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React Hook Pitfalls - Kent C. Dodds - React Rally 2019

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Kent C. Dodds ( at React Rally 2019
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Sep 09, 2019 · 33 points, 10 comments · submitted by praveenscience
Classes made it easier [for me anyway] to understand how react is setup. I understand Component is a prototype, and it gets instantiated first by calling the constructor method - followed by its life cycle methods, like componentDidMount etc. The new hooks API just looks to replicate alot of these methods to make up for losing classes and its life cycle methods. The API seems quite terse. I dont like having lots of nested functions, it makes readability worse IMHO

I also dont like the idea of 'useState' overwriting the whole state object.

Hooks are not a new syntax for class components. All the lifecycle logic is recast as building blocks of your render logic. State, props and context become inputs you explicitly declare in the function, effects are explicitly linked to their dependencies, and in the end, with all the inputs in their current state there's your output. This makes it easier to understand how props, state, context and effects interact to produce the result, and makes it harder to make mistakes. It also simplifies complex scenarios and lets you encapsulate and reuse logic around all these building blocks.
I'm enjoying hooks so far, but I think I understand where you are coming from.

The thing I enjoy with hooks is that you no longer have to juggle state/async in different methods. I'd usually forget cleaning something up, leading to longer dev-debug cycles. With useEffect I usually remember to clean up.

Also, so far the code we've written with hooks looks (subjectively) nicer than their class counterparts.

One difference between us might be that you have more experience than me using "classic" React. I'm relatively fresh to the React game, so I don't have many old habits or intuitions formed.

I have a huge functional programming proponent, but not when it comes to UI components, in my opinion this is the one and only place that OO shines, now in saying that I am not a big fan of deep nested inheritance, I prefer wrappers around more generic objects that delegate to the more generic object, but that is a personal preference. I am not too keen on hooks myself and prefer to use class based components to represent UI black boxes.
You might be approaching hooks suboptimally. `useState` should be used for simple values, different than the catch-all `this.state` from class components.

How do you arrive at nested functions? Hooks have generally flattened my indentation, and they are refreshingly easy to abstract over, making way for even cleaner code.

For example, I have the following custom hook in multiple components:

    useNavigationWarning(() => !!commentBody)
which adds an event listener to the window that warns the user about unsaved work, but only if `commentBody` has any content. Because it's a function, I can reuse the hook and swap out the callback body's conditional for each situation.

With class components I would either have to use a higher-order component (bad and clunky), or copy/paste code across two separate lifecycle methods across each of my components that need this behavior.

I use `useCallback` all over the place. I don't do it because I'm worried about performance. I do it because I'm worried about invalidating some dependency array somewhere down the tree.

Am I falling into speakers pitfall? I definitely agree with him that this creates a lot of unnecessary complexity.

Is this the state of JS conference scene in 2019? Download create-react-app then NPM install

Pro tip: If cant use an API corectly, even with the developer of that API sitting next to you. The API is the problem, not you.

Love react hooks (along with TypeScript)

Just for the sake of readability. Easier to grok. Perhaps all along though classes I had were just making inefficient/incorrect use of lifecycles though.

React's lifecycles still mystify me. I can't tell where and how renders come from. If there was an easier way to trace it, it'd be nice.

I'm making use of `React.forwardRef` and `useImperativeHandle` also. It's neat because you can forward information from a inner component for "direct" access in its parent. (

My pitfall is variables inside callbacks that used to be "live" are stale upon invocation. So if you have a complicated components where you fishline callbacks, it doesn't behave the same.

In my case, the solution was to wrap the callbacks in `useEventCallback`

Out of curiosity, what about renders confuses you?

I can try to summarize:

- React stores an internal tree of bookkeeping objects ("fibers") that store info on what component is being rendered at each location in the tree

- Any state update function (class component `setState()`, `useState` setters, `useReducer` dispatch) queue a re-render pass, and mark this component as needing an update

- During a re-render pass, React walks that fiber tree to find components that need to render, either because they're marked as dirty, or because the parent re-rendered. For function components, React calls `funcComp(fiber.props)`. For class components, it attaches `instance.props = fiber.props`, and then calls `instance.render()`

- Class component lifecycles and function component lifecycles are called at appropriate points during that render pass

Hmm. Re-reading, are you asking how to determine what _causes_ a given render pass? That one's more opaque. However, the new React DevTools 4.0 will at least tell you why each component re-rendered during a specific pass.

i believe they dont even want people fixated on when and why things rerender. write your code right (with effects and suspense boundaries in the right places) and let react figure it out.

not sure if they'll succeed in making people not care about optimizing for number of renders vs overall speed tbh. we're so used to one way of thinking about perf.

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