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Invited Speaker Ali Cehreli, Introduction to Dlang

Mike Shah · Youtube · 166 HN points · 0 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention Mike Shah's video "Invited Speaker Ali Cehreli, Introduction to Dlang".
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►Full DLang Series Playlist:
►Lesson Description: In this special lesson, guest speaker Ali Cehreli (author of ) presents a wonderful tour of the D Programming language. Enjoy this talk!

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Oct 08, 2022 · 166 points, 99 comments · submitted by WalterBright
Go Ali! When I was a little kid trying to get my feet wet with programming, Ali used to write on a Turkish programming forum, He used to patiently answer all my questions. Since then I learned English and got out of touch with the Turkish community. I am surprised to see him on HN!
Do you know Mr.Stop as well ? He 's almost old as Ali in Turkish scene. He has been reversing bits and bytes though.
I haven't come across him. He may have preceeded my time and abilities at that time:). I hanged around in during middle school, I guess around 2008-2010. Before that I was to small to write code. My parents had bought me a Javascript book and teach yourself c++ from Herbert Schildt from a local bookstore. Javascript book was easy, C++ book was hard :). So I abandoned the book shortly after learning cin, cout, iostream and Ali was there to help me out write some programs. I still remember this. I had written a basic calculator in c++, insert number 1, insert operator, insert number 2 kind of something. Ali wrote to me why don't you write it so that it doesn't require you to enter seperate inputs. That question lingered on my mind for a long time and led me into learning about parsing and writing interpreters years later.
Wonderful to see you here as well! :)
How cool that you were so kind. World needs more people like that.
There are programmimg discord servers where I think most of the kind and helpful programmers find themselves today. At least, that's been my observation.
Ali is the author of "Programming in D".
I need a link
And Walter ^ is the author of "D" itself : )
And John Berea ^ wrote this comment
And I wrote this comment.
Very cool to see this gaining traction, my favourite hedgefonds-I-never-got-to-work-at introduced D to me and I believe it's one of the more interesting projects in languages right now.
Yeah, D language is a playground in PL theory. It is the next C++.
That historically backwards: C++ has been catching up to D since C++11.
Sure, that's what makes C++ one of the worst PLs. Just break for every decade or so to fix things for good.

What's D been doing meanwhile? D community and the authors know its short comings for over a decade now, which are the reasons for its lack of adoption even in the open source world. Most of the D code is yet to be written, tbh. If D can't break stuff to fix the mistakes with defaults, why was all the hatred marketing towards C++? Was it a failed strategy trying to kill C++, so let's just surrender to it via core.stdcpp?

PS: Yes, D has the best interop with C++ in the world and even better interop with C as the memory model is same!

Made a few examples here to kickstart D usage:
AMA I am the speaker.
Did Rust eat your (the D community’s) lunch?
It is definitely chewing on it. :)

D's advantage over Rust is its familiar syntax and semantics. C, C++, Java, C#, Python, etc. programmers feel at home once they learn some differences. I heard others say "D is what C++ should have been" and "Compiled Python".

I did use Rust for a brief period in a project where the experienced Rust programmer among us was throwing '&' characters here and there to make the code compile, seemingly randomly in many cases. Personally, I remember fighting with impedance issues with the many different string types of Rust. All of this spells a steeper learning curve to me.

I think D is familiar to programmers of many other languages.

The inconvenient truth about strings is that strings are hard, and even Rust doesn't have enough string types.
D doesn't actually have string types, either, what it does have is `string` is just an alias for:

meaning you can treat it like any other array.
While researching this comment I read some of the D library documentation and found what I think is probably a docbug at this URL:

"Throws: UTFException if invalid UTF sequence and useReplacementDchar is set to UseReplacementDchar.yes"

My guess is that this is a mistake and should instead say since it makes sense to throw an exception if you can't use U+FFFD here, rather than do both.

Anyway, in my view this is bad the same way the Billion Dollar Mistake is bad, and Rust made the right choice here. Arrays of stuff are great, but they aren't strings. Having to sprinkle "or maybe not" cases all over these libraries because of course these might not really be strings, results in exception fatigue from your developers, which in turn results in lower quality software and more effort for the conscientious developers who stick it out.

