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Hacker News Comments on
Simone de Beauvoir and The Ethics of Ambiguity

Epoch Philosophy · Youtube · 1 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention Epoch Philosophy's video "Simone de Beauvoir and The Ethics of Ambiguity".
Youtube Summary
Simone de Beauvoir wrote the Ethics of Ambiguity. A book that pretty much launched her field of feminist existentialist philosophy. She goes into detail about what it is to be human: our anxieties, the source of those anxieties, and our recognition of radical freedom and responsibility.

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Intro: 0:00
Building on Existentialism: 1:05
Men Who Are Not Free: 5:24
de Beauvoir's Prescription: 8:24

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Hacker News Stories and Comments

All the comments and stories posted to Hacker News that reference this video.
What do you love about talking about gender and sexuality?

Would you consider than any part of your interest has anything to do with your lived experience as a gendered human?

If not, then I can understand the analogy you enjoin when you draw a line between Rust and Steve Klabnik. Nobody has to know anything about Steve Klabnik to be able to parse Rust or a syntax guide to Rust.

Feminism is different when you consider that each of us experiences the world through a gender lens, particularly when you consider that many of us are unaware that the lens exists and occludes our vision as well as forms it.

How do people of a gender you don't share experience the world? I'm not sure how you'd know until you listened to them describe their lived experience.

In the case of Beauvoir, you are fortunate. Her life bridges a gap between pre-feminism and post-feminist worlds. If you love talking about gender and sexuality, Beauvoir's life is fertile grounds for many interesting conversations you may enjoy with other people of all genders for the rest of your life.

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