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A Programming Language for Games, talk #2

Jonathan Blow · Youtube · 51 HN points · 1 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention Jonathan Blow's video "A Programming Language for Games, talk #2".
Youtube Summary
Second talk on designing a programming language for games. Given on September 25, 2014.
The first talk in this series is here:

This talk quotes from an email by John Carmack that is reproduced here in full:

Casey Muratori's essay on Semantic Compression:

Mike Acton's cppcon keynote is here:
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All the comments and stories posted to Hacker News that reference this video.
I posted this elsewhere in the thread, but local blocks that define which variables they read, mutate and export would IMO be a very good solution to this problem:

    (reads: var_1, var_2; mutates: var_3) {
       var_3 = var_1 + var_2
       int result_value = var_1 * var_2
    } (exports: result_value)

    return result_value * 5
There are a couple of newer languages experimenting with concepts like this, Jai being one:
> local blocks that define which variables they read, mutate and export would IMO be a very good solution to this problem:

this is basically a lambda you call instantly.

    [&x, y, z] () {
        x = y + z;
It's similar, but lambdas don't specify the behaviour as precisely, and they're not as readable since the use of a lambda implies a different intention, and the syntax that transforms them into a scope block is very subtle. They may also have performance overhead depending on the environment, which is (arguably) additional information the programmer has to consider on usage.
This is a fascinating idea. In some languages like C or Java or C#, the IDE can probably do this "for free" -- generate, then programmer can spot check for surprises. Or the reverse, highlight a block of code and ask the IDE to tell you about read/mutate/export. In some sense, when you use automatic refactoring tools (like IntelliJ), extract a few lines of code as a new method needs to perform similar static analysis.

In the latest IntelliJ, the IDE will visually hint about mutable, primitive-typed local variables (including method parameters). A good example is a for loop variable (i/j/k). The IDE makes it stand-out. When I write Java, I try to use final everywhere for primitive-typed local variables. (I borrowed this idea from functional programming styles.) The IDE gives me a hint if I accidentally forget to mark something as final.

Oct 08, 2014 · 51 points, 37 comments · submitted by bluehex
About 23 minutes in, Mr. Blow says that lambdas has "questionable performance," but the actual cost is relatively predictable.

Current C++ compilers will try to inline lambdas. Mr. Blow's specific example will be inlined by both g++ and clang, (I haven't tested MSVC) depending on the optimization level you set.

std::function does introduce overhead, and the reason why is important:

How can you implement an array of lambdas that all accept the same signature, but close over different kinds of environments? You need to be able to copy and destruct those environments without static knowledge of how big they are and what's in them.

std::function makes this work by allocating the environment on the heap and hiding it from the type signature. If you are averse to this extra overhead, there's a really easy rule to follow: Until you actually explicitly write "std::function" in your code, you do not pay its cost.

I know a few ways around this:

If you always use auto when dealing with function-local lambdas, you don't pay any extra overhead. You can think of each lambda as being the sole instance of a struct that contains the environment to be closed over, plus a non-virtual method. Just be aware that no lambda is type-compatible with any other. (exception: two lambdas are type-compatible if they have empty environments and the same type signature)

You can templatize lambda-consuming functions over the type of the lambda. This can work out really well if you pay attention to how function inlining happens, as the compiler can not only inline the template function, but the lambda as well. You can generally assume that the compiler is capable of fully inlining maps and folds.

Lastly, if your lambda doesn't close over anything, you can cast it as a C-style function pointer.

Talk one is here:

Kind of a tangent:

Mainly on Jonathan Blow's account, I've been watching a number of similar talks by low-level programmers — for example, Mike Acton's "Data Oriented Design"[1] — and following others on Twitter. I've noticed that much of the time in these presentations, there seems to be a level of disdain towards programmers who don't optimize things down to the bit. (For example, Acton follows a dozen slides on minute cache optimization — featuring assembly examples — with "Bad programming is easy" and "Design patterns are spoonfed material for brainless programmers incapable of independent thought...")

