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Hacker News Comments on
The Commander X16 has finally arrived!

The 8-Bit Guy · Youtube · 26 HN points · 0 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention The 8-Bit Guy's video "The Commander X16 has finally arrived!".
Youtube Summary
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Unfortunately the discord channel is by invite-only at this point for serious software developers.

03:25-BASIC overview
09:59-Memory Map
10:30-Video Features
13:20-Sound/Music Features
15:41-Motherboard overview
19:37-Featured Games
22:59-Future Plans
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Hacker News Stories and Comments

All the comments and stories posted to Hacker News that reference this video.
Oct 12, 2022 · 12 points, 7 comments · submitted by G3rn0ti
> So performance was their goal, right? Well, if so, then why use a 65C02 CPU

Because it makes the computer as compatible as possible with Commodore software back in its day. Ports become simpler.

If you watched the video, you would have seen they changed the design considerably and came up with a basic that is compatible with VIC-20, C64 and similar machines. So you can run most Basic programs without changes. He also ported his modern Commodore game „Attack of the Petscii Robots“ to the X16 because he did not have to write its source from scratch.

I thought the point about being able to just put the rest of the system on the fpga was interesting. especially in light of his plans to potentially get an asic (which i also seriously doubt will happen for a niche product like this). I guess if your board is just an fpga and support circuitry, it won't feel very retro and cool, but if that's the long term trajectory, they could have probably reduced costs a lot by just doing that to begin with
The 8-Bit Guy demonstrates an all new integrated computer system being a spiritual successor of the famous Commodore 8-bit home computers of the 80s.
I really like the system he uses to access video RAM which is simple, decouples the video from the main RAM (which is a serious weakness of real 8-bit machines because it hurts non-video performance directly as well as limiting the clock speed) but is also high performance (if you are blasting out a block of data to the video you can just blast out the bytes to a memory mapped location and the address pointer counts up automatically.)
This was standard on the PC-Engine, and I think the majority of VDC type display controllers of the time.. Personally, I’d take a bank switching scheme whereby CPU reads come from RAM as standard and CPU writes go to graphics memory.. Even as simple as 1 bit mapping of writes to either CPU RAM or VDC RAM would suffice well.. Though more complex is possible..
Oct 12, 2022 · 2 points, 0 comments · submitted by ibobev
Oct 11, 2022 · 12 points, 9 comments · submitted by AndroidKitKat
maybe he's published the usual non-apology apology, but for more context on the guy:

I'm quite glad to see this is the least controversial dirt I've ever seen be used to attempt to smear someone. He didn't "non-apology apology", he didn't apologize at all, and I don't think he should have. I'm VERY much for tighter gun control but the open-carry debate isn't worth entirely dismissing someone over, and I'm usually ready to dismiss someone at the smallest red flag regardless if they're someone I otherwise like.
I'm confused on how his position on open carry or whatever has anything to do with a hobbyist computer. Care to elaborate?
I think it was more about uploading video where he laughs how hilarious it is to scare people while open carrying in a supermarket.
I doesn't. But OTOH, seeing this twerpy mega-nerd carry a giant rifle on his back to look like a badass is so fucking hilarious. I think I understand the gun-nuts a bit better now. Maybe learn to walk straight and do a push-up or two and you won't feel the need to overcompensate.
Regardless of his political views, you can learn everything you need to know about the man by watching any one of his fan mail videos. I've never in my life seen anyone act so annoyed and put out from receiving free stuff.
This is one of the weakest smears I've ever seen attempted on this site.
For those without context, the Command X16 is a passion project by The 8-Bit Guy to build a modernized Commodore 8-bit computer.
8mhz 65C02 CPU. Commodore BASIC. Vera sound and gfx co-processor. It is not a C64 clone, it is evolution of the Commodore 8-bit line.
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