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Garrett Smith - Why The Cool Kids Don't Use Erlang

Erlang Solutions · Vimeo · 7 HN points · 1 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention Erlang Solutions's video "Garrett Smith - Why The Cool Kids Don't Use Erlang".
Vimeo Summary
Erlang is ideally suited building scalable, fault tolerant systems with minimal investment. It can be used for any conceivable application - not just telecom. It has a multi-decade track record of success. So why does it remain a niche technology?

To answer this question, Garrett turned to science. He conducted a detailed survey across a wide spectrum of programmers, architects, and managers to gather data on this question. In this talk, Garrett will present his findings and reflect on what they could mean for Erlang and its community.

Erlang adoption is important. It makes your job easier when Erlang is supported by your company and customers. It's easier to grow teams when there are more Erlang programmers. The language itself will improve as it is applied across more domains. If you're interested in this topic - and want data rather than personal opinions - join Garrett in this important discussion.

Talk objectives:

- To present data to better understand how Erlang is used and, more importantly, how and why Erlang is not used.

Target audience:

- Anyone interested in supporting and promoting Erlang adoption, either within their company or within the broader programming community.
HN Theater Rankings

Hacker News Stories and Comments

All the comments and stories posted to Hacker News that reference this video.
Jun 24, 2014 · 1 points, 0 comments · submitted by cledet
What is this video?
video of the talk that accompanies the slides linked here.
Jun 19, 2014 · 6 points, 2 comments · submitted by samuell
So, why don't they?
Because of:

* documentation hard to dig through for a newcommer

* little tutorials and articles

* small adoption (which is a circular reason, small adoption leads to small adoption)

* difficulty to find programmers to carry on the project if Erlang was chosen (caused by small adoption)

* lack of established universal build tool (rebar is often said to be too Basho-specific)

* lack of package manager/market (think of CPAN, PyPI or rubygems)

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