D's strings are less stupid than C's (and thus some of the C++ strings) but they're still just arrays which are maybe but maybe not actually text.

On the other hand, the sad reality is that even when you have a plethora of string types to accommodate with reality like Rust, people will just not care out of convenience. See how Rust build scripts communicate paths to cargo via stdout, and how most of them just use Path::display (or something similar or worse) to do that, which is lossy. Rustc itself doesn't handle paths correctly either. IIRC, all in all, it's basically impossible to compile Rust code from a non-UTF-8 path.
D's string is not text by itself because it is an array of UTF-8 code units. However, we have this infamous feature called auto-decoding in the standard library that presents strings as unicode code points.

On the other hand, D's dstrings are more like text because they are not only UTF-32 but also random-accessible code points. (D does not address multiple representations of graphemes at language level. For example, at language level, ğ is different from "g and combining breve" but there are std.uni and std.utf modules that help.)

> D's string is not text by itself because it is an array of UTF-8 code units.

Bytes. It's an array of bytes. D's char type isn't actually restricted to UTF-8 code units, char x = '\xFF'; works just fine even though that's not UTF-8.

I see what you mean but array of bytes is something else in D: byte[].
Thanks for the bug report. I filed it for you:

Having string be a magic builtin type does not eliminate the problem of dealing with invalid UTF sequences.

Invalid UTF sequences are inherent to the Unicode design, and programmers are left on their own to deal with it. The options are:

1. ignore them

2. use the replacement char

3. throw an exception (or other error indication)

D enables the programmer to pick which they need, on a case by case basis.

The problem does need solving, but it only needs solving once. D's approach means the programmers needs to make this decisions over, and over, and over again everywhere they have an alleged "string". Or they must track somehow (by convention perhaps?) whether string A is or is not "really" a string.

If you have type safety, you can make the choice just once.

Rust's String::from_{utf8,utf16}_lossy turn valid UTF-8/16 sequences into strings, and "fix" invalid ones with U+FFFD

Meanwhile String::from_{utf8,utf16} attempt the same but with an Err instead of replacement on failure if that's what the programmer wants.

Imagine if all D's numeric functions took the same attitude as its string functions, insisting on being passed arrays of bytes so that each function can parse those bytes, decide if this is actually a 16-bit unsigned integer (for example) and if so do what's expected otherwise perhaps return an error. We'd spot right away that this was not a practical design.

D's choices here are conventional, but I've come to expect a lot more and so I'm disappointed when I can't have it.

I don't see the difference here. D offers the same options when processing a string.
I think the point is that you run the unicode validation once on your [u8] array, which gives you a &str (or String for the lossy variants). From then on, you know you have valid unicode and don't need to keep checking.
That's surely the whole point, every D std.string function is also a string decoder with varying features. But a suitably decoded "string" is still just the same type, whereas Rust has a distinct type for actual UTF8 strings
> Thanks for the bug report. I filed it for you:

#23405 was resolved as fixed a week ago. It isn't fixed. I guess at least I didn't waste my time filing the bug.

> Personally, I remember fighting with impedance issues with the many different string types of Rust.

It's because Rust gives very low-level control over strings. If what you want is a string the same way as they work in other languages, including D, then use String. If you want very fine control over memory allocation or want the string to be fixed length, then you use a type that guarantees those properties.

String will work with anything, at the cost of having little control over its allocation or representation.

Every time I try D it just feels unfinished.

From memory running unit tests printed some weird error, which everyone just ignores. Also importC isn't what you think it is - it's for statically compiling C files in your source directory, not importing foreign C libs you've installed on your system.

I definitely think there's a place for a GC'd, memory efficient, natively compiled language. I just wish after all these years it felt mature.

> I definitely think there's a place for a GC'd, memory efficient, natively compiled language.

Do you have a view on OCaml?

I love ocaml, but it's not very memory efficient.

Every value needs to be tagged, so an `int` only has 31 bits of numeric information.

There's stuff like "Int32.t", but IIRC it takes up 8 bytes for 4 bytes of inty goodness. Then there's BigArray which can store them contiguously, but that doesn't carry over to records.

