the reversed convention in 1 >= n that I read as n >= 1.

Now try to type both and see how much time it takes. Or even better, choose a math problem that makes you experiment and try to express it in both. If you try it long enough, you'll see why it's not stupid.

APL is often described as a calculator, and at least to me it's exactly that. If you are programming math and even more so arrays, you can't beat array languages.

I say that as a scheme fanboy, and I'm currently implementing J in Racket. Incidentally, Aaron Hsu is not only an APL expert but also a seasoned schemer, and it's not for nothing he came up with the "disposable code" idea.

So very much not stupid. But as with LISP, you have put up a good try to see the value.


Removing memoization and defining 'plusp', 'pred' and 'ppred' as you do, we can get it down to 10 tokens without any golfing, which is less than half your example for the same trivial program.

And furthermore,

  fib"0 >: i. 4 5

  1    1    2    3    5

  8   13   21   34   55

 89  144  233  377  610

 987 1597 2584 4181 6765
Re typing, I bet both Python and Lisp will be faster to type. I am typing English-like text all day already - in form of emails, papers, comments and so on, so I am proficient. Switching to exotic APL syntax will make me type much slower.
You can see Aaron Hsu typing out his APL compiler during a talk here: (readable if you increase the video quality setting)

And you can see both that he is fluent at typing it, and that typing is not the bottleneck when few-character blocks of code are doing large chunks of tree manipulation; thinking or talking is.

Well, you should try it and see if you are right, then. APL really excels at quick experimentation for mathematically-oriented programs. Tacit J even more so (which is what I used above).
I got fast at CTRL-m /frac /partial bla bla in LyX, how are APLers entering that unicode?... digging into the vids...
It varies; they tend to follow to the keys on the early IBM dedicated keyboards with APL keys, styled like this:

Nars2000 on Windows has its own application-specific key combos, with Alt+Key for the "lowercase" one and Alt+Shift+Key for the "uppercase" one.

Dyalog APL, one of the popular commercial ones on Windows, installs a Windows system-wide input method which uses Ctrl+Key and Ctrl+shift+key; you can switch to it in any program. uses a preceeding backtick so `w becomes omega, and there's a JavaScript bookmarklet which can add that to any text input on any browser page, here:

(No idea what people are doing on *nix keyboard entry).

Trying to pick up some APL over the last year, I've found it mildly annoying to find APL code without explanation. I'm expecting that's fine for experienced users, even trying to work it out is useful, but it's hard to get to a point of being able to do that without some hints.

This fib code in the parent comment translates to:

    def fib(n):
        if (1 >= n):
            return n
            return fib(n-1) + fib(n - 2)
and it does so with:

    fib ← {  "scriptblock" function declaration
             implicit variable name ⍵ (omega) for the right side argument

    1≥⍵ : ⍵   guard case, if 1>=⍵, return ⍵ 

    ⋄          statement separator, like ; in C-languages

               if no guard clauses matched, remaining code runs

    ∇          recursive call to the function it appears in

    ∇(⍵-1)+∇⍵-2   fib (⍵-1)  +  fib (⍵-2)


More notably, the kind of tacit programming support looks like this:

    (××∘⌊|+1≤2||) N Rounding to nearest even number (favouring away from 0)
which evaluates to a function that takes N on the right, and the tacit train looks like this, from visualization:

    × ∘  ┌─┼───┐      
     ┌┴┐ | + ┌─┼───┐  
     × ⌊     1 ≤ ┌─┼─┐
                 2 | |  <- N goes in here

The tree evaluates from the lower right. Each triple is a fork, N goes into the right prong, the left prong, then the result of both of those goes into the center prong. Unless there's a constant on the left prong, then that's used as-is. So:

|N for the magnitude; 2|(that) for the remainder of dividing by 2; 1<=(that) to find whether to add 0 or 1 for the rounding, (|N)+(that) to re-do the magnitude of N and add the 0 or 1. xN to get the direction +1 or -1, multiplied by the floor of the calculated result.

N enters in several places, which avoids having to store temporary variables and name them, when you aren't actually interested in new variables.

And this works on a single number, a vector or multi-dimensional matrix of numbers.

