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The Principles of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean Product Development

Donald G. Reinertsen · 14 HN comments
HN Books has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention "The Principles of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean Product Development" by Donald G. Reinertsen.
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Amazon Summary
"...the dominant paradigm for managing product development is wrong. Not just a little wrong, but wrong to its very core." So begins Reinertsen in his meticulous examination of today's product development practices. He carefully explains why invisible and unmanaged queues are the underlying root cause of poor product development performance. He shows why these queues form and how they undermine the speed, quality, and efficiency in product development. Then, he provides a roadmap for changing this. The book provides a well-organized set of 175 underlying principles in eight major areas. He shows you practical methods to: Improve economic decisions Manage queues Reduce batch size Apply WIP constraints Accelerate feedback Manage flows in the presence of variability Decentralize control The Principles of Product Development Flow will forever change the way you think about product development.
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Nov 17, 2022 · 1123581321 on Seven Levels of Busy
I've read his management book and I don't remember anything as easy to use as this scale.

7 Habits is a classic self-help book that would accomplish some of this. Although, it approaches the problem of business indirectly with concepts like degree of control vs. degree of concern. It also suggests principles that an overly busy person cannot follow, but never connects the dots by explicitly saying "you're too busy."

Another one to look at comes from R&D management: Principles of Product Development Flow. The first couple chapters, especially, explain the problems of trying to maintain a full schedule (queueing theory.) I would probably make a resource based on the book rather than just handing someone a copy, unless you know they'd not be intimidated by it.

Seconded. It's such a good portrait. The way the workers talked about the change sticks with me years later.

Adding to the recommendations, I found Rother's Toyota Kata very valuable in understanding how to make Lean approaches work:

For applying it in software, I loved Mary Poppendieck's books, which are listed about half-way down the page here:

And for the math-inclined, Reinertsen's "Principles of Product Development Flow" is very insightful:

Thanks for Poppendieck and Reinertsen links.

As a fan of Drucker, Deming, Goldblatt... Today's "agile" has always confused me; I really don't understand when and why our profession jumped the shark.

I was part of the early "agile" community back before that name existed. Occasionally I'll talk with somebody from back then and ask them how they think things turned out. The general answer is, "Well this isn't what we intended, so I've moved on to other things." Which is basically my answer too.

My best guess as to how the shark-jumping happened:

The TL;DR version is that once it went mainstream, Agile was defined by the mainstream, which was not looking for excellence. Aided vigorously, of course, by the certification scam that is Scrum, where meaningless credentials were profitably bestowed by people who had little incentive to tighten things up. And one thing I've realize in ensuing years is that a key element was the culture of managerialism, which is inimical to anything that might make a manager look bad or diminish his empire.

re managerialism: I used to complain that we geeks got no respect. What I'd give to be ignored and neglected again.

I'm going to chew on your "second chasm" notion. Thanks.

Maybe it's just how things go. Fads, "selling out", poseurs, fashion, lost in translation, etc. Uncle Bob also references the rapid growth of our profession, where warm bodies are added faster than best practices can percolate.

To do list item: Maybe Everett's Diffusion of Innovations talks about this.

I've been getting a lot out of David Graeber's books, most recently The Democracy Project and Utopia of Rules. They're the first description of workplace democracy (collaboration, empowerment) which matches my own experiences. Back then, I was just kinda winging it (eg "What would Drucker do?"), because I really didn't have a lot other options.

Graeber considers the paradoxes better than most sages. eg How a movement begats its own destruction.

I keep thinking about that cliche of how anything taken to its logical extreme becomes it's own opposite, related to an abundance in one area causes a deficit in another.

Bringing us back to Goldblatt's Theory of Constraints. All balance is completely lost with all the players trying to hyper optimize their own little corner. Worse, "rationalists" weaponize fallacies like "beware the slippery slope!" to actively reject any kind of nuance, moderation, judgement, balance.

Thanks for listening. Trying to articulate my grievance helps me organize my thoughts.


Oh. One parting thought. I'm trying find a rhetorical basis for advocating moderation, proportional solutions. Something akin to rational altruism. I want a mashup of algorithms, game theory, and hedges (eg basket of investments, NPV) to guide decision making and governance. To make it okay to do 100 crazy ideas, because maybe 3 will hit the jackpot. To make it okay to try a variety of mitigations, because there is no one right-sized solution. Etc.

