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faceshift at GDC 2015

BeYourAvatar · Youtube · 6 HN points · 2 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention BeYourAvatar's video "faceshift at GDC 2015".
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This is faceshift GDC 2015 reel, featuring our performance recording session at OMUK, our latest range of motion demos, and generally a bunch of people having loads of fun with real time mocap.
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Here's an example of Faceshift, which is completely markerless (Apple acquired them last year):

And here's a good example of the relatively high fidelity (marker-based) tracking that's happening in real-time:

There is also FaceRig which you can purchase on steam:
The interesting part for me is what Apple is doing with their Primesense, Metaio and Faceshift acquisitions. If they are building an AppleTV with ability to recognise people in the room and automatically enable 3D models for gaming it could be offer something new in the crowded gaming space:

Then again maybe it is for the AppleCar.

Sure, but didn't Primesense make a lot of the hardware for the original Kinect? I remember at one point I couldn't download the original Primesense drivers anymore and read it was because Apple had purchased the company.

Not saying they can't do anything interesting with it because depth cameras really are cool and due for some "killer apps" but last time I heard talk of recognizing people in the room, it was regarding the Kinect and people were wringing hands over tracking and privacy. Either that or they were lamenting how the 3d tracking in games was mostly a gimmick.

Unrelated to the Apple thing, I still think depth cameras will come into their own when you can place a few small ones around a room and create a realtime 3d model of a space for VR.

Sep 04, 2015 · 6 points, 0 comments · submitted by SQL2219
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