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4th Dimension - Tesseract, 4th Dimension Made Easy - Carl Sagan

AstronomyCorner · Youtube · 2 HN points · 3 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention AstronomyCorner's video "4th Dimension - Tesseract, 4th Dimension Made Easy - Carl Sagan".
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From the epic Cosmos by Carl Sagan: (US). For UK: | Canada: |

This short video clip shows Carl Sagan explaining the 4th Dimension. It is a short clip from Carl Sagan's Cosmos: A Personal Voyage.

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I still remember the first time when I saw videos about non-Euclidian Geometry[1] and Higher Dimensions[2]. I was amazed with such concepts, but I still havent read books about them. They are related somehow with topology[3] and curvature (and tangentially, to differential equations).

[1] (5 sided square)

[2] (The road to 4D part 1) (Carl Sagan's explanation)

[3] (Zach Star's intro)

Also, a nice exercise to visualize 4D is to study quaternions and their properties. Vectors are somehow a nice simplification of them, see Maxwell laws. 3blue1brown has a video[4].


Sep 15, 2020 · 2 points, 0 comments · submitted by ColinWright
If you liked that video check this other one by Carl Sagan:

In that case I think it's you who is misunderstanding the word. Unfortunately I haven't the time to give you a course on Linear Algebra so unless you can explain in more detail why you believe that the word "dimension" is inappropriate for the case I described I'm not going to be able to help you.

I do suggest you watch this video from Carl Sagan's TV show Cosmos:

Linear algebra is exactly where "dimension" gets its abstract but very limited definition as a property of spaces, best summarized as an axis or direction, rather than a kind of space itself, which is what you need for anything like an alternate universe. I know this because I have in fact taken a course in it. I'm not sure what point you think you're making at this point.
> Linear algebra is exactly where "dimension" gets its abstract but very limited definition as a property of spaces, best summarized as an axis or direction, rather than a kind of space itself

Yes, but adding an extra dimension to a given space (more correctly stated as asserting that a space of dimension d is embedded in a space of dimension d + 1) vastly expands the "number" of points that are available, so adding a dimension doesn't just give you access to an additional d-space but to a whole continuum of other d-spaces. I think this is what people are referring to when they use the word "dimension" in this kind of context.

Most people have no such precise idea when they talk about "dimensions". Those who do would, when pressed, admit that even if you could be said to travel through or along some other dimension to reach another world, or even an infinity of other worlds, said dimension is not the same as those worlds, just a term for a relationship between them.

Moreover, I don't care about what people think they're saying with their crap terminology. I demand actual accuracy, or at minimum precisely delimited uncertainty, from people taking millions of dollars in government funding to write about aliens. This is not too much to ask. (You do remember the context, right? Evaluating the credibility of a purportedly factual report written under a government contract, not a bar debate about cosmology)

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