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Consistent Technical Documents Using Emacs and Org Mode

spudlyo · Youtube · 133 HN points · 4 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention spudlyo's video "Consistent Technical Documents Using Emacs and Org Mode".
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Org mode does a lot of different things, but one use case I find interesting is to be able to mix prose and program output in a technical document in a way that keeps things consistent when things change. I made a video[0] a year or so ago that explores Org's literate programming features that I think does a pretty good job of illustrating the power of Org.


Thanks that's helpful. Looks like I dont need that extra stuff.
I made a video[0] showing off the power of org-babel, which is the part of org that lets you embed dynamic code blocks in your document. In the video I write a little essay[1] on how git stores data that has a lot of dynamic content that is managed by org. It's a bit like reproducible research or literate programming, but for me it's all about writing technical documents that are easy to keep consistent when things change.



Thanks for this video, this is the one I link to when asked for a Babel demo.
Jun 24, 2020 · d0mine on Text-Only Websites
Org mode supports inline Latex that can be exported to html.

Here's a nice demo on how to write tech docs using Emacs and Org mode

This is what I've done the past couple weeks and it's going pretty well:

Start with plain Emacs. Print/write out the popular cheatsheets. Just make sure you know how to exit, access the documentation, and move around the windows/frames/buffers. Get Melpa & install some packages. Play with the config, adding keybindings, figure out hooks and so on. Copy some elisp functions from dotfiles on Github. Spam the documentation command on everything. Get frustrated with how much tinkering you need to do to get the crazy setups you've seen on blogposts. Stay motivated by consuming more content about custom setups. Discover the magic of magit and parinfer and dired. Look up some of the org-mode/PIM heroes on github, usernames: novoid, alphapapa, karlicoss

Install Doom. Tinker with it a bit. Take notes of your learning in an org file. Tinker some more. Go back to plain emacs for a bit. Then try spacemacs. Go straight back to Doom because it's faster and you now understand enough about emacs to be scared of spacemacs' layers.

Below are some links to help you along the way.

Nov 21, 2019 · 133 points, 16 comments · submitted by rwnspace
I hate videos for technical documentation, but I watched this one to the end. It was actually a very good way to demonstrate the thought process of why this method is useful and how to use it. Of course it is a video explained how to avoid using videos for documentation. ;-)

I am an emacs user, but I am pretty sure there is a vim-base orgmode as well. I assume it can do most the same things.

"I am pretty sure there is a vim-base orgmode as well. I assume it can do most the same things."

vim has some org-inspred plugins, but last I looked they were very limited in functionality compared to org-mode.

Yeah, emacs with the evil (vi emulation) package would probably be the better way to go.
I have been using org mode for years and it is second nature now, and continually learn new things I love about it. This is a great video intro to the topic, kudos!

When collaborating with others though on pure documentation, I will say I am increasingly impressed with the usefulness of asciidoc/doctor. Have you used it at all or have any thoughts?

Absolutely worth watching. Great video @spudlyo - thank you for a great content.
Video creator here. This may have had a shot at the front page if it were an essay instead of a video. HN just doesn't like videos as a general rule.
You might like jupyter emacs + :session to speed up the execution of numerous org babel code blocks. ([async.] execution via websockets)
Thanks for the tip! I need to educate myself a bit on Jupyter kernels, and this looks like a great starting point. I love the huge amount of documentation this package has!
Would have had a shot if it were documented with emacs and org-mode.
This is fantastic. I usually loathe youtube videos and ADD out of them after a few seconds. I watched this to the end, stopping frequently and trying out new things in org-mode.

You taught me a lot, thank you very much. Do you have a favourite charity I can donate to?

I saw it in the front page, fwiw.
Indeed. It seems like there is some mechanism that gives posts a second chance at making the front page, because when I wrote that comment (around a day ago) it seemed clear it was going nowhere. It's interesting to note that the timestamps on all the comments are adjusted as part of that process.
You're absolutely correct. The "mechanism", as I understand it, is that the mods just manually bump up threads they think are interesting and deserve a second shot at the front page. HN has quite a lot of manual curation!
Yes, this is the second-chance mechanism described at and links back from there. See also

And yes, we put the OP in that pool, so it got a placement on the front page. That only lasts for a few minutes, though; after that, if users don't upvote it, it will fall off. Users upvoted this one.

I love your voice though.
Thank you. The video is exemplary. Fascinating concept, very well constructed and thought-through. Please, make more!

I would be very keen to read an essay on the same subject too. I'd also like to write one, although I suspect my attempt might not be to the same standard.

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