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Inconvenient truths about sqrt(2) | Real numbers and limits Math Foundations 80 | N J Wildberger

Insights into Mathematics · Youtube · 4 HN points · 2 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention Insights into Mathematics's video "Inconvenient truths about sqrt(2) | Real numbers and limits Math Foundations 80 | N J Wildberger".
Youtube Summary
This video begins a discussion on the role of irrationality in mathematics, starting with the "square root of 2". The difficulties with this concept go back to the ancient Greeks, as the Pythagoreans realized that the side and diagonal of a square were incommensurable. The Greeks realized that there was no rational number whose square was exactly two, a result which historically appeared in Euclid. In the modern age this idea that there were "irrational numbers" that could be incorporated into the Hindu-Arabic decimal number system was introduced by Stevin in 1585.

There are these days three approaches to "sqrt(2)": an applied one dealing with approximations, an algebraic one involving a finite field extension of the rational numbers, and an analytic one which attempts to apply the square root algorithm to assign to sqrt(2) an infinite decimal. It is this last approach which does not work, leading to serious logical problems with modern analysis.

This lecture is part of the MathFoundations series, which tries to lay out proper foundations for mathematics, and will not shy away from discussing the serious logical difficulties entwined in modern pure mathematics. For those interested in this topic, be sure to watch the further videos in this series which go into considerable detail about the various problems with real numbers as infinite decimals, equivalence classes of Cauchy sequences, and Dedekind cuts. None of them work.

Screenshot PDFs for my videos are available at the website These give you a concise overview of the contents of the lectures for various Playlists: great for review, study and summary.

My research papers can be found at my Research Gate page, at

My blog is at, where I will discuss lots of foundational issues, along with other things.

Online courses will be developed at The first one, already underway is Algebraic Calculus One at Please join us for an exciting new approach to one of mathematics' most important subjects!

If you would like to support these new initiatives for mathematics education and research, please consider becoming a Patron of this Channel at Your support would be much appreciated.

Here are all the Insights into Mathematics Playlists:

Elementary Mathematics (K-6) Explained:
Year 9 Maths:
Ancient Mathematics:
Wild West Banking:
Sociology and Pure Mathematics:
Old Babylonian Mathematics (with Daniel Mansfield):
Math History:
Wild Trig: Intro to Rational Trigonometry:
Wild Linear Algebra:
Famous Math Problems:
Probability and Statistics: An Introduction:
Boole's Logic and Circuit Analysis:
Universal Hyperbolic Geometry:
Differential Geometry:
Algebraic Topology:
Math Seminars:

And here are the Wild Egg Maths Playlists:

Triangle Centres:
Six: An elementary course in pure mathematics:
Algebraic Calculus One:
Algebraic Calculus Two:
HN Theater Rankings

Hacker News Stories and Comments

All the comments and stories posted to Hacker News that reference this video.
Apr 23, 2022 · 4 points, 0 comments · submitted by agomez314
Apr 10, 2022 · mihvoi on Do the Real Numbers Exist?
I only "believe" in the computable numbers - that can be defined by an algorithm at arbitrary precision.

That includes all rationals along with irrational that we have a way to approximate by algorithms - like sqrt(2) and PI. It does not include the incalculable numbers like Omega.

Being linked to algorithms, such numbers are only countable many, so they cannot contain "most" of irrational and therefore they lack most of "Real numbers".

There are mathematicians that take this view seriously, like "Constructivists" and "finitists". For example:

Oct 29, 2013 · bjourne on Cantor's Diagonal Proof
You might find Norman J Wildebergers Youtube videos on the subject interesting: He argues quite convincingly that real numbers like pi shouldn't be seen as numbers and that infinity does not exist. It's very fascinating reasoning to listen to even if you don't agree with all of it.
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