Ah, I haven't had a chance to read much Graeber. Although I appreciated his notion of bullshit jobs; it sums up a lot. And good luck with your quest! Feel free to drop me a line if you get anywhere.
First, the technical knowledge of project managers varies greatly by the individual. Using metrics related to the technical work done by an engineer will have vastly different interpretations placed upon them depending on who is observing them.

Second, the areas given and why I believe they're not as useful as alleged.

1. Activity Days In the example provided "Activity Days" is measured by the count of lines of code that have been altered. First, this is easily gamed and second it doesn't actually tell you anything other than an engineer is (supposedly) altering code. It also doesn't have any insight into the other responsibilities that an engineer may have during a sprint that have nothing to do with code. I can only imagine a manager's manager looking at this and constantly asking why engineer Ben seems to never be active without ever actually understanding what it is that Ben is really doing day-to-day.

2. Impact To quote the article, "The bigger is the impact the more will be the code and the project affected.[sic]" Impact is not synonymous with risk and risk is far more important to determine. Impact is a small part of the equation one can use it to help determine risk. That said, risk should be determined up front as part of pointing prior to any work being done. If a team can't properly point a piece of work while taking risk into account then the team likely doesn't understand what they're actually trying to do and need to do a research spike.

3. Code Churn The whole point of agile is to iterate and try things. And some of those things will possibly even be thrown away completely. If a team finds itself in a situation where it has iterated the entirety of a two-week sprint on a single piece of functionality then that should be discussed in retro. The discussion should be to determine if the repeated iterations added value or if the team was merely spinning its wheels. This is up to the team to decide not someone who is looking at a "code churn" metric.

4. Work Time Knowing how long engineering takes per work item _as a whole_ is far more valuable than breaking down an engineer's time into the areas described (avg pr time, avg review time, time to open pr). The reason for this is that an engineer's time is only a portion of the overall work done in a sprint for a work item. A team will generally have to do the following steps 1) design 2) engineering 3) quality assurance 4) documentation. Work items often have drastically different time requirements within those steps. A case that may take a day in engineering may require three in quality assurance, vice versa, or three in each.

Now, what should be measured.

Flow. The flow of work items, in a sprint, from start to finish through every step of the way. This requires using points to determine complexity, risk, and other agreed upon concepts (NEVER USE TIME hours, days, etc). Second and even more important, value. This is the most under observed and ignored attribute in agile/scrum or any workflow for that matter. If the product owner can't place a value score on a piece of work then the team should not be doing it. There is nothing more wasteful than producing a piece of functionality for a software product that nobody ends up using. Along with this, there needs to be a way to determine if the value score on a piece of work is accurate as part of a feedback cycle for the product owner and team. (Observing the life of a work item in a released product via usage metrics is one way of achieving this.) When a product owner does this correctly it's amazing to watch. You can't even imagine how ecstatic customers can be when they're constantly bombarded with high-value functionality.

For more information, I would recommend the following reading on this topic.

Start here:

Then go here:

Thanks for your reply knight. Treating matters from this perspective is always positive and I take it as good feedback.

First, there are things that I agree with and others that I don't agree with. Work organization methodologies are a first approach to real problems but they are not the final solution. The metrics that I present are nothing more than an approach from which to face the problem and have data to make better decisions.

1. Activity Days not only shows the modified lines or the affected units. It generates a report of all the activity in that sprint if you click on the blue button and it shows you all the tasks performed in that sprint with an associated impact value.

2. Impact is not associated with risk at any time, it is associated with an algorithm that determines among other things the level of dependencies affected, message of the commit or lines affected by a commit.

3. Code churn is nothing more than an approximation to know when there has been more flow of changes in a specific repository.

4. The flow of all work is something we are working on in for the next releases. We will integrate exactly what you have written: how the entire flow of a task works from the moment it opens until it closes and how the work is connected between the software engineers. In any case, software factories help them know the average time of tasks to make better cost projections.

Thank you for your contribution knight and we keep in touch!

