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Why Only 1% Of Japan's Soy Sauce Is Made This Way | Still Standing | Business Insider

Business Insider · Youtube · 28 HN points · 0 HN comments
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Youtube Summary
It can take 4 years to make one batch of barrel-aged soy sauce. The natural fermentation process was the norm in Japan for centuries, but when industrialization swept the nation, almost all the country's wooden barrels were replaced with steel ones. Yasuo Yamamoto is on a mission to revive barrel-making and preserve the authentic version of Japan's staple seasoning.

For more information about Yasuo Yamamoto's soy sauce, visit

For more information about Hitoshi's restaurant, go to

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Why Only 1% Of Japan's Soy Sauce Is Made This Way | Still Standing | Business Insider
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Nov 07, 2022 · 28 points, 9 comments · submitted by minhduong243
Why is this soy sauce sold in plastic bottles? The plastic actually is affected by the salty content and leaches into the product! Corrosive liquids should never be sold in such bottles!
I live in Japan and was wondering a few days ago what the boogie supermarket's "kioke" soy sauce was - very opportune timing for this to show up here!
That's really cool. Wonder if you could use one of those old Soy Sauce barrels to make wine with...
There's something charming about the passion the owner has for such a traditional and manual way of making soy sauce.

It makes me want to help keep it alive by buying it in bulk. All of my friends and family would be happy with this as a gift, right?


Does it taste any different to the kind I can buy in the big jugs at Costco?

The two taste waaaay different.

The Kikkoman is "just soy sauce" as I've always known it, and sipping it off a spoon tastes like a mistake. It's thin and its saltiness punches me in the mouth like a cheap IPA.

The Yamaroku is like a fine barley wine. It's considerably thicker, and I can clearly taste the wooden barrel that it was aged in. It's almost as pungent as the Kikkoman, but in a smooth, complex and pleasant way. It's almost addictive, and I keep finding myself going back to the fridge to try it again.

As to whether the Yamaroku is worth 10x Kikkoman.. it probably depends on whether you're a foodie and/or have the money. But I'd highly recommend at least trying it once!

I'll tell you on Tuesday
Please do!
> Does it taste any different to the kind I can buy in the big jugs at Costco?

I'm not familiar with this specific brand/batch, but real shoyu and the bottled stuff isn't even comparable. Luckily the things most westerners use soy sauce for has many other inputs so you can mask the taste, but if you have ever ate a Kaiseki meal or had a proper Omakase Sushi meal you'll notice that that the chef is brushing the shoyu (or tare depending on the season/fish) from a similar product.

The only closes analogue I can make is having real Aceto from Emilia Romagna after having had that watery sour food coloured vinegar stuff we put on salads in the US.

My good friend's wife came from multi-generational family of shoyu makers in Fukushima prefecture, the story was harrowing and painful to listen to, but the level of pride in their legacy still shined in when she spoke about what they did. And being the only one at the table who was a cook it really cut deep.

I just bought from this store. Waiting for shipment

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