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Continuously writing an iPhone app, on an iPad Pro, using C#

Frank Krueger · Youtube · 54 HN points · 0 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention Frank Krueger's video "Continuously writing an iPhone app, on an iPad Pro, using C#".
Youtube Summary
This is a preview for a new iPad Pro app that allows your to edit and experiment with C# code.
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Feb 08, 2016 · 54 points, 7 comments · submitted by walterbell
Wow, that's impressive. The guy [ported Roslyn and wrote a IL interpreter]( to get around the Apple dynamically compiled code prohibitions.
And even better; he did a pull request to incorporate the changes.
Would this be allowed in the app store? I thought Apple prohibits dynamically compiled code on iOS?
Possibly. It's not actually running two apps.

There's an IL interpreter in the mix - it's simulating an app and what it would do based on the opcodes emitted by the compiler for the code you write.

This is indeed in line with existing scripting languages (Lua, Python, etc) which are in the App Store.

But the presentation of it might be too close for comfort for Apple. He's not presenting it as ".NET scripting" but specifically mentioned porting the .NET Roslyn compiler.

It all boils down to the same thing, but I wouldn't be surprised to see an App Store submission reviewer deny it, misunderstanding what's they've read/seen.

I would like to know this too. There is something similar for Python: However, I'm not sure where Apple draws the line between "interpreted" and "compiled." It would be nice if Apple relaxed this restriction a bit because that would make the iPad Pro a lot more useful for developers.
Url changed from, which points to this.
Here is a blog post from the creator of this demo:

There is also a demo using F#:

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