I have a feeling that apl (or j) based calculator app (with buttons for all fancy symbols) could be something. All those nice powerful one liners seem to be suited for such app. I wonder if something like that is available. I know there is j for Android, but having a nice closed interface focused on short clever code would be fun.
There is an iOS app for J (which doesn't have fancy symbols, it's all ASCII):
I have J and Retro (it’s a Forth but they’re similar in spirit) on the iPhone. Doing programming puzzles with those on the train is fun and you don’t have to type much.
I grew up with a HP48g and for some reason I never considered a handheld APL. That would be the only thing to match HP RPL :)
dzaima/APL is implemented in Java and can be built as an Android app; steps in the readme here: and downloadable APK and screenshots here:

(I think; I've never used it)

hehe, pretty nice
I've mentioned to others this already, but I'd pay good money for real APL pocket calculator.
You could probably make this happen by compiling a portable APL to one of the programmable graphing calculators with a working C compiler.
Except that what GP really wants is an APL keyboard to go with that.
codesections gets 70% of the way to what you're talking about (though it's obviously missing the closed-interface-focused-on-calculator-functionality part)
A thread from 2014:
I find that his mentioning of "monadic" and "dyadic" instead of "unary" and "binary" interesting, why did he mention those?
It's also likely that his usage preceded the more common one prevalent now.
As far as I know, this is a peculiarity of APL resulting from Iverson's stance on the language as a "tool for thought"[0]. The best explanation I've heard is that "binary" is most apt to number systems (or matrices!) - but a "verb" in APL is not binary, it is dyadic. The language of verbs and nouns is a similar reflection of the ideas that APL is primarily a _language_ (like English, more so than Fortran) to express mathematics succinctly (with a minimum of ambiguity or syntax).

This is (to me) even more apparent in his next language, J; where he sought to "correct" deficiencies in APL and further expanded the "language" to include things like "gerunds"[1] more explicitly, which are nominally (as defined in an English dictionary):

> a noun formed from a verb, denoting an action or state

Which may be summarized somewhat unsatisfactorily as: "Because Ken said so".



It's not totally APL-specific terminology, although it's uncommon in other areas of computer science. You can find it (predating APL) in areas like mathematical logic, where a predicate over two terms is sometimes called a "dyadic predicate". I'm guessing Iverson was familiar with that usage and extended it to APL. I wouldn't read too much into it though. It's mostly just Latin vs. Greek roots (unary, binary, ternary are Latin; monadic, dyadic, triadic are Greek).
APL made a lot more sense in the era of 110 baud teletypes.
APL made a lot more sense in an era where programmers were smarter.
Just in case, Aaron Hsu made a bunch of talks about APL

It's a bit caustic to the mainstream (beauty, terseness over ease and variable names) but I personally find it tickles all my boxes.

Aaron Hsu's work has truly inspired me, and expanded my horizon when it comes to code and programming in general.
I'll also note, I emailed him a random question and he spent a non-trivial amount of time answering it and just came off as a legitimately decent and helpful person. So piling on, I'm also a fan now.
I too want my algorithms to fit in a less than a java method name size
He did a couple major discussions on HN a couple years ago:

Thanks I missed those
I think the key to understanding APL is realizing that it’s not built for Programmers; it’s built for Mathematicians.

Here’s a fine half-hour introduction to APL in action:

1:00-2:00 is the motivation for APL—or any DSL—in a nutshell. (“conversational computing”, “users who are [not] professional programmers”)

Or, if you’re happy to sit back and see math magic happen:

For all its mechanical advances over the last 40 years, it’s shocking how far our technology has regressed philosophically.

There is something so charming about the attached video [0]. It's very reminiscent of the original APL demonstration [1] from 1975. I love it!



That 1975 APL demonstration is lovely. Much has been preserved in Dyalog and GNU APL - it's very interesting to see how timeless the core APL functions are.

I'm very fond of a number of videos by the late John Scholes narrating APL solutions step by step, including the well-known demonstration of Conway's Game of Life in APL (0). His videos on depth-first search (1) and solving sudoku (2) are also brilliant.

(0) (1) (2)

Jul 11, 2019 · 1 points, 0 comments · submitted by tosh
Nov 23, 2018 · 4 points, 0 comments · submitted by ohjeez
I enjoyed learning how they added a rotating ball to that typewriter and hooked it up to some kind of mainframe for the first APL implementation I think.

Apr 19, 2018 · 1 points, 0 comments · submitted by jdmoreira
Apr 17, 2018 · 1 points, 0 comments · submitted by emersonrsantos
Mar 19, 2017 · cgrubb on GNU APL 1.7 Released
I think this is a good youtube video for someone starting from zero:

An issue is how to enter the symbols. The way I do it is I created some input methods for Mac and Windows which use at-signs followed by the APL community name for the symbol:

    @times       ×
    @grade       ⍋ 
    @reverse     ⌽
    @domino      ⌹
I've a theory that APL might become increasingly attractive as touchscreen computing matures (part of the theory is that touchscreen computing is not mature).

