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Hacker News Comments on
Quantum Supersampling (SIGGRAPH 2016)

Eric Johnston · Vimeo · 4 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention Eric Johnston's video "Quantum Supersampling (SIGGRAPH 2016)".
Vimeo Summary
A presentation given by ej at SIGGRAPH 2016. In about 25 minutes, this talk/demo provides a quick introduction to quantum computation, a live demo on a QC simulator, and a look at two different physical implementations.

**Update**: A more complete version of this material, complete with ready-to-run code samples, is now Chapter 11 of the O'Reilly Media book "Programming Quantum Computers"! Enjoy!

Some related links and resources:
- The QC simulator (with source code and these examples):
- Solid Angle, makers of the Arnold ray tracing engine:
- University of Bristol Centre for Quantum Photonics:
- SIGGRAPH 2016:
- The abstract on ACM:
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Hacker News Stories and Comments

All the comments and stories posted to Hacker News that reference this video.
If you want to know the current (or at least 2016) state of actually running an algorithm on a real quantum computer then this video is great It's about using a quantum computer to perform supersampling / anti-aliasing
SIGGRAPH 2016 had a paper about "quantum supersampling" which does something like that:
I've enjoyed the talk up until the liquid helium part.
Someone linked this video the other day:

I really enjoyed it for layman's perspective while still exposing technical depth. I hadn't thought about how one of the big challenges of quantum computing is figuring out how to morph your traditional parallel algorithm into a quantum algorithm (with all the weirdness that entails)

The best introduction to this kind of computation that I've seen is Eric Johnston's SIGGRAPH 2016 talk[1], and the associated interactive simulator[2]. In the talk uses quantum superposition to implement a type of "quantum supersampling[3]".




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