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Stevey's Tech Talk S1E6 - Corporate Disease #1: How your DevOps team is killing your company

Steve Yegge · Youtube · 14 HN points · 0 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention Steve Yegge's video "Stevey's Tech Talk S1E6 - Corporate Disease #1: How your DevOps team is killing your company".
Youtube Summary
This is my first episode fully dedicated to a particular and VERY common corporate disease called a "centralized DevOps team". I explain how Google does DevOps, how Amazon does it, the "right" way to do it, and finally, how the centralized team is the worst possible way to do it. I get riled up and rant a lot in this episode.
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All the comments and stories posted to Hacker News that reference this video.
Sep 17, 2021 · 14 points, 3 comments · submitted by abawany
i sped thru the first 10 or so minutes but i really wanted the tldr;, first.

so, still no idea what it's about. :-/

The theme of his talks (from all of the ones I've listened to in full) has been that blockers/gatekeepers are bad and will cause you to fail. In this video, he explores the dichotomy of approaches between Google (Dev<->SRE) and Amazon ("dev does everything and supports their services forever"). He then talks about all the companies that take on a middle approach with devops that are not as sophisticated as the Google SRE and then explores how this turns into a gigantic drain on productivity.

It is worth listening to, more than his other talks in this new series so far, imo.

finished watching at 2.25x.

pretty funny.

smashed the like.

title seems clickbaity, but eh.

i've never heard of a devops team that doesn't know devops, but if he says so...

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