C# might be that language, now that .NET 7 will be bringing .NET Native into mainline .NET (Native AOT), or Swift on Apple platforms (RC is a GC algorithm).

But I still look forward to D having its place as well.

> unit tests printed some weird error

I am not aware of a common issue like that but D has bugs.

> Also importC isn't what you think it is

That's contrary to my tests: I installed libplot on my system, 'import'ed its .h file to my D source code, called C functions from D, linked with -L-lplot and it worked.

> not importing foreign C libs you've installed on your system

Maybe you mean something else with "importing" but I installed a foreign C library on my system and it just worked without any hand-written D bindings for it.

I am not aware of a common issue like that but D has bugs.

Not an error I suppose, but doesn't fill me with confidence nonetheless.

$ dub test No source files found in configuration 'library'. Falling back to "dub -b unittest". Performing "unittest" build using /home/lewis/dlang/dmd-2.100.2/linux/bin64/dmd for x86_64. myproject ~master: building configuration "application"... Linking... Running myproject Hello world! (dmd-2.100.2)[lewis@lightgrey myproject]$ micro source/app.d (dmd-2.100.2)[lewis@lightgrey myproject]$ dub test No source files found in configuration 'library'. Falling back to "dub -b unittest". Performing "unittest" build using /home/lewis/dlang/dmd-2.100.2/linux/bin64/dmd for x86_64. myproject ~master: building configuration "application"... Linking... Running myproject core.exception.AssertError@source/app.d(9): unittest failure ---------------- ??:? _d_unittestp [0x555fe0e339b1] source/app.d:9 void app.__unittest_L8_C1() [0x555fe0e328b8] ??:? void app.__modtest() [0x555fe0e33888] ??:? int core.runtime.runModuleUnitTests().__foreachbody6(object.ModuleInfo) [0x555fe0e3d9c2] ??:? int object.ModuleInfo.opApply(scope int delegate(object.ModuleInfo)).__lambda2(immutable(object.ModuleInfo)) [0x555fe0e3b88f] ??:? int rt.minfo.moduleinfos_apply(scope int delegate(immutable(object.ModuleInfo))).__foreachbody2(ref rt.sections_elf_shared.DSO) [0x555fe0e42a83] ??:? int rt.sections_elf_shared.DSO.opApply(scope int delegate(ref rt.sections_elf_shared.DSO)) [0x555fe0e42f5b] ??:? int rt.minfo.moduleinfos_apply(scope int delegate(immutable(object.ModuleInfo))) [0x555fe0e42a11] ??:? int object.ModuleInfo.opApply(scope int delegate(object.ModuleInfo)) [0x555fe0e3b861] ??:? runModuleUnitTests [0x555fe0e3d80e] ??:? void rt.dmain2._d_run_main2(char[][], ulong, extern (C) int function(char[][])).runAll() [0x555fe0e342d8] ??:? void rt.dmain2._d_run_main2(char[][], ulong, extern (C) int function(char[][])).tryExec(scope void delegate()) [0x555fe0e34265] ??:? _d_run_main2 [0x555fe0e341ce] ??:? _d_run_main [0x555fe0e33f97] /home/lewis/dlang/dmd-2.100.2/linux/bin64/../../src/druntime/import/core/internal/entrypoint.d:29 main [0x555fe0e328dd] ??:? __libc_start_main [0x7f1a0be25e09] ../sysdeps/x86_64/start.S:120 _start [0x555fe0e327c9] 1/1 modules FAILED unittests Program exited with code 1

Is this one of the dub hello worlds? Looks like it.... but it also says line 8 and the built in thing doesn't have a line 8. So what is the code there? If it is `assert(0)`, you're seeing the result of the test. The info is a bit spammy since it prints all the mostly-useless stack trace but there's some situations beyond hello world where the extra info helps explain why the test failed.
It is.

If the default project manager barfs out all of that - ??? and all - when you write a simple hello world project with a failing test...

Well I'm not filled with confidence. If you discover such a lack of care at that early of a stage, god knows what it'll be like when you actually start solving problems.