Support for just about every programming language (e.g. is one reason why I found learning Emacs to be worth the effort.

I second this.
>I've a theory that APL might become increasingly attractive as touchscreen computing matures

At best it might become increasingly MARGINALLY more attractive.

I don't see your point.
That while a new keyboard technology like touch surfaces that allows people to have the APL glyphs at their disposal will help increase adoption a little, APL will always remain a niche language.

It's not the "being able to type in the glyphs" that hurts it, as much as the reading them -- and the understanding of its concepts.

I did not say what you are arguing over.
"I've a theory that APL might become increasingly attractive as touchscreen computing matures (part of the theory is that touchscreen computing is not mature)."
Ah, everything.
as I say below I agreed with the change of interface impacting user perception of apl.

I use a HP48 pocket calculator, that comes with Lisp/Forth (RPL to name it) system. The interface is live interaction with a stack and a bunch of direct screen shortcuts.

I felt it was almost as fun as using emacs with a good lisp configuration. All this with a handful of keys and one level deep keyword folders. I'd bet a dollar that the same thing with an APL system would make people enjoy the language right away.

Aug 09, 2016 · 35bge57dtjku on APL Tutorial
Sorry, I meant the typewriter from here:
Aug 09, 2016 · gregors on APL Tutorial
Check this out - you miss out on the ambience until you actually see it in action -
Livecoding sessions d'époque, I love old programming videos!
Anyone know of a good place to buy teletypes like this?
Great video, thanks for sharing! A bit embarrassing that Professor Bob Spence teaches at my/our alma mater and I didn't realize it was him until checking out the description at the end.

Wish I had used my time at University more productively, so many interesting people and subjects concentrated in one place. It went by very quickly and most the time was spent worrying about passing exams. Seems I'm much more interested in some of the subjects nowadays, I certainly would have appreciated the experience more now than at that age.

I love it I'm imagining a sixty year old dude, revered by all around him, who spend the last forty honing his fixed-form Fortran skills. Young engineers gather around him just to marvel at this masterpiece:
Nov 14, 2014 · progman on J for C Programmers
APL without native fonts isn't fun at all. This is real fibonacci in APL:

This is a nice introduction into APL:

And this is how APL is applied in the right way:

May 29, 2014 · 71 points, 7 comments · submitted by colinprince
I watched this video a while back (and I don't think this is the first time it has been on HN). What is astonishing is Professor Bob Spence does not seem to make any typos during the half hour long video. It is good to see renewed interest in APL. I am still waiting for an APL interpreter on a tablet to take advantage of virtual keyboards to deal with the APL glyphs.
Good point about the mistakes. Interfaces in the old days didn't have any forgiveness, so one didn't make any mistakes. Like playing the piano.
Ngn-APL works relatively well on mobile (Javascript based.) I'd also love something more native, though
And it simply must support overstrike since that is no longer a display problem. The simplification of the keyboard that results is amazing. I've always been surprised that overstrike did not re-emerge with "bit mapped displays" and printers.

I started APL on a Selectric typewriter with the dancing type ball at IBM in 1967. The sounds of that demo still resonate more than I would have ever expected.

In 1975 I was using it to teach myself numeric signal processing. I think I learned it more deeply and quickly because of APL. One didn't so much code functionality as simply express what one wanted to see the consequences of. APL made exploration so easy you couldn't help it.

Had IBM had any idea what to do with APL, Matlab would simply not exist.

This was posted on the other APL thread earlier today, but in case you missed it: Conway's game of life in one line of APL
That was awesome. APL was my first language, and I've used those IBM selectric terminals, as well as Decwriter APL paper terminals. The "computer room" was a noisy place. Game of life animations didn't work well.
IBM APL2 was my first language, along with C. At one time Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley had gigantic APL2 workspaces (ML) and Sharp (MS) that they used for most of their mortgage trading and underwriting analytics, and a few dozen APL programmers. They were noisy places cause people were always screaming obscenities at each other

An acquaintance of mine had a job in high school, that entailed coding for Ken Iverson in APL. That's how he learned

May 26, 2014 · 2 points, 0 comments · submitted by colinprince
Nov 30, 2013 · 6 points, 0 comments · submitted by bra-ket
Aug 04, 2013 · 3 points, 1 comments · submitted by kroger
I find this typewriter REPL interesting. Does anyone know how it's called?
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