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Depth-first search in APL

DyalogLtd · Youtube · 3 HN points · 5 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention DyalogLtd's video "Depth-first search in APL".
Youtube Summary
Step-by-step development of a depth-first tree-search operator in an APL session.
NB: The concepts in this little video are fairly concentrated; it may help to pause by hitting the SPACE BAR now and again.
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All the comments and stories posted to Hacker News that reference this video.
You might like looking at how Dyalog handles higher-order functions; John Scholes really put this beautiful presentation together about using them as a depth-first search reusable function and if you haven't seen it, you should!
If you have cycles in your graph, you can build a tree out of a vector of indices, or as a table of parent/child node keys. The former is what John Scholes does[1], and the latter has plenty of common SQL examples.


If you have a non-cyclic tree (e.g. a 256-trie) you can nest it directly: @/ will traverse to nodes, and COW keeps updates from trashing memory too much.

However trees are rarely the best data structure: Binary search on a sorted list can beat b-trees simply because the end of the search will already be in cache, so for a routing table of IP address ranges, I use something like:

    ipStart where ipStart bin x
That 1975 APL demonstration is lovely. Much has been preserved in Dyalog and GNU APL - it's very interesting to see how timeless the core APL functions are.

I'm very fond of a number of videos by the late John Scholes narrating APL solutions step by step, including the well-known demonstration of Conway's Game of Life in APL (0). His videos on depth-first search (1) and solving sudoku (2) are also brilliant.

(0) (1) (2)

APL is great.

If you haven't seen them, the late John Scholes did a number of absolutely beautiful demonstrations programming in APL[1], [2], [3].




For anyone looking to get into APL, Adám at Dyalog posts a lot of answers on the CodeGolf and Programming Puzzles StackExchange site often with expanded/explained code, and he hangs in the "APL Orchard" chatroom on SO. His profile says "always excited to [talk about] APL" and that seems to be genuine. -

The most public APL dialect using the classic symbols (not J/K/Q/etc) seems to be Dyalog APL - they offer one of their older versions 14 free for non-commercial use (Windows), and they offer their current version 17 free for non-commercial use if you give them your full details (maybe Linux as well?). There is a book "Mastering Dyalog APL" by Bernard Legrand from ~2008 which is available as a PDF with companion files from: although they have added to the language since that book was released.

There are other APL interpreters - GNU APL, NARS2000, ngn/apl, dzaima/apl (Java/Android) in various states of development and license conditions, and the developers of the last two are also sometimes in the APL Orchard chatroom on StackExchange.

Online there's run by Dyalog, and which has three APL interpreters.

The classic 1970s book "APL\360 an Interactive Approach" by Gilman and Rose is online as a PDF here: with other books as well. That's before the {} syntax for anonymous functions was added to the language, and other developments.


Jay Foad while he was at Dyalog, talking through some Advent of Code puzzles with APL: (might want to skip the introduction of explaining the Advent of Code puzzle format).

Aaron Hsu with Dhaval Dalal and Morten Kromberg, talking through some problems using APL

And anything that you get from YouTube searching for Aaron Hsu, he has several talks / presentations from high level ideas to working with trees represented using arrays.

> Note also that you're being unfair to Python. List comprehensions, array index notation, and numpy methods cover pretty much everything you've mentioned in apl.

All of that to cover ~ten symbols. Is it unfair to Python to point out that this is a huge difference in complexity that someone needs to learn to be able to do those things from scratch?

> Which brings me back to what I said before: if I want a powerful array manipulation dsl, I still have it, but I'm not limited by it.

Which is fine. It's just that the few operations of array manipulation DSL go so much farther than I expected they would. I do know that APL is not going to be the language to implement WireShark or Halo vNext.