This really bothers me. On the one hand, people like Blow and Acton are working on some of the most complicated software in the world, so I have to give them all my respect. At the same time, this programming style is so alien to me that I simply can't make sense of Acton's patterns and optimizations from a cursory glance. (Blow's examples from AAA development similarly disturb me, though they're much more comprehensible.) This is not what got me into programming, and yet these presentations by coders I respect make me feel like I'm a dummy who's completely "doing it wrong".

I get the feeling that there's a whole separate world of these low-level, performance-optimizing developers who've shrugged off the mainstream and have their own, parallel outlook on how programming should be done. Much of the time, their ideas are very interesting to me. But I don't know how to reconcile their methodology with mine, which works on a much higher level and makes iteration and development so fun and easy — even if things like OO and design patterns bite me in the butt sometimes. I know that many of us here, spoiled by web and app development, must feel the same way.

Is this sort of ascetic, hardware-savvy code really what "good programming" looks like? Because I want to get better at my craft, but it just looks like a whole lot of pain.


Off-tangent, I am enjoying these lectures from an academic point of view, even though I don't think I would have a use for this hypothetical language!

I don't have any extended experience with non-game programming so I may be completely delusional but it appears to me that the most of non-game programming is not as much about programming as about solving some problem with a computer. E.g. there are programmers working for Coca Cola, or FedEx. But these companies don't sell any programs and none of their customers really care if their business involved any computers at all. I am pretty sure about this because some businesses that hire programmers today had existed since before computers had been invented.

Game programming, on the other hand, is exactly opposite. The game does not solve any problems at all. Its value is in itself. It's not just gameplay experience or art, it's the binary code and data: there are quite a few cases when a game with the same gameplay and art but running on a different platform does not sell nearly as well. Of course, the gameplay and art are vey important factors in the game's success and the reasons the sales of the ports vary so much are not related to the particular code as much as to the competition and consumer preferences. The point is that the game companies literally sell binary executables that the game programmers create as opposite to the other businesses that sell services or products, which are not binary executables.

So my answer to your question is that no, it is not "good programming" in the mainstream sense of solving a problem with the help of a computer. It is, however, pretty awesome programming in the literal sense of making a computer do what you want it to do.

I don't see how the code is any more or any less relevant for a game than for any other pure software product.
Nor do I, but I do feel there is a difference. More specifically, game programming seems to be more demanding in the "programming" part, while many other programming jobs emphasise the "domain knowledge" part.

If you're doing a business application for a small shop (payroll system, cash registry, invoices printer…), good accounting is probably more precious than good programming: you have plenty of computing resources to waste, your programs can be relatively small…

But when performance starts to be key (video encoders, AAA games, databases…), the effort devoted to programming becomes comparatively bigger.

True, though there are many other application domains where nonfunctional (i.e. non-"domain") requirements are at least as important as the domain modeling itself.

Search at Google, scaling at Twitter, any chip that powers your car's airbag, ...

So game programming is not a different animal, it's just one of the domains where performance is a lot more relevant than for more mundane domains.

I agree, which is why I mentioned video encoding, databases, and three little dots.
Game code has to be performant first, readable second.
I don't see where I said the code can't be different in style. I said that I don't see how the code is somehow more important in the end product. No non-programmer gamer has ever cared one bit about what the code looks like, if the game is good. Like every other user of any software product ever.
You said you couldn't see how the code was more relevant, which I interpreted in another context; ultimately gamers won't care as long as it's a good game. However, I don't see any value in following that line of reasoning, as it halts all further discussion.

The truth is game code often needs to be performant first, and the pursuit of that goal usually comes at the cost of maintainability and readability (and programmers' sanity), so I think further discussion is warranted.

> The truth is game code often needs to be performant first

This is true, of course. All else in this discussion is semantics, probably :)

I don't see how I claimed the opposite. As I said I don't have any experience outside the game industry so I could not be able to tell if either is true anyway. I am just saying that game programming is not "good programming" in the sense most people use that term since we don't even attempt such programming (i.e. solving a problem with the help of a computer).
I don't see how the problem "write an amusing simulation of space ships shooting missiles" in intrinsically different from "write a data model for invoices and expenses and report on how they add up".

Obviously the techniques are different, but you're both solving a "problem" with the help of a computer.