I think its important to share few negatives about D

1. It have no edge, its not the best system language, and far from a good application language (mainly because of the eco system)

2. Fragile community, low number of user and the community forum is toxic frequently

3. It doesnt have strong leadership, D doesnt have a good roadmap, and constantly changing vision

4. Its a big language, and considering the drawbacks, its too big to have such critical drawbacks

I cant really think of any solid reason, why anyone would invest in D, except if they are already knee deep into it for some historical reasons

D is not a horrible language, but today there are so many better choices, and the language is too big, to risk investing in it

"edge" is subjective. D's edge at my employer is that we can generate enormous amounts of code at compile time within a framework that non-programmers can still understand. This is because of being good at multiple things.

Shit languages with "good" ecosystems are still shit. They're crap. Once you have the library you want, you're still mercy to bad language design.

what are you building, i think i can recommend another language, that would have been a better strategic choice

and if i may guess, whatever you are building, this is not a new company and not a new product, probably something that started between 2000-2005 if not even before

No thank you, and completely wrong.
I wrote many parsers, sell me F# memes. What's the biggest one? Option? I wrote a Nullable wrapper for myself too, still looking for a place to use it.
i dont understand your reply

"sell me F# meme", what is that, F# is one of my favorite languages, I like a lot OCaml and languages similar to it

> the community forum is toxic frequently

what exactly does this mean?

tons of bikeshedding posts, ones that criticize D lack of vision/focus and misfortune
I heard Discord may have negative posts as well but I find the official D newsgroups (with a forum interface) very friendly and clean. Minimal moderation seems to help there.
The Discord is quite nice, you should join =)
I'm one of the moderators on D's Discord server.

We do our best to ensure everyone feels welcome to join in. Of course none of us have social media training and are just doing our best.

If something is going down and we are not taking action it may be because we are not aware of it being problematic and are always open to hearing complaints as they come up!

Actually bikeshedding is discussion about software architecture. And software architecture is an absolutely valid discussion theme outside of stackoverflow.
To be honest, this just described your grand post.
We moderate with a light touch to allow our users as much freedom as we can. People can write negative and bikeshed posts, and they can criticize me as much as they like. But we do moderate posts that make personal criticisms of other members, go off topic too far, or engage in unprofessional behavior.
It means people make posts like this poster has made here. (This is an honest answer based on my experience.)
actually this very accurate, but it doesnt make anything i said less true or accurate
> the community forum is toxic frequently

I don't know what the word "toxic" means in your sentence, but anyhow the D forums are one of my favourite websites on the internet:

Heck, I'm not even interested in the D language too much, but these forums are so good that I browse them in awe at least once per week. They are so responsive! I'm not even talking about the contents, but about the website itself. An arrogantly efficient showcase of what a good website can be.

D wasn’t on my radar until recently, when I was curious if there were any languages with C++ interop out of the box. The two languages I stumbled on were Nim & D, although they understandably have some caveats. After spending some time reading the docs, I’m really interested in trying out both, but especially D.

Side Note: Why don’t I ever hear about Nim anymore??? It’s version 1.68 (and presumably stable), has very approachable syntax, claims great performance, provides a package manager, and allows the GC to be turned off (much like Dlang). What gives?

> Side Note: Why don’t I ever hear about Nim anymore??? It’s version 1.68 (and presumably stable), has very approachable syntax, claims great performance, provides a package manager, and allows the GC to be turned off (much like Dlang). What gives?

I don't know if it's still the case. But there were issues with Nim executables being incorrectly flagged as viruses in Windows. ^1


That happens to everything.
.NET (on Windows only), by having C++/CLI, which currently is up to date to C++17, plus language extensions for .NET environment.
> Why don’t I ever hear about Nim anymore?

Nim has some serious technical debt, and it seems they don't have the manpower for it:

A language, its stdlib, and its package ecosystem all relate, but are also distinct. It's not hard to do your own TLS/SLS wrapper with whatever defaults you like. When I run `nimble search ssl`, it seems at least 4 people have done such.

This is just to pick on your example. There is surely much other technical debt in the compiler itself. The solution to low manpower, if you otherwise like Nim (or D), is to try to help the open source effort at whatever level you can: do your own packages, tutorials/documentation, etc.

