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Software developers describing their work in 1973 (Finnish national TV, English subs)

Ville-Matias Heikkilä · Youtube · 118 HN points · 4 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention Ville-Matias Heikkilä's video "Software developers describing their work in 1973 (Finnish national TV, English subs)".
Youtube Summary
Clips from the Finnish TV program "Computing as a profession", shown in "School Television" in 1973.

Subtitles added to the video at which is based on the full program available at
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Oct 26, 2022 · mardifoufs on uWebSockets
Programming wasn't an elites task back then lol. I guess I can't disprove his statement about being peasants now, but they are completely wrong about the 1970s.

Just ask the programmers back then;

It sure does not sound like an elite career to me. It was just regular people working with the constraints they had at the time, not because of some super intelligence or leet genius focus on perfection.

If anything, projecting yourself (not you in particular!) into some mythical lost elite, as opposed to the current stupid pleb sounds like pure cope imo.

It is pure cope, whilst software has definitely diluted in quality with the lower barrier to entry... that barrier was never some IQ gate it was mostly socio-economic.

There is a very valid case to be made for the current state of performance but back then if it wasn't optimized for the resource constraints it didn't run -- nowadays software is optimized for shipping quickly so of course it sucks once the buzzword paint falls off.

We're comparing buy-once bespoke boots vs. assembly line fad-of-the-month trainers. The idea that either was the result of some 'giga brain' creators and not market influences is delusional.

Related content, a slightly depressing video of some Finnish programmers talking about their work:

Nice find from 1973! The second guy in the video is really chill, he is complaining about having little time to do actual work. You could have a similar interview in 2021.
Nov 07, 2015 · 3 points, 0 comments · submitted by jaxb
Nov 05, 2015 · 3 points, 1 comments · submitted by metafunctor
It's interesting to see how little has changed in 40 years.
Nov 05, 2015 · 112 points, 34 comments · submitted by velmu
The video was posted by an awesome demoscene dude named viznut. Check out the rest of his channel.

Experimental music from very short C programs:

Robotic Liberation (VIC-20 demo):

"Almost every application that is being made ends up lagging in schedule, regrettably"

I'm grateful, of course, for the technological progresses we've made since '73, but how come this is still an issue?

This describes pretty much every type of project ever. Not saying everything lags 100% of the time but most significant projects miss initial schedules. Software has some unique characteristics to be sure, but it's not atypical. (And things like large construction projects tend to be even worse.)
> ... for the technological progresses ...

You've answered it yourself :-) It's not a technical problem, it's a social issue.

Feature creep, over optimistic estimates, business needs changing, and misunderstanding the requirements would be at the top of my list.
No-one's willing to take the huge amount of time it takes to design a software system and accurately estimate how long it will take to build it.

They're happy to pretend good estimates are possible without that, though, and complain endlessly about how bad estimates always are.

It's a self fulfilling prophecy. It's because this is not possible, since often software is a never ending journey. Today's requirements are not tomorrow's requirements. If only we could freeze time.
Application creation (programming, design) are creative processes. If you want a brick wall, you sum up the materials, job size, and labor. Not so with software.
And I'm really glad that it is.

At the end of day that's precisely the joy of this field. Else it's just a job.

I once had a mentor who was fond of saying "Git doesn't solve human problems", in reference to git-conflicts while explaining the system to less technical team members.

Technological advancements have, to this point, had fairly limited effect on mitigating error in human input.

Most of it is not a technology problem. Most of it is a human problem. Humans are not as good as we think we are at communicating in precise details with others.
a) Estimates are made when the least information is available.

b) Developers are bad at estimating the unknown unknowns that will bite them.

c) Padding estimates is somehow seen as a bad thing, probably due to...

d) Business pressures that incentivize everyone to quote the earliest possible date something could be ready, rather than the date it will most likely be ready.

I really think d) is the most significant one here. It's pretty visible if you look at the problem structure. In a competitive environment, the first one to give a solution wins, at least initially. Since it's easy to hide bugs and unfinished features for the release, the ones who skip proper design will ship faster and thus win and preserve on the market. "Good solution today is better than perfect one tomorrow" turns into "worst solution that's still acceptable today is better than decent enough solution tomorrow".
Because the high level business model remains the same. Seeking perpetually increasing short term profitability instead of long term sustainability. Carrot on a stick.
This is such a popular misconception amongst the nerd set. Perhaps because there's a great us v. them narrative implicit in it. I suspect what initially birthed it was a basic misapprehension common to people who have great faith in their own intelligence and opinions - that of needing to ascribe stupidity to people who don't seem to share viewpoints.

I won't bother citing because it's literally overwhelming, but it's pretty clear that there are many companies producing software with the long-term view in mind, and I bet every single one of them is subject to schedule issues.

I've certainly been on teams with long-term thinking embedded in the process and spent time explaining delays, which is of course merely an anecdote, but rather suggestive of things not being as black and white as you'd like to present them.

edit: minor wording cleanups

'such a popular misconception amongst the nerd set'

Um, maybe its just been the places I've worked at, but I've been repeatedly told "we should ship software rather than get everything perfect".

I agree, at the same time, most if not all of the problems I've encountered (including ones I've built for myself) have been because of this impatience.

Bret the Hitman Hart gave some insight into the games industry in the 90s:
Dude that was great. I second the null dereference line. How the heck did I not see this back when I was enjoying how advanced and fun this game was?

Note: Probably playing it and the other classics too much haha.

Hearing a wrestler say "you dereferenced a null pointer" made my day.
Because he's finnish it reminds me of this 1993 video of Future Crew making the PC demo "Second Reality":

(There's high quality english subtitles there.)

Finished product:

"at least two natural languages"

I'm half that good!

It seems like our profession hasn't changed much at all. Makes me feel like I'll be well prepared for the workplace 40 years in the future.

My favorite part was when he answered he has a high school diploma. He mentions he has five years in university but all you really need is a high school diploma.

As someone who spent five and a half years (first four for a BS mathematics degree and a year and half for BS computer science degree) as an undergraduate student, it makes me happy to hear professionals say that.

K-12 school is just as important as ever. I just wish we started second language instruction at lower grades. It could be Spanish, French, German, Mandarin... It'd be nice if we started much earlier.

"A negative side is that the work is extremely tiresome, and there are pressure problems all the time. Mental health problems are well known in this business."

Is he suggesting this work is the cause of mental health issues? Seems to me almost every techie I know has below average mental health. Chicken-egg problem here.

I took that as his implication. In my experience there is also selection bias.
Hmm. If mental health precludes the ability to think logically, then what does that say about the supposed mental 'health'. If, conversely, healthier people are more logical, then maybe they should be programming instead?


Too much pressure, too many meetings, projects coming in behind schedule. Must have been awful in those days.

Do all those people look like they actually hate their jobs, or is this just a Finnish manner?

This video is incredible!

Many years later, and we are still struggling to solve the same software engineering problems, per example, project delays.

The video also shows that, in 1973, the requirements changed all the time. People had a lot of meetings, and they think that programming is a lot about teamwork and collaboration. Requirements analysis, before it had this name.

The guy makes it sound like he's just making whatever the designer tells him, like a robot.

In reality there's a lot of back-and-forth. This is easy, this is hard, this is impossible, we should reorganize this or that, some development path requires more investigation, etc.

If I was a kid watching this I'd conclude it was stressful and subservient.

Things seems to not have changed so much. We spend more time designing and planing things that it takes to implement them.
Oh god... just as depressing as it is today.

"Q: What are the cons of your profession? A: Almost every application that is being made ends up lagging in schedule, regrettably."

The more things change, the more they stay the same :)
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