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Why the Muon g-2 Results Are So Exciting!

PBS Space Time · Youtube · 2 HN points · 7 HN comments
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When a theory makes a prediction that disagrees with an experimental test, sometimes it means we should throw the theory away. But what if that theory has otherwise produced the most successful predictions in all of physics? Then, that little glitch may be pointing the way to layers of physics deeper than we've yet imagined. Well, FermiLabs Muon G-2 experiment has been chasing the most promising glitch of all, and they've just announced their results.

Announcement Results

Previous Episode of Space Time To Help Understand Muon G-2:

Quantum Mechanics Most Incredible Prediction

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Hosted by Matt O'Dowd
Written by Dan Garisto & Matt O'Dowd
Graphics by Leonardo Scholzer, Yago Ballarini, Pedro Osinski, Adriano Leal & Stephanie Faria
GFX Visualizations: Katherine Kornei
Directed by Andrew Kornhaber
Assistant Producer: Setare Gholipour
Executive Producers: Eric Brown & Andrew Kornhaber

End Credits Music by J.R.S. Schattenberg:

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Maybe not exactly what you're looking for but these two videos discuss the results of a Fermilab experiment that hints at a crack in the standard model.

Jan 03, 2022 · 2 points, 0 comments · submitted by Gravityloss
There's a ton of articles about this on every science news site and youtube channel.

Here's an old one for example that explains what they are doing at Fermi wit the G-2 machine:

And just check the science sites.

Your link is unrelated to the topic. Do you have something pertinent to gravity "double cover" work?
Muon-Catalyzed Fusion [1].

Briefly it's a genuine, and scientifically uncontroversial, form of 'cold' fusion enabled by muons — a more massive relative of the electron that was in the news recently thanks to the potentially interesting results coming out of the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab [2].

Like conventional 'hot' plasma fusion, in all experiments to date the energy input needed to sustain the process has exceeded the output, but it may be possible to use it to generate power. Unlike conventional fusion though, it receives relatively little attention, and there is no well-funded international effort to tackle the associated technical challenges. As with conventional fusion the technical challenges seem formidable, but it could be an interesting technology if a way could be found to make it work.

Listeners of Lex Fridman's podcast may recall that it was briefly mentioned in the episode he made last year with his father, Alexander Fridman, who is a plasma physicist [3]. As someone who has been interested in the idea for years and barely hears any mention of it, I was pleasantly surprised it came up.

It was also covered on the MinutePhysics YouTube channel in 2018 [4].





Bonus fact: Muon-Catalyzed fusion was first demonstrated by the Nobel laureate Luis Alvarez, who, with his geologist son Walter Alvarez, later proposed the 'Alvarez hypothesis' for the extinction of the dinosaurs by asteroid impact.

I thought research on it had stalled (I looked it up for a high-school project… 20-odd years ago). I'm glad to see otherwise (or that at least more people see it as interesting), I always thought it looked promising.
There's an on-going project right now with ARPA-E's "BETHE" program to experimentally study the potential for MCF in higher-density plasmas. IMO, this is one of the better choices that ARPA-E's fusion program has made -- it's low-cost, high-risk, high-reward.

The MinutePhysics video you linked seemed pretty firm in saying we had no clear path to reducing the energy input required to create muons or increasing the energy output of the fusion, thus never generating net energy.

Are there recent developments in this field that change that?

Could muons generated from this work?

It's not clear if increased energy efficiency is one of the benefits of this technology. My guess is no.
It's disappointing that MCF doesn't get more attention.
Yay, something that wasn't software related!

-A Software Engineer

PBS Spacetime just released a video on this experiment.
So did Fermilab ;)

Definitely worth checking out the rest of the videos on both those channels.

While we’re at it, check out 60 Symbols’ channel for great physics discussions that hardly ever (thanks Brady!) include equations

Warning. Sixty symbols is a black hole. It will devour all your free time.
There is a nice video explanation from PBS at
PBS, man. Just steadily and reliably educating everyone for years now. Good shit.
SpaceTime (that channel) in general is of impeccable quality and production value. Definitely worth subscribing.
Worth the patreon contribution also.
From another comment, there's this PBS Space Time video on Youtube.

They already did, 15 minutes ago:

For those who do not know - PBS Spacetime is YouTube channel hosted by astrophysics Ph.D Matt O'Dowd, aimed at casual physics enthusiasts without oversimplifying underlying physics too much.

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