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Hacker News Comments on
How Ocean Shipping Works (And Why It's Broken)

Wendover Productions · Youtube · 6 HN points · 1 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention Wendover Productions's video "How Ocean Shipping Works (And Why It's Broken)".
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Writing by Sam Denby
Editing by Alexander Williard
Animation by Josh Sherrington
Sound by Graham Haerther
Thumbnail by Simon Buckmaster
HN Theater Rankings

Hacker News Stories and Comments

All the comments and stories posted to Hacker News that reference this video.
> Even today, sea transport is cheaper than land transport. In the Bronze and Classical Ages the advantage of sea transport was even more extreme. There was no need for the construction of roads and tens of tons could be transported long distances. Travel times by sea were considerably less than those on land, and armies could be resupplied far away. Bronze Age states with strong navies would have a tremendous advantage over their rivals

This is a fascinating observation to consider even terms of our modern era. Prior to the pandemic, the cost to ship a $20-retail pair of athletic shoes to the US from Asia via the sea was only $.30. [1]

Every passing technological wave that triggers growth seems to concentrate it most in strategic maritime areas (even if much of the raw materials and goods flowing through maritime channels originate in landlocked/inland areas).

One theory of these historical invasions is that that wealth eventually attracts the attention of inland peoples who eventually band together to attack the maritime cultures.


If we continue the observations, sea transport is so dominant that the English language uses the word "shipping" even in context of sending goods over land [0]. All the e-shops speak about "shipping", even if it just involves a small truck on a distance of ten miles from the warehouse to your door.

[0] Not my native language, though; landlocked nations use other expressions.

Nov 23, 2021 · 2 points, 0 comments · submitted by jonbaer
Nov 18, 2021 · 4 points, 0 comments · submitted by goesup12
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