Is the writing a data model actually a problem that is being solved here? I'd imagined that the problem was reporting invoices and expenses. So you solve this problem with the help of a computer by writing a data model. You could solve it without a computer too by hiring somebody to add the invoices and expenses with an abacus and the difference would be just the cost.

What problem writing an amusing simulation of space ships shooting missiles is solving in your opinion? Other than the lack of such simulation, of course. Could you solve such a problem without a computer? I don't think many people would be amused flying a real space ship and shooting missiles.

Games solve the problem of people having too much money and being bored. You could solve that without computers. Or money.
I think that's merely a matter of scale. The analog equivalent to a computer game is a video game, or playing a sport. Vice versa, there are plenty of "problems solved with the help of a computer" that simply cannot be solved without a computer: anything that needs a computer's scale to be calculated.
The problem being solved at the high level is one of how to entertain. These problems tend to be solved by the game designers themselves.

Every solution involving software has many many layers of software inside it, and every single one of those layers is solving a problem of some sort.

Some layer somewhere in that expenses report is solving the problem of how to save and load data, for example. It has nothing to do with the business problem being solved, but it's still a technical problem that needs to be solved.

It's the same for games.

Understanding the entire stack is in general a good thing but you're looking at it wrong. These guys are good programmers but they have spent decades doing this stuff so comparing yourself to them is a completely unfair comparison. Plus, like everyone else they are not objective observers and have a bias when it comes to expressing their opinions on this stuff. If all you do day in day out is optimize low level code then of course you are going to attach more value to low level optimizations and machine level understanding.

Now contrast this with the likes of Alan Kay, Bob Harper, Benjamin Pierce, etc. and you notice the same pattern. These people couldn't care less about the low level details and instead espouse the benefit of high level theoretical understanding and how such knowledge advances the field.

Both viewpoints are correct and balancing those two viewpoints is where the engineering aspects of software engineering come into play.

> This is not what got me into programming, and yet these presentations by coders I respect make me feel like I'm a dummy who's completely "doing it wrong".

You've taken their necessity and assumed it's the same as yours. AAA game developers don't do these kind of optimizations because it makes them feel smart or better, they do them because they have to.

> parallel outlook on how programming should be done.

Nor do they think that this is how programming should be done. It is how programming should be done within the context of AAA game development.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that software development is a singular or uniform field. It isn't. If you took nearly any of these "black magic devs" and asked them to iteratively develop a MVP and they would struggle to do that in the same way you struggle to understand their development practices.

You are better at solving your type of problems than they are.

> Is this sort of ascetic, hardware-savvy code really what "good programming" looks like?

Again, It all depends on where you are coming from. I don't actually work in the gamedev industry, but spent YEARS doing this stuff on the side as a hobby and so I do understand it. I very rarely get to use that knowledge in my actual job, possibly once a year - however that knowledge has turned me into a key man dependency: on the extremely rare occasion that this knowledge is required; I'm indispensable.

> Because I want to get better at my craft, but it just looks like a whole lot of pain.

As you should. Once you get a handle on this stuff it's intoxicating and addictive. It was painful at the start.

I think why you might be having issues is that you are starting at the bottom. Don't start at the CPU, start at the layer that sits directly beneath you. Java coder? Learn about the JVM. C# coder? Learn about the .Net runtime. C coder? Learn about GCC. Once you understand that move down to the OS, then move down to the CPU.

You can't understand what's happening on the CPU if you don't understand how the code you write gets there in the first place.

Just remember, this is personal enrichment and not requirement. There are very few industries that require this type of knowledge.

> You are better at solving your type of problems than they are

Mike Acton's remark about Microsoft Word taking 30 seconds to boot suggests he does not generally believe what you said. Part of the philosophy behind these talks is that, just because a piece of software works (and sells, and pays your bills, etc) doesn't mean it is good software or that is well programmed. Different people measure quality based on bugs, or crashes, or responsiveness, or size, or argh how beautiful it is.

But it also is not just about efficiency at runtime. Some of these talks dive into how certain approaches to software design (like traditional OOP) have gained traction for their appearance of utility rather than their actual value. Or in some cases, as shown in the post you reply to, because they are more "easy and fun."

