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Hacker News Comments on
DEFCON - The Full Documentary

The Documentary Network · Youtube · 15 HN points · 0 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention The Documentary Network's video "DEFCON - The Full Documentary".
Youtube Summary
A film about the world's largest hacking convention and its 20th year running. Filmed over the summer of 2012 and containing hundreds of hours of interviews, parties, presentations and spectacle.
Over 280 hours of footage was recorded in support of the documentary, and five separate camera crews were in action.

Directed by Jason Scott with camerawork by Eddie Codel, Alex Buie, Drew Wallner, Rick Dakan, Steve Fish, Kyle Way and Rachel Lovinger.
Produced by Jeff Moss and Russ Rogers.
HN Theater Rankings

Hacker News Stories and Comments

All the comments and stories posted to Hacker News that reference this video.
Sep 19, 2016 · 2 points, 0 comments · submitted by user321
Nov 24, 2014 · 3 points, 0 comments · submitted by 123user
Aug 04, 2014 · 10 points, 4 comments · submitted by WestCoastJustin
I turned off after they spent five minutes talking about driving to DEFCON. Eh.
You missed out, it's a good doc.
Watching it now! Thanks
I've noticed that most of the people in this video are fat for some reason.
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