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Brendan Eich on JavaScript at 17 - O'Reilly Fluent 2012

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Youtube Summary
Almost two decades after the birth of JavaScript, its creator gives a whirlwind history of the language with stories (and dirt!) dished out from each era. What worked well for JavaScript and what has continued to make developers groan? What's coming in ES6 and where next for the JavaScript community? Answers to these questions and more from as authoritative a source as it gets.

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Brendan is responsible for architecture and the technical direction of Mozilla. He is charged with authorizing module owners, owning architectural issues of the source base and writing the roadmap that outlines the direction of the Mozilla project.

Brendan created JavaScript, did the work through Navigator 4.0, and helped carry it through international standardization. Before Netscape, he wrote operating system and network code for SGI; and at MicroUnity, wrote micro-kernel and DSP code, and did the first MIPS R4K port of gcc, the GNU C compiler.

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Jul 11, 2014 · liviu on Videos about JavaScript
Brendan Eich's response is funny as well:
Brendan Eich covered this subject at O'Reilly Fluent conference in 2012:

Seems he took the Wat talk a little personally, but I'm not sure why he defends {} + [] by saying the first { is a statement... wat?
It's automating semicolon insertion. The browser translates {} + [] into {}; + [], so + [] === 0 too. {}; is undefined.
Being pedantic: it's NOT semicolon insertion. Your actual point is correct, the {} is an empty block statement, and the +[] is a separate expression statement. It's equivalent to "{} 0".

However, semicolon insertion is only triggered when there's a newline at a position where there would otherwise be a syntax error. Here, neither is the case: blocks don't have to be terminated by semicolon (so no syntax error), and there's no newline in the source code!

It's because they wanted to say both:

    if (a) b;

   if (a) { b; c; }
which tends to make you think of curly braces as a syntactic feature which can appear anywhere, turning many lines of code into one line of code. If you think that way then these should possibly also be valid:

    {b; c}
but, since JS scope is function-oriented and in other places (e.g. functions) the braces are ultimately needed anyways, even for one-liners, it seems like this was a stupid choice and we should have just rejected the form:

    if (a) b;
and then the reuse of {} for lightweight (if non-robust) hashmaps would perhaps be unambiguous again.
Which is exactly what Perl did, but to alleviate the clumsiness of single statement if conditionals they added a post-conditional if statement of the form STATEMENT if CONDITION; (which has the benefit of being how some people express simple conditionals in real life. "Go left if you see the blue house.")
Brendan Eich is a homophobe and whoever links to his videos are complicit in his bigotry.

All his opinions should be discarded.

You have no idea whether he's a homophobe or not, and clearly when the subject is Javascript his opinions should be considered very carefully.
Nobody's opinions should be discarded based on their behavior. Otherwise, we'd have a scant few scientists, artists, and thinkers in history actually worth discussing. (Also, people who link to him are complicit? Are you serious?)
If by cover you mean he essentially shrugs and says "it was the 90s" and moves on to ES6.
Which seems a pretty appropriate reaction, no? :-)
Brendan Eich talks about the VM solution ( Slides:

I personally believe that HTML is fantastic for what it was designed for: Structured Documents. But the world has gone more interactive and I believe the ad-hoc solution of Javascript, HTML and CSS is not "rich" enough to provide for the users demand.

I like the language independent VM idea as long as it doesn't turn out like bloated Java bytecode.

#golang had Limbo in its ancestry, another CSP language, this time for the Inferno register-based VM from Bell Labs. Target Go at a browser VM?
Hope they have the video out sometime! Seems to be some crossover with his keynote at Fluent: - but these slides go into a lot more depth and include some of the newer goodies coming along.
We're working on it....
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