Acton + co have years and years of experience with hardware-conscious development. They are masters at their craft.

I don't think someone starting with data driven design would necessarily need to understand as much as they do. Mastery is impossible to acquire in an instant. If it is Acton's belief that all of these concepts need to be understood at once, even by a beginner, he is going to find that he has a very thin following.

Furthermore, if you take things at an even more fundamental level than Acton is suggesting the hardware becomes irrelevant. Computer Science stemmed from Mathematics and is as such an application of Mathematics. This is especially relevant when you look at what Carmac did all those years ago by using some clever math to create a 3D shaded game.

When you look at it that way, what is the ultimate goal of Mathematics? To find an answer. Indeed, we are working with "Computer Science" and part of science is finding an answer.

Given that, all data driven development really boils down to is:

f(x) => ...

In his specific area of the science, he cares about the cost of the "=>," however, other areas might value the "f(x)" more. In the startup industry the answer is finding out whether the answer to "f(x) => ..." is something that should be solved in the first case.

Therefore, I would say, a well designed piece of software is thus because it finds a suitable answer. In game development part of the suitability of an answer is how quickly you can arrive at that answer. This also applies to, say, the stock market. With something like the first version of Facebook, the suitability of an answer is that it gives you insight into the viability of your idea.

Your software has achieved a goal, within certain constraints, and therefore is successful. Even "Hello World" holds value because it has achieved the goal of getting a newcomer's feet wet.

This is so true! When this type of developers starts talking about design of the architecture they start discussing optimization on second minute.

Here is a good example (it's a good blog and people are talented though):

If performance is a design goal, you need to take it into account. Making things efficient can affect the code in funny ways and/or introduce restrictions you need to plan around, so ideally you need to be thinking about it as early as possible. You can't get everything right in advance, but making an educated guess is better than just ignoring the issue and then wondering later why it's proving so difficult to improve the performance.

People already think in these terms, I am sure, when it comes to loading data over the internet, or reading larger-than-RAM data sets, and so on.

I think it's because there are two cases that require flawless performance: when you are pushing the limits of the hardware, and when you are adding a layer that people will build lots of software upon.

Games are a perfect example of the first case. Have you seen how much optimization goes into the rendering of a modern 3D game? They are not wasting hours to shave a single byte like the olden times, but the whole thing is piled with low level optimizations.

And languages are an example of the second case, where you are adding a layer. This is crucial because layer performance is compounded. If the OS is using 75% more operations than it should be, and the language is doing the same, the final application slowness goes up by 3x.

Sure, your smartphone app should conserve battery, and it would be nice if it finished its operations a tad faster. But that's a case where you don't need to scrub assembly code.

I find the ideas of the slides good, and as a coder that learn programing from the database point of view I agree a lot. But the specific examples are too "the small stuff". I think that a large-scale code organization could be a better example of how data-oriented programming will yield a better/easier solution that focus in what happened in a loop.

This kind of example reinforce in the newbie the idea of obsess for the performance of the tree and not of the forest. But really, where are a better example?

This is quite common in the gamming industry where performance matters more than anything else.

You won't see them worrying to write portable code like FOSS advocates think they do, because it is everything about extracting to the last drop of performance juice of the machine.

The funny thing about Mike Acton's talk for us old timers, is that if this talk was 20 years ago, he would be bashing C and Pascal dialects for being too bloated, while advocating straight Assembly code.

But it seems people capable of modern way of thinking start to emerge, e.g. Tim Sweeney of Epic Games:

"– Will gladly sacrifice 10% of our performance for 10% higher productivity"

Kill your idols. Those people are brilliant and extremely talented at their craft, but like all of us they suffer from the near sightedness that results from decades spent in a few especially detailed fields of expertise. And at the end of the day, they're just humans - susceptible to biases as much as anyone else.

Of course you want to listen to them and incorporate their ideas and viewpoints; but part of growing as a professional is knowing how to balance that with your own experience and knowledge, and having the courage to say (after thinking long and hard) "this guy is full of shit".

