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Hacker News Comments on
DefCon 15 - T112 - No-Tech Hacking

basic204 · Youtube · 1 HN points · 2 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention basic204's video "DefCon 15 - T112 - No-Tech Hacking".
Youtube Summary
DefCon 15 - T112 - No-Tech Hacking
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Hacker News Stories and Comments

All the comments and stories posted to Hacker News that reference this video.
Oct 02, 2012 · 1 points, 0 comments · submitted by kamechan
There's Random Hacks of Kindness (

"Random Hacks of Kindness is a community of innovation focused on developing practical open source solutions to disaster risk management and climate change adaptation challenges. Random Hacks of Kindness was founded in 2009 in partnership between Google, Microsoft, Yahoo!, NASA and the World Bank."

Johnny Long founded Hackers for Charity in 2008: - see announcement talk:

Hack for Change ( might be interesting as well.

Johnny popularized the phrase "google hacking". See his "No-Tech Hacking" session from DefCon 15: EPIC!

He literally wrote the book:
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