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Action!, the worlds first dynamic interface builder - 1988

Denny Bollay · Vimeo · 39 HN points · 6 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention Denny Bollay's video "Action!, the worlds first dynamic interface builder - 1988".
Vimeo Summary
ExperTelligence introduced "Interface Builder" in 1986. We took it up to neXt to show Steve Jobs - the rest is history. In 1988, Denison Bollay built a much more dynamic interface tool, in which the interface was fully modifiable AS the program was running. Since it was built in incrementally compiled LISP, all other functions and methods were also modifiable on the fly. Denny took it to Seattle to show Bill Gates, but MicroSoft wanted a version written in basic (no objects, no methods, etc back then). I explained one couldn't do that without OO. They built Visual Basic.

Sadly, it seems no one has duplicated Action!'s sophistication and interactivity even today, 25 years later!
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All the comments and stories posted to Hacker News that reference this video.
Jan 18, 2022 · 1 points, 0 comments · submitted by tambourine_man
Jan 17, 2022 · 31 points, 0 comments · submitted by nonoobs
Jan 17, 2022 · marcodiego on Hello Mac OS X Tiger
And it came from an older (1986) project from expertelligence. There is a video about it:
This is a beautiful video.
Jan 03, 2021 · pjmlp on On Repl-Driven Programming
Be prepared to be amazed with what Xerox PARC and others were doing, while Bell Labs was busy pushing for UNIX.

"Eric Bier Demonstrates Cedar"

"Emulating a Xerox Star (8010) Information System Running the Xerox Development Environment (XDE) 5.0"

"Documents as User Interfaces Video Demo"


"Alto System Project: Dan Ingalls demonstrates Smalltalk"

"Action!, the worlds first dynamic interface builder - 1988" (Interface Builder percursor, written in Lisp)

"The Interlisp programming environment"

And the cherry, how Lucid used Lisp ideas for their Energize C++ IDE, including an image based format for AST storage

Watching the Symbolics demo nowadays, it's amazing what they had back then.
These lock-in IDE environments, while impressive, thankfully never got really popular.

I find superior languages like Lisp or Standard ML most enjoyable in text files.

Look better around you.

- macOS, Windows, Android, ChromeOS

- InteliJ, Visual Studio, XCode/Playgrounds

I'd also add this talk "Lambda World 2018 - What FP can learn from Smalltalk by Aditya Siram "

as well as the whole series of things that Tudor Girba & co. are doing with Glamorous Toolkit

I'd still recommend folks use Pharo over GToolkit for most things, as GToolkit lacks a bunch of polish and documentation (not to say that even Pharo documentation approaches anything of the quality of the Rust and Python ecosystems).

Not really,

> Interface Builder first made its appearance in 1986 written in Lisp (for the ExperLisp product by ExperTelligence). It was invented and developed by Jean-Marie Hullot using the object-oriented features in ExperLisp, and deeply integrated with the Macintosh toolbox. Denison Bollay took Jean-Marie Hullot to NeXT later that year to demonstrate it to Steve Jobs. Jobs immediately recognized its value, and started incorporating it into NeXTSTEP, and by 1988 it was part of NeXTSTEP 0.8. It was the first commercial application that allowed interface objects, such as buttons, menus, and windows, to be placed in an interface using a mouse. One notable early use of Interface Builder was the development of the first WorldWideWeb web browser by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN, made using a NeXT workstation.

On Vimeo,

Jul 08, 2019 · pjmlp on Why Lisp Failed (2010)
Well, .NET GC was originally implemented in Lisp.

And NeXTSTEP Interface Builder prototype was done in Common Lisp

So it definitly had an influence on iOS and Windows.

Regarding Android, as Guy Steele puts it on his ClojureTV talk about Java.

"We were not out to win over the Lisp programmers; we were after the C++ programmers. We managed to drag a lot of them about halfway to Lisp."

Finally, regarding the Web

"He later calls Scheme “that beautiful research language I was tempted with.” But by the time he’d joined Netscape, they had a deal with Sun Microsystems, which was now pushing their newly-minted language Java. “And suddenly the story was, ‘Well, we don’t know if we want Scheme. We don’t know if we even need a little language like we wanted you to do. Maybe Java’s enough.'”"

> Interface Builder prototype was done in Common Lisp

It was actually a Lisp product by a company, which was shown to Steve Jobs.

Thanks for the correction.
Mar 08, 2018 · 2 points, 0 comments · submitted by mpweiher
Also, Apple's Interface Builder began its life as a Lisp program:
+1 for mentioning my friend Denny. I wrote an application that Experteliigence sold for me - lots of fun. Expertelligence had a high talent density.
Postgres started as a Lisp program, and turned out to be too difficult to develop in a mix of C and Lisp.

The Objectstore database was developed by former Lispers, who wrote an earlier object-oriented database in Lisp.

Mar 26, 2017 · 2 points, 0 comments · submitted by deepaksurti
Actually they were. The Interface Builder was sold also for the TI Lisp Machine - the TI MicroExplorer running in a Mac. Expertelligence developed the access to the Macintosh Toolbox for TI and also ported the Interface Builder to the MicroExplorer. Thus you could develop Mac-style user interfaces on the TI Microexplorer, including using the Interface Builder, which ran on the Lisp Machine and talked to the Mac for the UI display/interaction.

Here is a video which shows it running on a TI Micro Explorer, a Nubus Board in a Mac II.

It was originally written for LeLisp running natively on the Mac though.
Mar 29, 2013 · 3 points, 1 comments · submitted by jcmoscon
ExperTelligence introduced "Interface Builder" in 1986. We took it up to neXt to show Steve Jobs - the rest is history. In 1988, Denison Bollay built a much more dynamic interface tool, in which the interface was fully modifiable AS the program was running. Since it was built in incrementally compiled LISP, all other functions and methods were also modifiable on the fly. Denny took it to Seattle to show Bill Gates, but MicroSoft wanted a version written in basic (no objects, no methods, etc back then). I explained one couldn't do that without OO. They built Visual Basic.
Actually, it was 1988! LISP is ahead of its time.
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