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Mies joka räjäytti TESLANSA!! Tesla Model S & 30kg dynamiittia.

Pommijätkät · Youtube · 76 HN points · 5 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention Pommijätkät's video "Mies joka räjäytti TESLANSA!! Tesla Model S & 30kg dynamiittia.".
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Tämä on huikea tarina selkärankaisesta miehestä, joka päätti räjäyttää oman Tesla Model S autonsa. Mutta miksi ihmeessä joku tekee sellaista?
Katso video niin tiedät :)

Kiitos kaikille videon tekoon osallistuneille!!
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All the comments and stories posted to Hacker News that reference this video.
I came across this one, it's a video of some Finnish chap blowing up his Tesla 2013 S after being told he would need to spend 20k euros to replace its battery.

Apparently after only 1500 km
Dec 21, 2021 · 66 points, 19 comments · submitted by belter
My first thought was this is cool as hell. My second thought was who is going to pick up the thousands of pieces of litter
The slow motion video at the end is terrific. Incredible!
Rich people having fun AND cleaning up after themselves!
We plan to get are first EV. This and other stories are giving me serious doubts about buying a Model Y. My heart wants to go for the Telsa, but my pragmatic head is saying stay away and go for the Audi E-Tron.
I recommend looking at the Polestar II
I feel such a kinship with these people. Brought a tear to my eye, it did! If only more problems of inferior or subpar quality were solved this way.

Not sure anything would change, but my, can't argue with more explosions.

Why did he buy a Tesla for an environment with such weather conditions in the first place though? The explosion was painful to watch.
You can choose to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy or to blow shit up. Finland chose badly.
Norway is the oil state.
What does that have to do with Finland?
It's got to do with lacking basic geography lessons. Fins with their high education rates won't understand.
Ah, he mixed them up with the other Swedes.
Thanks for the laugh!

> Sent from my Tesla on autopilot

> on autopilot

So you think

Arguably buying Tesla is the worst thing you can do for environmental sustainability if you have to ask permission from a car company to replace a defective battery they made after only 1,500km then not get any warranty on it.

The right to repair implications alone are staggering. And the insinuation that someone doesn't care about the environment because they refuse to subscribe to this new trend of limiting consumer rights and requiring subscription services for the "right" to operate a product you already own comes off like a shill.

You can virtue signal in your Tesla that you'll have to pay a monthly fee to use soon enough. Don't expect any sympathy from me when AWS goes down and the DRM in your car is willing to let you freeze to death in the cold because your car won't move. Or Tesla decides to suspend your account because you got your tires replaced at an unauthorized shop.

Well the battery surely had more than 1,500 km on it in total?
While you overdo it a bit, I can only agree. Every story of a company making replacements unnecessarily difficult and costly or forcing subscription 'services' for what should be regular features narrows for me the field of possible EVs to buy.
In the slomo at 6:30ish, can anyone more versed explain what was happening? It looked like the fuses were all lit but nothing happened, then some flame ball from the left came and everything just disappeared. Just curious of the mechanics of that.
Enable English subtitles at the "CC" link
That 'flameball' from the left looks like another fuse. YouTube has drop down to pick a slower playback speed.
The guys involved are licensed for pretty much anything.

If you watch the "hydraulic press channel" you'll know these people (Pommijätkät); he's collaborated with them a number of times on their "beyond the press" channel. Pommijätkät also have their own youtube channel.

The Tesla explosion is on both the "beyond the press" channel and

Yet another data point reinforcing why I will NEVER own/buy an EV. I'll keep my gasoline and diesel vehicles, thank you very much!

Edit2: it seems they are using Semtex/C4 - they say it's faster than dynamite which with the size rules out ANFO or AN explosives.

Dec 20, 2021 · 10 points, 0 comments · submitted by lkozma
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