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Tough Call: Handling “Difficult” Remote Conversations Like a Pro

InfoQ · Youtube · 48 HN points · 0 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention InfoQ's video "Tough Call: Handling “Difficult” Remote Conversations Like a Pro".
Youtube Summary
Video with transcript included:

Judy Rees talks about tricks and tips that have worked for distributed-working pioneers, and ways to apply them for ourselves.

This presentation was recorded at QCon London 2020:

The next QCon is QCon New York 2020 – June 15-17, 2020:

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#RemoteWorking #DistributedTeam #RemoteDeveloper
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Mar 27, 2020 · 48 points, 24 comments · submitted by deepersprout
I wonder how many "performance improvement plan", salary reduction, or layoff discussions are happening over chat, email, and video this week. I imagine this week's unemployment numbers will eclipse last week's record setting number.

I've had to lay people off in the past, but face-to-face. Which is, at best, a terrible experience for both parties. Can't imagine having to do it remotely.

My workplace just sent out an email Friday afternoon saying that they're Fedexing layoff paperwork out starting Monday. I agree with you that the unemployment increase is just getting started. Luckily I'm in pretty good financial shape, but the next few months are gonna be rough for a lot of people.
"My workplace just sent out an email Friday afternoon saying that they're Fedexing layoff paperwork out starting Monday."

Ugh, feel for you. Hopefully they have some sane severance package.

T3OU-736 (posted in HN as as as a particularly bad example.
Oy. Pre-recorded video? That requires both a shit company and a shit manager. Personally, I'd have made sure to do something more than what the company decided.
I heard that front-line managers / supervisors didn't even know about this, so even the good ones didn't have a chance to get out in front of it. A top level decision-making process that made even good managers look like a-holes.
Urgh. That's depressing.
- Knock, knock. - Who's there? - Not you anymore, lol.
Everybody who still works here, take a step forward.

Slow down, Steve.

Lol, that's shitty.

I read about a dev rel person who just finished a podcast about how important her role is in times of corona and remote work.

She got layed off that same day and the dev rel team was eliminated.

Oh wow. Anywhere we can read the story?
The most efficacious way to make these conversations less “difficult” is offering a generous separation agreement.
If there is mutual respect, and the relationship isn't antagonistic, you can soften the punch just by being honest early. Yesterday my biggest and most valued client let me know that they can keep running for two months max, unless things turn around. Since I know what is coming, I'll be ready for it.

I say this knowing it probably won't work for most people. But, if you are in a situation where you know some bad things are coming down the pike, or that the company is not as stable as they have been saying publicly, it might not hurt to let people under you know. I have a great relationship with this client and plan on working with them til the end.

I'm also curious about how remote dismissals are returning company laptops.
I’ve seen termination agreements where any severance pay is contingent upon returning hardware like computers, etc.
I could keep mine, easy. Also the desktop PC. I was terminated via email, no big deal.
When it happened to me (before all this, summer 2019) they gave me a FedEx account number and asked me to FedEx it back. It was a company account so I just had to show up and make a minimal effort of stuffing it in a box. And I was across the country from HQ. I imagine even with people stuck remote even in the same city, they could just do the same and have people FedEx it back, either now or later.
I wonder what the max weight is for a Fed Ex. I would be tempted to send them the laptop wrapped in bubble packaging and foam, inside a steel safe. With the combination on a Post-It note. I really want them to get that laptop.
47min video. Presented slowly, very little of the info is about "difficult conversations". It's largely about giving presentations. A written summary of key points would be helpful.
I watch videos that don't have slides at 16x using Video Speed Controller extension[0]. A 47 minute video becomes a 3 minute video I can go through and judge information density, slides quality, topics addressed, depth of said topics, whether there's a topic that matters to me that's addressed there.

Then I decide if I'm going to watch the thing, which I note using Taskwarrior with a +watch tag, a link to the video, a description on what it's about. Then I watch it and take some notes, augment some issues with the information acquired or references, etc.

I don't really do this with great quality speakers I'm familiar with, as I'm sure I will learn things.


this sure sounds like a lot of work compared to clicking on a few random points of the video and making a determination from there.
Do you keep any notes or record of the good talks/speakers online? It sounds like it would be valuable!
Sort of. Since all I think about in my waking hours is product, company, roadmap, and vision, my notes are very specific to these issues and goals and simply have become the company's knowledge base.

The notes for the talks are practically non existent and are just a subset, and a few lines at most.. Other notes are about strategy, handbook to be able to operate the company from paying taxes to hiring, onboarding, and firing to how to write issues and commit messages, to tools we use or could use, to features and roadmap, to the experience from soup to nuts of different stakeholders, to the induced demand and workers influx it hopefully will cause, to what the company should focus on for the next two months to become what it will in the next five to ten years with nth order effects. Different x maginification from the bug fix to the economic consequences on countries with poor connectivity, and how closing an issue relating to compressing static files moves us a hair.

Success is the team not missing a beat if I disappear, because everything would be in place for continuity and growth and slashing cumulative lifetimes of suck.

I've always had a proclivity for writing, but there are other reasons I'm doing it that much and want to do it more. Some hard transitions and developments that almost killed the company, and we turned it around with some hard learned lessons and the earned "wisdom" not to have it happen again.

I was laid off a few months ago over Zoom. The thing that irked me about it was I got an invite to it with a dishonest description the night before. Since this was a director I didn't ordinarily communicate with, I wanted to make sure I knew what I was talking about so I did a few hours of research on the fake subject that night.
Same. One manager of mine gave me a special project to work on which turned out to be busy work while they waited for HR to complete the lay-off paperwork. The meeting to share my results was remote, and had him and an HR person it it. Fuck that guy.
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