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Chip & PIN Fraud Explained - Computerphile

Computerphile · Youtube · 5 HN points · 5 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention Computerphile's video "Chip & PIN Fraud Explained - Computerphile".
Youtube Summary
We rely on Chip & PIN machines to pay for things in a safe way, so how are they being compromised? Ross Anderson is Professor of Security Engineering at the Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge.

Man in the Middle Attacks:
AI Worst Case Scenario - Deadly Truth of AI:
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This video was filmed and edited by Sean Riley.

Computer Science at the University of Nottingham:

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One trick (which I believe has been fixed) is not so much a replay attack but a multiple transaction attack. A modified terminal makes multiple transactions on the card while the card is still in the terminal, coupled with another attack that modified what was presented on the screen of the terminal could turn a single $5 transaction to 3 $500 transactions.

The video is 3 years old now but still worth a watch discussing the attacks they have seen on Chip and Pin -

Computerphile video on Chip+PIN fraud:
I want to have a system which protects me from money loss (through my own fault, a malicious third party, or my bank's fault). I don't care how as long as I'm protected. With Chip-and-PIn cards, I'm not protected because I have to proof that it was not my fault (which can be incredible difficult to do). So, I personal prefer cards that require a signature.

It doesn't matter to me if it has a chip or not (the chip has nothing to do with the pin, there are also chip-and-signature cards and cards that support both. The chip makes it hard to physically clone the card).

If you are interested in the downsides of the new pin card, checkout this video:

So, if zero authentication means that I am not liable for financial damages, I'm happy with it but I wouldn't bother to use a pin if I had the same liability. Unfortunately, the pin adds laughable authentication which makes me liable for many types of fraud (see the video).

Oct 21, 2015 · 3 points, 0 comments · submitted by dsego
This is a good overview by some researchers in the different ways Chip and Pin can be hacked.

This explains this hack as well.

Watched this a couple of days ago and found it quite interesting talking about C&P flaws
Great video. I just posted it in a reply to another comment.

My biggest takeaway is that all systems are safe until the bad guys really try to break them.

Oct 15, 2015 · 2 points, 0 comments · submitted by flavor8
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