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Hacker News Comments on
The Moment of Truth

Moment Of Truth · Youtube · 6 HN points · 3 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention Moment Of Truth's video "The Moment of Truth".
Youtube Summary

This above link takes you to the start of the video at 21:40

This is the backup stream. URL if needed.
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Hacker News Stories and Comments

All the comments and stories posted to Hacker News that reference this video.
> US, of course, already has a mature level of surveillance of everyone, and it has also tried to introduce some censorship with with SOPA.

SOPA, PIPA and ISP provisions in the TPP - there's been a lot of effort to pass legislation that would bring content filtering to the US. If done by the TPP it will be particularly difficult to stop.

> Canada has also tried a few times to introduce various surveillance laws, but it has been stopped by the population for the most part.

Canadian intelligence will partner with other countries to circumvent domestic law where it can. [1] [2]



As will others (including GCHQ, NSA).

> What's even more worrying is that it's now pretty obvious all of these countries are working together and planning together when to introduce such laws, which is why you see statements within days or weeks at most from US, UK, Canada about "Tor being a threat" and online anonymity in general, and so on.

You'll even see countries promising each other as part of secret agreements that they will get their people to pass certain laws.

> After all, they're already researching how to manipulate the public through Twitter, Facebook and so on. They're starting to figure out what "works" and how to press the public's hot buttons in order to get them to support whatever they want to pass.

For those curious.

Here's the full stream recorded and uploaded to YouTube:
Too bad, the Youtube video does not play in Germany due to copyright issues. This is a farce
Link to the article Snowden authored earlier today about the subject :

EDIT: The segment has ended. You can view the video by skipping to 21:54 at the following link:

As far as I know, this is the first time Snowden is directly penning an article. He even has a staff page [1] now on The Intercept. This is interesting because to me because "At the NSA I routinely came across the communications of New Zealanders in my work" is much more impactful than "Snowden stated that he routinely came across the communications of New Zealanders in his work as an NSA Analyst".


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