The big catch in paragraph two is "if my objects support that"; yes you would have to do something more complex in APL. But not /much/ more complex. In Python you'd need to understand classes and magic methods and overloading before you could write that overloaded addition - and understand CPython internals, C and NumPy to add it to NumPy objects, I imagine. I doubt you can do that all in APL, but then again if I'm correctly reading what l2 norm addition is, Pythagorean square-root-of-sum-of-squares including complex numbers, it's not a lot of code to write that anyway:

    values ← 4J3 ¯2J8 10 20
    abs ← |values
    squared ← abs * 2
    sum ← +/squared
    sqrt ← squared * 0.5
or without the temporary variables which don't add much clarity:

    ( +/ (|values) * 2 ) * 0.5
⍨ is a cool operator which lets you swap arguments around, so instead of having to read from inside nested parens out, you can remove parens and read serial code left/right instead:

    0.5 *⍨ +/ 2*⍨ |values
Name that with a lambda/anonymous function/dfn:

    l2NormAdd ← {0.5 *⍨ +/ 2*⍨ | ⍵}
    l2NormAdd values
Which .. isn't so bad that you'd wish for overloading, if the cost of writing the overloading was so much higher, is it?

> That's still just pixels[brightness >50] with numpy.

That is cool, I didn't know you could do it. But it is completely separate from the normal Python list comprehension style, apparently a different use of > (?), won't compose with the normal Python sort(key=) to sort the pixels by brightness. At what point does learning one-off skills for every task start to get annoying? (From my personal experience, it never does get annoying, and that seems weird to me now).


But then a tiny amount more APL and here's a depth first recursive tree traversal with accumulator function, projecting a tree structure onto a nested array:

    ⊃∇⍨/⌽(⊂⍺ ⍺⍺ ⍵),⍺ ⍵⍵ ⍵
     │└┬┘  └─┬──┘  └─┬──┘
     │ │     │       └──── (possibly empty) vector of sub-trees.
     │ │     └──────────── new value of accumulator.
     │ └────────────────── left-to-right reduction →foldl←
     └──────────────────── recursive call on (⍺⍺ trav ⍵⍵).

I sure could bash out a depth-first tree traversal in Python, with dictionaries or a dedicated tree-node class, and it would take me way less time than understanding this will take me. Yes this may be 20 characters, but it seems a shame to make "few characters" the main focus of why this is interesting. Each of these primitives in the line is almost trivial to learn on its own, none of them are complex magic not even omega-omega. But an expert combining them together carefully makes them do something way more than the sum of their parts, and way more than the shortness suggests they will do. (Here's John Scholes, founder of Dyalog APL, building on this to solve the N-Queens problem: the commonly linked Conway's Game of Life in APL is more approachable, but this is more amazing because of what it's doing to treat arrays as trees, but way harder to follow and more "magic")
> I sure could bash out a depth-first tree traversal in Python, with dictionaries or a dedicated tree-node class, and it would take me way less time than understanding this will take me.

That's my point. APL is interesting, but its enforced structure doesn't fit things intuitively (perhaps there's an implied "for most people" here). Yes, omega combinators or whatever it is that's doing is neat and perhaps pedagogically useful. But

> That is cool, I didn't know you could do it. But it is completely separate from the normal Python list comprehension style

That's because you're not using list comprehensions, you're using ndarrays, which do poweful things to python's already powerful slice notation, and as a result get all of the nice broadcasting things that you get in APL. Its why a + b and a * b just do what you expect in numpy-land.

Slice notation in python is already powerful: a[:], a[5:], a[:5], a[::2], and a[::-1] are things I'd expect someone relatively new to understand intuitively (those are copy, head(5), tail(5), every_other, and reversed).

Adding the ability to customize it: `a[:,:,::-1,:]` for example inverts the 3rd axis of a 4d array, similarly you can pull out a subarray, strided subarray, etc. very declaratively. And numpy further extends that by allowing the argument to be a mask (which is what I showed you in the last comment), so a array[boolean_mask] does the kind of thing you'd expect.

>At what point does learning one-off skills for every task start to get annoying?

When the one-off skills are better abstractions for the task than the "consistent" thing, never, as it seems you're realizing.

Jul 19, 2014 · 3 points, 0 comments · submitted by profquail
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