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Rob Conery - Five Things You Didn't Know About PostGresSQL

NDC Conferences · Vimeo · 7 HN points · 4 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention NDC Conferences's video "Rob Conery - Five Things You Didn't Know About PostGresSQL".
Vimeo Summary
If you're a .NET developer, chances are you've worked solely with SQL Server, SQL CE, or SQLite in your day-to-day development. Some .NET developers venture over to the OSS side of things and might dabble in MySQL - but not many have embraced the amazing capabilities of PostGresSQL. In this talk Rob Conery will show you why you need to care about this database engine and how it can stand toe to toe with any version of SQL Server in terms of scaling, speed and overall power. In addition, for fun and laughs, Rob will do a PostGresSQL/MySQL dance-off - discussing some of the "interesting" aspects of MySQL and why many DBAs absolutely hate it.
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I appreciate that it might sound like that to someone who hasn't used MySQL in production for 10+ years.

To start with, this is still true today: Despite being 6 years old, strict mode is still required.

Anything prior to MySQL 5.7 will accept "0000-00-00 00:00:00" as a valid date, 5.7 will not (which is sane) however this means migrating from 5.6 -> 5.7 just got a little harder.

In fact it wouldn't validate /any/ date so it would assume every year was a leap year and febuary always had 29 days.

Regarding the query planner: This affected my prod mysql/zabbix installation

Regarding performance: This is what I found from my own experience: I was given the task of testing the limits of MySQL, MySQL was the chosen technology and I was no involved in making that decision so- whatever. We were given 10 servers, with 40 cores (2014-2015~) 128G of DDR3/ECC and 8 SATA SSDs in RAID-0 with 1G of RAID cache for write-back. We managed to get MySQL to bottleneck pretty quickly, our queries involved a lot of binary data so we should have been raw IOPS bound, but we weren't we were memory bound. So we replaced the memory allocator with a faster one (jemalloc) and we get a 30% performance improvement. We suspected that the kernel sockets implementation was slowing us down so we compiled a custom "fastsockets" linux kernel. The improvement was around 4%, but we were bottlenecked on memory. After doing a full trace of what MySQL was doing we saw that InnoDB was spinning on a lock quite a lot. I asked if we could try other SQL solutions (MSSQL/PostgreSQL) Postgresql was first chosen because we could just install it, no license and no OS change... it was twice as fast as the optimised MySQL installation out of the box with a stock CentOS6 kernel.

We never even bothered testing MSSQL because PostgreSQL met our performance targets, we were now IOPS bound.

-- More anecdatum:

Regarding data consistency we (tried) to migrate to postgresql for performance reasons in 2014 (my previous company), and failed because MySQL had been corrupting our data very slowly and silently for many years (corrupting meaning not honouring NOT NULL, not honouring type safety, allowing invalid dates, inserting data on error) So far in that actually reimporting the output of `mysqldump` would not work.

> will accept "0000-00-00 00:00:00"

Isn't it? I thought that today()-(2018 years, 4 months and 10 days) would be approximately that date? Maybe you prefer +0000 vs just 0000?

'ISO 8601 prescribes, as a minimum, a four-digit year [YYYY] to avoid the year 2000 problem. It therefore represents years from 0000 to 9999, year 0000 being equal to 1 BC and all others AD. However, years prior to 1583 are not automatically allowed by the standard. Instead "values in the range [0000] through [1582] shall only be used by mutual agreement of the partners in information interchange."

To represent years before 0000 or after 9999, the standard also permits the expansion of the year representation but only by prior agreement between the sender and the receiver.[19] An expanded year representation [±YYYYY] must have an agreed-upon number of extra year digits beyond the four-digit minimum, and it must be prefixed with a + or − sign[20] instead of the more common AD/BC (or CE/BCE) notation; by convention 1 BC is labelled +0000, 2 BC is labeled −0001, and so on.'

Now, if mysql accept, but can't store such a date, I understand that it's a problem.

MSSQL/Oracle/PostgreSQL/firebird all accept 0000-01-01 which is a valid date.
Technically true but still 0 is not yet a month or day of the month, so 0000-00-00 is still bad data
Ah, yeah. Was too focused on the year to consider the month/day!
Jul 13, 2013 · toddkaufmann on None
Too long -- didn't watch.

Actually, I saw the original (57mins) a few months ago @ "Rob Conery - Five Things You Didn't Know About PostGresSQL" recorded at NDC2012 (Norwegian Developers Conference).

Is this clip just the error reporting part? (In fairness, the youtube description does have a link to the original.)

Worth more views--this, or the original. I don't think I've ever heard anything bad about PostgreSQL. There must be some comparisons with the other viewpoint? I would be interested in seeing those too.

Feb 26, 2013 · 1 points, 0 comments · submitted by denysonique
Aug 15, 2012 · 6 points, 0 comments · submitted by craigkerstiens
Aug 01, 2012 · hopeless on A Bad Privacy Bug
I recently watched this video which is mostly about Postgres but also pokes some fun at MySQL's weirdness. I didn't realise how scary MySQL can be

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