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Code Golf & the Bitshift Variations - Computerphile

Computerphile · Youtube · 8 HN points · 3 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention Computerphile's video "Code Golf & the Bitshift Variations - Computerphile".
Youtube Summary
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A short jumble of letters & symbols that plays a long, musical tune? This is code Golf and Rob Miles' musical composition: "The Bitshift Variations in C minor"

Link to Code:

Thanks to Nottingham Hackspace for providing us with a place to film

Rob's Soundcloud account with the tune : Bitshift Variations in C Minor by robertskmiles

The Brain Scanner:
Brian Kerninghan on Bell Labs:
Computer That Changed Everything - Altair 8800:
Binary Addition & Overflow:

This video was filmed and edited by Sean Riley.

Computer Science at the University of Nottingham:

Computerphile is a sister project to Brady Haran's Numberphile. More at
HN Theater Rankings

Hacker News Stories and Comments

All the comments and stories posted to Hacker News that reference this video.
Rob Miles (the creator) explains it in a Computerphile video :

To test, execute the following in a bash terminal:

  echo "g(i,x,t,o){return((3&x&(i\*((3&i>>16?\"BY}6YB6%\":\"Qj}6jQ6%\")[t%8]+51)>>o))<<4);};main(i,n,s){for(i=0;;i++)putchar(g(i,1,n=i>>14,12)+g(i,s=i>>17,n^i>>13,10)+g(i,s/3,n+((i>>11)%3),10)+g(i,s/5,8+n-((i>>10)%3),9));}"|gcc -xc -&&./a.out|aplay
(245 chars is the bash command, the actual C code is shorter of course)
This code was written by Robert S K Miles and is featured in the computerphile video "Code Golf & the Bitshift Variations":

Jan 12, 2016 · 8 points, 1 comments · submitted by tambourine_man
If you run Linux (or Mac, if they have aplay utility), I highly recommend typing the C into a terminal and giving it a listen! The song's way more complex than you'd think could fit in that amount of data!
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