I was just thinking about possibly using D for one of my personal projects. The tricky part (for me) is the application needs AWS S3 interoperability. Anyone cross that bridge with D? I did some searching and didn't find any S3 libraries for D. Could D's interoperability with other languages like C or C++ be used here to make use of one of those libraries?
I wouldn't go the way via C or C++, but start by building a thin wrapper over http libraries. In the end what these are are rest apis.
I know what you're saying, and I'm often inclined to do that, but in the case of S3 it's a heck of a lot of work/time. Have rolled my own for smaller APIs though.
there's some AWS/S3 libraries available, but they all seem to be in alpha stage
> Could D's interoperability with other languages like C or C++ be used here to make use of one of those libraries?

That's what the interoperability is for!

Cool! I might have to give it a try.
Why do so many modern language still prefer validation over parse? Is there any benefit to validation aside from some vague claims about optimization? See: strings in D.
This is a very well structured talk.
Good talk Ali. All these talks are for people who create small, standalone programs and tools.

For history, I hated D back in 2006/7. But post Andrei joining D was fantastic. It was very easy to jump into D's standard library and understand it's inner workings. Over those years I created and maintained apps, services and microservices written in D. It was pleasure writing programs in D. Its compile time features make it pleasurable to write algorithms and refactor at ease.

But it was horribly painful to debug production issues. GC crashes day in and day out. Missing ecosystem of libraries and tools. vibe-d was unstable, so we had to create our own HTTP2 library. There's very little tooling to figure out what's going on when things go wrong. Templates in D are awesome for compile time, but it's the opposite case with GC and runtime.

D's built in attributes are like family members who don't like each other but are trying to live in a single room. What else do you expect of such programs? You try to observe/log from your transport layer, but when you get deep into BetterC layer, you can't use loggers as they use GC. OK, write your own nogc logger, but that doesn't work well with default logger. The cycle repeats for every single attribute and every single behavior during runtime. It's just a mess.

Until I read the source code of Rust standard library a year or so ago. It was not as pleasant as D, but it was easy to understand and pickup the language.

I switched jobs a year ago and instructed our teams to experiment with Rust even though I had decades of expertise with C++ and a decade with D. The immediate benefit we saw was Rust's opinionated error handling, which proved to be the right approach to most of common programming mistakes. We started using Tokio and all praises to it. No going back!

Personally, I can ask my teams to use D when it has all the sane defaults of Rust and a good ecosystem. Otherwise it is way too expensive to maintain as there's no benefit of portability as well. We now write all code in Rust and ship it across different platforms seamlessly, including Android, iOS, Windows, Linux and macOS. One language and code to rule them all.

Few recommendations to @WalterBright as he is on HN.

Personal recommendations: 1. You created D because you felt the pain of the C++ programmers. Appreciate it and thank you for that. Over the years you've built up "the curse of knowledge bias" with D. Start using D as a new programmer to the language and the ecosystem. Come out of your MicroEMACS shell and use a modern editor/IDE like VSCode and see how lacking the tooling is. WebFreak has done an amazing job with code-d[1]. But it is in no competition to Rust's IDE support. 2. Use all the features of D in a non-compiler, long running, real life ML/microservices project. You will see the pains of GC. 3. Unit testing != assert 4. Scoped exit != RAII

General recommendation: SWITCH TO SANE DEFAULTS! 1. @safe by default. Allow hiding all C interfaces under @unsafe. Retire once for all @trusted/@system. @safe => @unsafe 2. BetterC by default 3. Immutable/const by default 4. @nogc by default. That is @nogc => @gc 5. Rust like opinionated error handling and remove exceptions. At least make nothrow default and introduce throw. 7. Reduce the attribute bloat:

Feedback to D community from learnings in Rust community: 1. Learn to work on team projects to improve D ecosystem instead of shitty ideas about "Signatures", etc. 2. DIP1000 for safety is open for like 7 years and has no conclusion and still NOBODY cares. Just saying that D is alive and community is awesome are just a jokes. D has lost it's "brains" and there are just a few hanging around at the moment, unfortunately. 3. There's not even a standard dfmt template for Phobos/Druntime. Bring one and you will possibly gain contributors.

