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Flutter EXPOSED: Extreme JANKY animations. "A nightmare framework"

TechLead Show · Youtube · 26 HN points · 0 HN comments
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Ex-Google TechLead exposes a critical Flutter animation jank that has caused crippling nightmares for its developers. Join ex-Google/ex-Facebook engineers for my coding interview training:
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Mar 04, 2021 · 26 points, 13 comments · submitted by glaive123
Oh no, I thought I finally got rid of recommendations for content by TechLead, and now I accidentally clicked on this.

Does TechLead produce anything other than shallow content with Clickbait Titles and promotion for his Tech Interview lessons?

Some of the titles are hilarious though, I love the "<Clickbait Title>... (as a millionaire)" format.
I'm not a big fan but this particular video is spot on.
Oh yeah, that guy. 'I didn't get into the companies that I applied to, here's some content...'

Say what we will, but he's gained a recognizable infamy.

If you take them for what they are I find them entertaining. This video is not bad. It points out the bullshittery going on with Google and Flutter pretty well. Hard to trust Google at this point after their track record of doing things like this.
When I was first in the market for a smartphone, circa 2009, the iPhone's smooth animations were a large factor in my decision of which one to buy.

Back then, the Android phones I looked at couldn't scroll a simple web page without stuttering, and it was incredibly jarring. It completely broke the illusion that you were interacting with and directly controlling a physical object.

He wants to review Flutter performance... in debug mode.
I dont think the problem is untrue. There are countless issues in github about this and its true Google has been handling this very bad.

I have a belief that all of Google's projects are only for a short amount of time. They always move on to the next cool thing and leave out good products/software to die. I don't understand how this is accepted in the company. I guess they are not interesting in anything other than trendsetting?!

As a UI framework, jank totally breaks the core purpose of the framework. All the people complaining about this issue have a good point.

However, to me, this seems like what people should have been expecting when picking up a cross platform framework. Want free cross platform? You're going to have to accept these sorts of bugs.

Probably trivially solvable by a progress bar for the iOS platform. Also, this video was made before the Flutter 2 release, so it possible that it's no longer relevant.
Just like how Tensorflow 2 fixed all the issues people had with Tensorflow?
> Probably trivially solvable

It doesn't matter if it's difficult to solve or not, what matters is that it's not fixed for a long time.

This is exactly the problem, all those issues this person is talking about in 18 Feb are still in Flutter 2.

I honestly can't stand the guy but I can't say that he doesn't make a good point about open source projects.

React native and Flutter aside, look at the entire electron ecosystem.

In order to actually use electron you need stuff from which is basically a dumpster of abandonware with PRs sitting for years, thousands of issues, lack of maintainers, and repo owners basically going "lol not my problem".

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