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I am an NYC business owner and I will NOT follow Mayor DeBlasio's order.

Louis Rossmann · Youtube · 15 HN points · 1 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention Louis Rossmann's video "I am an NYC business owner and I will NOT follow Mayor DeBlasio's order.".
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Vaccines, including the COVID vaccine, are a positive, modern day miracle. This is a GOOD THING FOR THE WORLD - but this is also NOT the way to encourage people who are on the fence to get the jab.
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Aug 04, 2021 · 8 points, 4 comments · submitted by hncurious
Does this remind anyone else of penis inspection day in high school?

It felt invasive but I was told it was for the greater good so I just went along with it.

If more people would just go along with the program, it would make things so much easier.

Sometimes you just have to trust the experts to know what's right.

/s ?
No I mean it.

I always passed so I never had any issues.

I think we just need to do our best and get through this for the betterment of society.

Are the policy makers experts in virology? What are they basing this policy on, legally and medically? Is there scientific consensus among actual experts?
Im not sure. I know I passed every time.

Because I just did what they told me and went along with the program.

People need to remember the lessons from this time.

Louis Rossmann, owner of Rossmann Repair Group, released a video attacking this new policy - and he is pro-vaccination and encourages his family and employees to get it.

Aug 04, 2021 · 7 points, 6 comments · submitted by throwitaway1235
> Why would you not consider it?

Because they don't want to hear the answer to that. Even worse, they don't want that answer to be heard. Because they probably fear that it is going to sound reasonable to a rational mind, that just ain't come up with it on its own.

Someone might even ask "Why are we not helping these people?"

Segregation is immoral.
so is people dying before their time
Death exists and is amoral.
Death is not inevitable, and there is such thing as agency / locus-of-control

Not reducing actual harm, suffering, and deaths where possible is immoral. Inconveniences are the lesser evil.

We don't give people the option to opt-out of polio, mumps, rubella, etc. because their "opinion" would affect others. (Antivaxx BS exceptions notwithstanding, which led to numerous outbreaks in private boarding schools.) It's not the same as pregnancy. Informed consent doesn't work in this instance because too many people are stupid and pose liabilities to others without vaccination; informed compliance is the safer course for public health in a pandemic emergency. This is how it would've been done in the 1940's but now people are too ignorant, unreasonable, and noncompliant to be trusted to do what's essential to address a common threat. They can argue about "freedumbs" and "tyranny" after their shots.

Science also exists, but I don't consider myself an expert on the morality of it, so you do what you want.
There is an absolutely massive protest this Monday August 9th in NYC against the "mandate".

DeBlasio should resign.

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