Yes, Rust code doesn't look elegant with littered angle brackets and &' across the code base, no templates, makes programmers life difficult, etc. But we can live with all that and still have peaceful nights (and weekends) without calls from production support, when compared to downtimes due to half baked features in D (I didn't mention about @live in preview yet).

In the end, a language is not great/usable by itself (that's why there's no money in writing programming languages), but by it's rich ecosystems and community. D was created for novice programmers originally (as programmer's language), but the idea is long dead. It is a mess at this point. You need to be a seasoned/experienced programmer to even maintain a large code base. Using D itself is a code smell, IMHO.

Sorry for venting out, I was the one who recommended D at my past workplace and I was just frustrated my decision and it's consequences.


> 1. Learn to work on team projects to improve D ecosystem

Criticism is right on point. I believe if you use D in a team, you need to be extra careful to keep the same subset, and also using D is way nicer if you avoid unproven features. To be happy with D you need the utmost restraint with features, and yes unittest helps a lot.

> GC crashes day in and day out.

Sounds like the old destruction ordering problem, and that can be solved by detecting accidental correctness. The problem is destructors called from GC. If you use the GC, you will probably need deterministic destruction in production code, and there are of course ways to achieve it systematically.

> Using D itself is a code smell, IMHO.

I don't see it as more risky than any other language. Especially as the langage is slow-moving, and you don't have to re-learn every 3 years. Large codebase in any language becomes unwieldly. Let's reflect on your next decade of Rust once it's achieved :)

I don't know when I'll be using this language but I definitely want to
Personally I am mostly happy with D, but it is missing out on the WASM revolution, where Rust, C and C++ dominate.
how is D different from C/c++/rust/zig for system programming? what's the major selling point? is it good for embedded(no GC) use cases? what stopped it from becoming universally used?
> what stopped it from becoming universally used

D had a lot of momentum in the beginning, but the license around the compiler scared away some people, then there was the whole standard library split with phobos and tango (irrelevant now and has been for over a decade), and from my understanding in the beginning (I wasn't around during that time) Walter added features by request as there wasn't a DIP process yet (D improvement proposals), and some people felt it was unfair. These have all been rectified.

so all problems are resolved (including compiler license) then, I was curious about D but never looked into seriously, now it seems about time.

anything safer than C, easier than c++ and rust is interesting.

i will build some code and check out its memory usage and binary size, both are important for embedded.

> memory usage and binary size

Don't forget the -betterC compiler switch please. ;)

-betterC is the way to go for embedded. Checkout this blog as well:
There was also this whole D1 vs D2 where some of us (I was involved with Tango) though D1 more of as a 'better C' (not related to actual better C) and D2 more of as a better C++. Personally, I was more interested in D1 direction. D took the D2 route with Alexandrescu onboard at a time. The whole thing then was also lacking support. Even if D was a better language (D1 was, I guess D2 might be as well - haven't dabbled in a decade with it), you had to do everything from scratch. No libraries, abandoned bindings, etc.. instead of doing work with it, you had to do the plumbing first. That's true for most niche languages. Rust was like that as well, but not seems to have a momentum going on for it and is growing / has grown out of that phase D never did. D has been around now what, 15-20 years? How sweet would it be for someone of Walter's caliber to join the ranks of Rust team? Dude is incredible, but D seems to be a dead end ultimately. Sorry to sound so harsh, but it didn't happen on a scale it needs, why would it now or ever?
The problem is that while D is absolutely better than C or C++, it is only 10-20% better, not a step function improvement like Rust is. A language that's only 10-20% better just cannot get enough traction against a deeply entrenched language.
It may not be a step function improvement but the difference is still night and day: Dreading one more line of C++ versus looking forward to many fun lines of D.

I mean... Modules versus header files, 13 times faster compilation, introspection, unittest, etc. etc. etc. Okay, it's more like death by a thousand cuts but once you produce with D, you can't even touch C++ anymore. I am in that state...

D is more capable as a systems programming language than C or C++ is. Not only can you do whatever you like with pointers, but it has a nice symbolic inline assembler, too. The code generator is shared with C's and C++'s, so there is no difference in code quality.
> how is D different

I don't know Zig yet.

