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Building the Pyramids of Egypt ...a detailed step by step guide.

pyramidsreallybuilt · Youtube · 1 HN points · 6 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention pyramidsreallybuilt's video "Building the Pyramids of Egypt ...a detailed step by step guide.".
Youtube Summary
If you have seen the animation which gave a brief overview of the Water shaft theory, then this is the more in depth walk through of the process. It contains illustrations and photographs to clarify the stages of how the Pyramids of Egypt were built within Chris Masseys theory.

If you haven't yet seen them, then please enjoy my other videos:-

The Theory (An animation expressing in simple terms the basis for my theory)

The Experiment (A scale model to show the basic principles of my theory in action)

Addendum 1 (Shaping the blocks in water - animation)

Addendum 2 (Multiple gates in the water shaft, how water pressure problems can be averted)
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Apr 27, 2021 · 1 points, 0 comments · submitted by SQL2219
Nov 04, 2015 · jacobolus on Human-powered cranes
I found this video speculating that the pyramids were built by floating the blocks in water kind of interesting:
Pyramids are built of concrete - low tech technology (fire+water only) know for thousands of years.

The biggest problem would have been making those gates completely watertight. The design on the video cannot be that.

I wonder what achaeologists think about this theory :

He explains it better in the second part, including how they got the water to the top, water pressure, water proofing ect. and of course in the actual book
fwiw : someone else posted this more detailed youtube video ..which has a good discussion of the rationale of the floats -- wood vs animal skin and papyrus.

As it certainly doesn't need to be proven further, Egyptians were quite an ingenious people. All of the things you're suggesting as obstacles would probably be trivial to deal with for them at their advancement level. A commenter (seferphier) posted this link that may provide a glimpse into additional possible cues, I suggest to have a look I particularly liked the part where it is suggested that it would be relatively easy for them to move 600 litres of water in a single minute. With virtually unlimited water and such a capacity to move it, I think the theory might be plausible and merits further investigation.
I was wondering too. This video explains in more detail how they used pressure to move the water up

Archeologists would be able to find evidence of these water piping from springs underneath the pyramid.
I agree, they say that they should have found evidence of ramps... well they should have found evidence of this water structure if it was used.
The video says that they toke the water from springs under the pyramid. If the spring has enough pressure to make the water climb to 150 m, then just opening a vertical hole you must get a 150 m water jet. (Really, the water in the jet moves faster, so it has more internal frictions with the spring wall.) In Yellowstone, Old Faithfull has 50 m water jets, but it’s a geyser, not a cold spring with a lot of water.
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