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Dr.SHIVA LIVE: MIT PhD Analysis of Michigan Votes Reveals Unfortunate Truth of U.S. Voting Systems.

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai · Youtube · 11 HN points · 3 HN comments
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Youtube Summary
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: MIT PhD Analysis of Michigan Votes Reveals Unfortunate Truth of U.S. Voting Systems.

Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, the Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer, shares the results of his team's mathematical analysis of four major counties votes in Michigan in the Trump-Biden election that reveals an unfortunate truth of U.S. voting systems. The analysis raises important questions for Election Integrity.

Dr.SHIVA is joined by two special guests.
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Nov 13, 2020 · jandrusk on CISA Rumor Control
And how do we know that the information presented is not itself disinformation? It's simply an appeal to authority with no data presented to validate the claims. Would love to hear them address the data in this video:
In addition to what others have said about the video's author being discredited in other, similar claims, many of the statements made on the CISA are trivially true, if you stop and think. E.g.,

> Rumor: If a social media account claims an identity, the account must be run by that person or organization.

I could claim to be the King of France himself right here, right now, but that wouldn't make it so.

As Buster (the rabbit) said: Someone would do that? Just go on the Internet and lie?

As another example, the claim that a website outage could be caused by something other than hacking — is trivial to prove by thinking about it. High load — particularly on election night, likely the busiest night for an election site — can cause the site to go down.

Further, most of them are backed by citations, many to not CISA. Even if you think "it's a giant federal conspiracy" many of the claims are still trivially fact checked by punching them into Google, where non-federal and non-governmental sources further back them up. (E.g., that voter rolls are generally public can be fact-checked that way.)

And how do we know that the guy in that youtube video isn't just another quack saying things so people will pay them attention?

If you're going to dismiss all information out of government agencies simply on the basis that they're authorities and you don't like what they have to say, you should probably buy a gun and move into the woods

Ah yes, lovely, Dr. Shiva, who claims Fauci and deepstate are behind coronavirus, is back at it with new hits!
Precisely. This is lies with statistics. Put enough graphs in front of an audience with no knowledge of how statistics worked and already predisposed to your message... spread it around. This guy is no better than Q anon wackadoodles. I know it’s best to refute their arguments but this guy is not worth listening to. He has an agenda and it’s clearly politically motivated. No need to wade into his web of statistical lies.
He is in some ways part of the Qanon crowd. If you have the courage to dive into 8kun and other Qanon-related forums, a common refrain you'll discover is that Fauci must be replaced with Dr. Shiva. He's sort of their prophet as it turns out.

He also claims to have invented email — after it was invented.

I don't honestly think they are worried about elections. They have them firmly in control. Case in point, this group from MIT recorded a zoom analysis yesterday showing algorithmic tendencies of the vote counts. Why are vote totals stored as decimal? They dig into this and analyze four counties in Michigan.
"This group from MIT"

You mean this total, fraudulent tool who claimed to invent email long after it was in widespread use, and spread completely baseless bullshit conspiracy theories in the past?

Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD. "Inventor of Email"

Analyzed the results in Michigan and came to the conclusion that 69k votes were taken from Trump and given to Biden.

His reasoning here:

That was not convincing at all and had some really glaring errors. Dr Shiva somehow confuses percent of overall voters with percent of Republicans to make it seem like there is a conspiracy going on. He says that margin for Trump should be a flat line so that if there 5% republican all-ballot voters it should be off by the same margin in Trump vote as a precinct with 80%. However if 20% of republicans flip that would mean 1% flipped vs 16% in those examples which is a line with a slope. Literally flipping those graphs would make them look the same for Biden as for Trump. All it shows is basically a kind of regression to the mean. Precincts with high republican or democratic all-ballot voting weren’t as republican or democratic as they seem. There could be many good reasons for that such as that voters that go against the way their communities vote tend to not be all-ballot voters.

Also, Dr. Shiva is not an independent voice. He ran in Massachusetts as a Republican.

Do you have a TL;DW? I would watch it all if it was a bit shorter or there were timestamps, but 1hr10min is a lot.
From my understanding:

He found that the more a republican a county is, the more republicans voted for Gop candidates, and against Trump. But only after the first 20% or so of the vote was in. In the first 20% of the vote Trump was doing better than the Gop candidates on the ticket.

Comes to the conclusion that an algorithm is syphoning votes from Trump to Biden. In a predictable linear fashion after the first 20% of the vote is counted. And flips more votes in more republican counties in an almost perfect linear way.

It doesn't make sense because Trump was polling better than the Gop candidates before the election, and was popular with republican voters.

The tallying software has a weighted vote feature. Where votes can be weighted for example 2:1 for one candidate over the other. Thinks that this was kicked in after 20% of the vote was in. Which would produce a linear drop that the graphs show.

This guy's analysis was straight-up dumb.

Here's an in-depth breakdown of the trickery he's employing:

Nov 10, 2020 · 5 points, 2 comments · submitted by dstola
This is the genius who keeps running for office in MA by claiming he invented email. Hard, hard pass.
So, he substracts % of split votes from % of straight party votes, and he expects a different curve?? :-)

I would’ve loved if someone asked him to do the same plot for Biden... just to look at his face when he would see the graph :-)

This is a really interesting talk.

Why do these machines store votes in floating point?

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