I had an opinion long time ago that nobody should use C anymore; I would suggest C++ at least because it has constructors and templates. D's [Better C]( would be my go-to at this time.

C++ is getting better but it's still very difficult to get right: It depends mainly on programmer attention e.g. to follow 400+ [guidelines](

Rust is "different" but it has the borrow checker as a safety tool. D's [live functions]( and other [memory safety]( features are closing the gap there.

> major selling point

I am copying slide 59 here: D provides competitive advantage by helping happy programmers produce correct programs pragmatically.

Slide 8 lists what D does not have, which can explain why D has not gained popularity that it deserves. For example, nobody can sell D as "Google's language" or "Apple's language".

makes sense, thanks!
Is there a way to enable safe "D" by default, rather than using the `@safe` (what looks to be) modifier?
D-lang attributes can be used like a label, so for example you can put at the top of your file:

   @safe nogc:

   auto myFunc() { // do stuff }   
   struct Blah {}
Whatever attributes you use apply to all code in the lexical scope below the colon.

It's useful for structs/classes

  struct MyThing {
    auto unsafeFunc() {}
    auto safeFunc1() {}
Kind of, mark `main` `@safe`. The transitivity of safety will ensure that you can only call safe functions, else you will get a compile error.
No. We had a very long discussion about safe-by-default on the forums but failed to reach a consensus.

As I understand it, for safe-by-default to work, either all C libraries would have @trusted D bindings written, or all of them would have to be assumed to be @trusted. Most of the community wanted explicit @trusted annotations, Walter and others favored assuming them to be @trusted (or was it assumed @safe?) was the way to go. So, no safe-by-default at this time. :/

go huskies! :-)
The L is silent.
Rustaceans seething.
I like programming in D. And I think that it can exist in a world with Rust/Zig/Go/blub. My personal opinion/pitch for D.

1. I found D pretty easy to learn and use so getting productive in it was easier for me than Rust.

2. D has a lot of improvements to C++ that make it more ergonomic (no header files! built in package management!)

3. D has a lot of flexibility to go up and down the stack in complexity as well as interface with existing c/c++ code.

  a. Need to use d for scripting like Python? use Rdmd

  b. Need to interface with c code and can't depend on the D compiler? use -betterC ^1

  c. Need a quick and dirty way to use C code without creating bindings? use importC

  d. Can't use the garbage collector? use @nogc

  e. Need to interface with C++? use extern (C++)
D's flexibility is its greatest strength and weakness. It can do a lot of things but not all of its features are ergonomic. A lot of that just has to do with man power. If it had a community as large as C++ things would be different. Using the examples in 3, you could use Ds features and write a kernel with @nogc, a user interface for that kernel using regular D, and create build scripts using rdmd.

To see a c++ person perspective on D watch this video^2


2. DConf '22: Ray Tracing in (Less Than) One Weekend with DLang -- Mike Shah

I use D to interface with C code and C APIs. Started using it for that purpose in June 2013 and haven't looked back. Used Rust and Go first, did not like either, and have been happy using D ever since. Over time the interoperability with C has gotten even stronger - to the point that you don't need to write bindings for the most part, and you can even directly compile C code as part of your project.
Are you saying you tried rust in 2013 and found it unsuitable? I think it was a pretty different thing back then. Though obviously that doesn’t mean D isn’t a great choice.
I quit using Rust in 2013 due to the learning curve. There's just no way I could have asked anyone else to use it.

Keep in mind that Rust 1.0 was released in early 2015, and it's not like they were making major changes right up to that release date. I haven't followed it recently, but I doubt it was meaningfully different from the 1.0 release in terms of learning curve.

There actually were quite a lot of changes. I remember using it in 2014, and then 1.0 in 2015, and found 1.0 to be much more approachable.

Also, since 2018 with non-lexical lifetimes and some nice error handling improvements, Rust now tends to be more friendly/ergonomic than 1.0.

Rust was still changing quite a lot in 2013. It sounds like you used it back when it had a garbage collector, baked-in green threads, and "~" and "@" sigils everywhere. Rust 1.0 may as well be a completely different language.

Here's a blog post from the same year that proposed removing the garbage collector.

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