DHH's opinion on web frameworks is more valuable than his opinion on game engines. Torvalds' opinion on operating systems is more valuable than his opinion on robotics programming. The same applies to anything you hear from experts. In fact, being in a position of expertise can often lead you into a sense of false certainty about your knowledge: I am a master of X, of course it applies to Y! Well, some insights might, and a few general truths might emerge, but that's the extent of it and it's certainly not systematic.

You needn't be bothered about not sharing the same frustrations as others. Jonathan Blow is a game developer so the low-level memory management is very important. As a high-level programmer, you may never run into the same issues. That's perfectly fine and doesn't imply anything about "good programming". Enjoy doing what you're doing and at some point you may come up with your own list of grievances and ideas about implementing a more perfect language.
I think there are a number of attitudes engendered by the nature of doing game programming, especially low-level engine programming, for a long time. Game programmers aren't unaware of the rest of the programming universe, but the risks mean that they tend to indulge only one or two new ideas at a time for production code.

One such attitude is that the code is disposable - you cut down the buglist until the game ships, and then boom, new project, greenfield code. (or sometimes, same engine, but you can go in and gut it until it fits the new design) Another is that your primary goal as the engine programmer is to push out data as quickly as possible - more things onscreen, with more detail and more effects; if you aren't doing this, then you're probably spending your technical budget to explore a completely new technology instead. Higher-level abstractions are weeded out if they aren't supplementing these goals.

This means that game programmers see the code as something that you scrub out and redo over and over in order to match the new data model you're optimizing against(which necessarily changes as hardware and design goals changes). You're gonna throw the code out tomorrow, so there's no sense in spending a lot of "thinking and theorizing" time on it to reach artificial ideals. You have a clear destination to reach instead.

The ideal provided as an alternative is to reduce your coding to an efficient, even boring process that consistently gets you towards a working solution that can be optimized later, even whilst you're keeling over from crunch. Game coders don't optimize everything right off the bat because they need real-world data for the test case, so the engine only really gets performance tuned in the later stages of a project as more of the content is completed. The early days are often more important because they're done with the understanding that all the maintenance work needed to ship must be done before ship, so you can only take on technical debt on a feature if it means the feature will never be touched again; otherwise the only reason to do it is to hit one of those stupid publisher milestones that requires a feature to be in place prematurely.

Another issue is that not all abstractions are available. Stuff reliant on GC is generally out, because control over memory allocation is a must. Stuff that bloats memory usage, also generally out. Stuff that leads to unpredictable execution times(e.g. lazy evaluation) is dismissed immediately. Imperative style is still the groundwork for game code, if only because simulated worlds encourage massive amounts of mutability and global state.

So at the same time there's a tunnel vision that comes out of this approach. Not every game needs that level of optimization, and not every optimization is a matter of peering at the hardware and seeing what form the data needs to be in for go-fastness(which is 90% of the Acton slides). But because the programmer also can't predict "how much" performance is enough, they tend to estimate conservatively, defer to C++ and to their hardware once more, and just pull out the old bag of tricks to make it go. And then ship at 30hz when it turns out that the estimate still wasn't good enough for 60.

This is a really insightful comment. I feel like I understand the world of high-performance programming a lot better now. Thank you!
At the heart of it, it's just different priorities
> Game programmers aren't unaware of the rest of the programming universe

They (dare I say we) are VERY aware of what goes on. Note for example that Mike Acton, one of the most vocal proponents in this area, moved his studio's tools technology towards browser-based development years ago, with things like Node, Angular.js and MongoDB thrown in for good measure. I can assure you that in any medium to large studio you will find big fans of Haskell and functional languages.

Agree with you, however if you watch blows talks he is very clear that he says a lot of these problems are very specific to games. And its games that really benefit from these low level optimizations.
I really enjoy reading the Bitsquid blog (two guys who made a game engine and sold it to autodesk). They have a much more balanced take on the subject (eg and lots of practical examples (eg ,

There are benefits not just to performance but to clarity and debuggability. It becomes much easier to figure out where your program is spending time or where data is being corrupted because work is done in large, homogeneous chunks instead of being spread all over the stack trace.

The Bitsquid developers are very, very savvy programmers and I find myself agreeing with almost all the design decisions they made in their engine - in fact, my engine uses a lot of similar patterns and constructs.

I wasn't aware they had sold to Autodesk though.

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