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Hacker News Comments on
Development at the Speed and Scale of Google

Ashish Kumar · InfoQ · 42 HN points · 2 HN comments
HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention Ashish Kumar's video "Development at the Speed and Scale of Google".
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Ashish Kumar on how Google keeps the source code of over 2000 projects in a single code trunk containing 100s of M of code lines, with more than 5,000 developers accessing the same repository.
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I have seen presentations mentioning google development done as a single monolothic repository

This monolithic repo isn't a git repo.
Correct. See
Jul 03, 2013 · 2 points, 0 comments · submitted by darklighter3
No, literally the entire codebase for all of their products is in one Perforce repo. Ashish Kumar, manager of the Engineering Tools team, mentions it in this presentation:
Very interesting, thank you.
The kernel? Android? Some other spooky stuff involving the pest control guy who's holding a big rubber mallet when you fail a unit test?

Are you sure about that?

Kernel/Android/Chrome/basically anything open-source is different. If the code is going to be open-sourced, it can't have dependencies on proprietary code anyway.
Right, so "literally the entire codebase for all their products" is incorrect. Thanks.
Ah,rachelbythebay, you caught him for being "technically incorrect". Which, depending on how you look at it, is either the best or worst kind of correctness.
The open-source stuff is a rounding error. Think about all the Google products; Search, Google+, Gmail, Groups, Translate, Maps, Docs, Calendar, Checkout, Wallet, Voice, ... those are all in one repository. (Not to mention all the libraries and internal tools; those are all in there too.)
To be fair, Android and Chrome are pretty huge projects. I know the numbers (though I don't think I can share them outside of Google), and while they're nowhere close to being a big part of the total, they're also big enough to not be considered a rounding error.
Dec 15, 2011 · 36 points, 7 comments · submitted by unreal37
would they merge in head to their build before committing for code review?
Sorry misread the original post.

Before a code review you don't have to do a sync but its pretty common to sync frequently. I sync constantly as im developing because it's so easy. Occasionally i see reviews where i can tell that the person hasn't sync'd in a while and if i think it matters ill ask them to sync. This usually doesn't happen though

That is, half of the files in their perforce are "touched in the last 30 days".

I was there, live in this presentation, more than a year ago, at Hyderabad and got this clarification from the speaker.

very big difference to what the headline says, which was never going to be correct.
Much more informative that the title itself. Touching file and changing maybe one line is not a big deal, but rewriting half of the source code base every months is.
The title is a direct quote from the Google Engg. Tools blog post which was on HN recently -
True. Half the code can be anything. Half the characters in source, half the lines (Which seem more plausible since version control systems deal with line as a unit) or half of the files or even half the binaries. I'm just clarifying based on my own clarification, which half it is.

I don't think, this is any surprising at all. I believe the statistics would remain the same, for many companies.

Dec 13, 2010 · 4 points, 1 comments · submitted by admp
Some things I did not expect:

- 50% of the codebase changes every month;

- Single code tree;

- All of the development happens in HEAD (ditto for dependencies);

- It seems to be (relatively) usual to touch multiple components in a single changeset.

And all of this in the first 10 minutes.

Edit: formatting.

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