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Preface | MIT Calculus Revisited: Single Variable Calculus

MIT OpenCourseWare · Youtube · 2 HN points · 6 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention MIT OpenCourseWare's video "Preface | MIT Calculus Revisited: Single Variable Calculus".
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Instructor: Herb Gross
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License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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I recently learned calculus from the Herb Gross series from 1974. The way he explains things just clicked, after numerous failed attempts to learn from other sources.

Jun 11, 2020 · dang on Herb Gross (1929 – 2020)
I dove into that video randomly and hit his explanation of limits at, which is delightful.
Any chance you could edit my original comment to use this link instead -- much more representative.
Sure! Changed from

There are many, many ways to study calculus, so take this as a preference.

For example, this wouldn't be my first choice.

In general, I find the "Definition. Axiom. Theorem." approach very dry and just doesn't fit reality. Nobody ever discovered mathematics like this.

One of the best books I've read is Gausses "Disquisitiones Arithmeticae" rather than any modern Theory of Numbers book.

I've had more insight in sums manipulations (and various little tricks, some of them not even justified in modern mathematics) from Euler's letters than any other book on this subject.

I don't know what happened in the meantime. It sure doesn't look like 18/19 century books were so dry like the ones today.

Thanks for sharing both those things. We've added these to our Calculus topic here:
Oct 19, 2018 · avinassh on Calculus Made Easy (1910)
This is amazing! The fonts are easy on eyes and page renders beautifully.

If you are looking for vidoes, then check lectures by Herber Gross [0] on Youtube. These were recorded in 70s. They are in black & white, gives a feeling of watching some old beautifully shot movie. He goes into basics and gives you a taste of all derivations, by hand. Watch the first lecture by yourself [1] and you will immediately realise how good are these.

On a similar note, any similar resources like the one submitted, but for Linear Algebra? I am aware of Gilbert Strang's book [2] and vidoes [3], but I find them advanced for a beginner.

[0] -

[1] -

[2] -

[3] -

YouTube math god 3Blue1Brown has a lovely series of videos that visualize linear algebra:
Jun 11, 2017 · 2 points, 0 comments · submitted by happy-go-lucky
I just had a look at the first video in the first course on YouTube [0] and was delighted to see Herb Gross responding in the comments. Clearly this is a man who loves his subject and loves introducing it to others.


That's so beautiful that I have to admit my eyes started to tear a little bit. It's lovely to live in a world in which wonderful people are empowered to touch people all over the world in such a powerful and profound way.
That was a delight to watch. Genuine enthusiasm always is. Thanks for making me aware of Mr. Gross.
Yes, what a gem of a man.He also posted his email address in the comments for a young high school student for any further help. He is 88 years old now, I hope he is in good health.
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