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Lambda Days - Wojciech Danilo - Combining dataflow and functional paradigms to create ultimate data processing solution

Erlang Solutions · Vimeo · 14 HN points · 0 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention Erlang Solutions's video "Lambda Days - Wojciech Danilo - Combining dataflow and functional paradigms to create ultimate data processing solution".
Vimeo Summary
Combining dataflow and functional paradigms to create ultimate data processing solution

Data Flow Programming has been a research topic for software engineers since the `70s.
Recently, in the time of multicore CPU and GPU breakthrough, Data Flow paradigm is getting more popular than ever.
During the presentation, I will talk about how we can fuse Data Flow with Functional and Visual Programming ideologies in order to create an ultimate data processing solution.
Such combination can bring us a lot of benefits, like high performance, great flexibility and increased program logic clarity.
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May 09, 2014 · 14 points, 0 comments · submitted by AlexanderDhoore
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