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Aaron Swartz Memorial at the Internet Archive · 114 HN points · 0 HN comments
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aaron swartz november 8, 1986 – january 11, 2013 memorial program part 1 speakers: danny o'brien taren stinebrickner-kauffman lisa rein seth...
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Jan 28, 2013 · 114 points, 6 comments · submitted by spdy
There was also a great memorial hackathon around the world over the weekend.


This marks the end of the grieving for me, to the extent that my mind allows. One of the saddest deaths of someone I didn't know personally. RIP, Aaron.
Same here. I didn't know Aaron personally but can't remember being so affected by a strangers death.

Thanks for everything and RIP Aaron.

Aaron achieved so much so young and had the potential to change the world even more for better. Everytime I hear his name or read a post about him cannot help my anger at the people who pushed him to the edge. I can only hope the people responsible for his untimely death are soon brought to justice .
If you only watch one speech from this memorial, watch the speech from Carl Malamud:
And Taren's.
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