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Steve Jobs early TV

radi0chik · Youtube · 111 HN points · 3 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention radi0chik's video "Steve Jobs early TV".
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Steve Jobs prepping for his first TV appearance. He's amazed when he sees himself on a nearby monitor.
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The Interview that starts at 5:50 seems to be the one where this pre-show clip is from: CNN dates that video to 1978 though:
> I wondered if he was a little nervous, but that didn’t seem likely for someone in his position.

All sorts of people can get nervous speaking in public, including people that are thought of as being 'natural' public speakers like Steve Jobs ( and Sam Harris (, as well as billionaires ( and CEOs (

To my surprise, Ed Witten, one of the preeminent physicists of our time, is quite gifted in public talks and interviews from what I've seen of him. You'd expect someone explaining string theory to laymen to throw in a few "ums," but they're quite rare in this and other interviews ( I find it inspiring, as someone who's had issues with public speaking in the past, to see such a brilliant man handle a conversation with such ease.
One of the things even the high-powered public speaking trainers tell you is that the only way not to be nervous is if you no longer care. Any time you have an audience you actually want to learn something or be convinced to take some action, you should feel a bit nervous.
Oct 06, 2011 · 4 points, 0 comments · submitted by nirvana
Feb 09, 2011 · 2 points, 0 comments · submitted by logicalmoron
Feb 09, 2011 · 4 points, 3 comments · submitted by edo
Pay attention people. This video is already on the front page. Stop blindly voting stuff up.
two words: nice beard
This video affirmed to me that even Steve Jobs had a period in his life where he wasn't as confident on stage as he is now. Great public speaking is no natural or innate trait, but something that can be learned by anyone that has the perseverance to stick with it.
Feb 09, 2011 · 94 points, 14 comments · submitted by jaybol
Whenever someone tells me that Jobs was a natural public speaker I tell them that he too had to overcome stage fright and worked hard to be what he is.
Such an unremarkable piece of footage, yet I found my 24-year-old self studying every little detail and facial gesture.

What was inside of him then that led to where Apple is today?

Unfortunately, I don't think clips like this are very helpful for answering such a question...

I find myself hoping that he has or is writing an autobiography or a book where he opens himself up to others. He's a very private person when he's not representing Apple and I really hope we'll get to hear from him and see how he's envisioned his life and work.

The part where they put a giant white earbud in his ear is priceless, especially when he looks somewhat suspiciously at it.

EDIT: direct link:

Anyone know if the actual broadcast is available? It'd be cool to watch it, especially after seeing this.
I'd love to see it as well!
at 24 you have a lot less filters I guess.
I am not used to seeing Jobs express so much emotion
"god... waves back hair"


Even then he did seem to have a kingly quality.
We all have to start somewhere, right?
that is really suprising awesome post!
The guy's a perfect salesman. He knows how to sell.
...ok, I'll go to this thing if this scrolls up and tells me know...the regular system card. So put it in, I go "It's gonna work!" and I hear the disk work and everything and this thing scrolls and goes right past the screen ... "where!?" So I pulled one of the ROMs out and I saw I had bent one of the pins under...after hours of getting this thing where I'd watch it scroll... which point Jobs looks visibly bothered that the story just won't end. Was that Woz off-screen?

Edit: For some reason this reminds me of a scene in Raising Arizona: "...and all Pancho wanted was a hot roll and butter. So... why do you use the word 'trapped'?"

> Was that Woz off-screen?

The mannerisms sound similar, but the voice doesn't sound like Wozniak. You can compare it with a slightly more recent sample here:

Feb 08, 2011 · 7 points, 2 comments · submitted by hook
so good to see him healthy.
Wow that is very early on for sure. Funny how they talk about using the bathroom and him saying he is deathly ill and ready to throw up
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