I see I was responding to someone from Scope. :D

I realize looking at your responses my question is the following. What is a Project Manager expected to do with these metrics?

A singular example, what's the point of knowing Impact? What action am I supposed to take if I know the Impact? My immediate inclination is to use it to determine risk.

Haha yes, you are :)

What you should expect when viewing these metrics as Project Manager is to know the workflow of your engineers, not the risk associated with each of the tasks.

In relation to your question, the impact determines the level of involvement of each PR within the repository. Not necessarily greater impact implies greater risk, but a better quality of the task in short.

In the end, what we need is data to make decisions based on something palpable.

I appreciate your taking the time to respond to my inquiries. I'm genuinely curious how one is supposed to use the information your application provides.

I agree with your statement, "In the end, what we need is data to make decisions based on something palpable." But the part I'm not convinced about is that the data being provided is the right data to use in making a decision.

Does your response, "Not necessarily greater impact implies greater risk, but a better quality of the task in short." imply that there is a relationship between Impact and quality?

I read through a number of your other blog posts and still don't have a clear understanding of what it is that a project manager (or others) should be doing with all of this information.

Can you give me a use case example of how I (as a project manager) would use an Impact visualization in my decision making process?

Thank you again for taking the time to answer my questions.

Hi there again knight!

As you can imagine, we are a Startup actually consolidating our product. We are in Seed stage so every feedback we receive (like yours) makes us very happy and prouds and helps us tons! So thank you again for taking your time to ask me questions!

Since we are validating some of our visualizations and insights, not all people will find the value, while others do. In our case, some of our customers are using the "Impact" visualization to gamify some way the code process with the engineers so they are more motivated and have increased the quality of their processes overall.

You are probably right by saying that our provided data could be not the right data to make decisions. It will depend on you and the value you find in that information we provide.

As I told you, we are validating and you are free to talk to me and write me your pains if you have them!

Thanks again knight!

> It will depend on you and the value you find in that information we provide.

First, I understand that Scope is a startup and working a lot of this out so please take my response as constructive feedback.

I suspect that you're missing my point. If you're selling this product to me then you need to sell me on how it's going to make my life as project manager, CTO, or engineer better. Saying that it's data for decision making is a start. But my perception on our conversation is that every time I've tried to pin down a concrete answer on "What decisions does this help me make?" you've responded along the lines of "This is the data and this is how it's created." That's not telling me what immediate actionable steps this data will allow me to make and to make better. Subsequently, how those actionable steps will lead to more productivity and better quality.

Hopefully that gets across what I was attempting to understand.

Best of luck to you and Scope!

Hi again knight and thanks for your response!

Sorry if I misinterpreted you at some point. Of course, I fit your criticisms constructively and I have always tried to answer your questions not with the aim of saying "this is what you get, you draw the conclusions".

I hope my answer is more conciliatory and you can understand our value proposition! :)

First of all, Scope's sense is to help IT Managers have data. What kind of data?

1. Know the workflow of engineers: frequency of commits, pull-requests and revisions. With this data, we can know exactly the productivity peaks, the days where you work the most and the time slot where you are most productive.

2. Know the duration of the tasks: with a historical data, software factories can adjust budgets better and have a better idea of how long it can take them to finish a specific project for a client. We can see two things: the duration of tasks at the project level and at the engineer level. We help to know the evolution of time by days, weeks and months on both levels.

3. Know how the tasks are related among engineers, (this is on the roadmap, not in production). We want to throw data to know how the tasks are distributed among the engineers, how the reviews work among them, what level of involvement exists, how the workflow with the PRs improves, number of comments by type of task or by person, .. We are working on providing data that can help to better structure processes internally. With this, we want to get engineers to communicate more with each other and increase motivation and the level of involvement among colleagues.

4. Impact of the tasks. At a low, medium and high level. We establish criteria based on an algorithm (constantly evolving) based on good practices within the code: comments, revisions, affected dependencies, modified lines, labels, commit message, type of task, etc. With this, we help you understand the impact level of each pull-request in the code. We help detect talent, lack of motivation, progress from a junior to senior engineer, ... We want to connect with Sonarqube tools to really see if that impact we reflect is directly related to the technical debt in Sonarqube.

And on the roadmap, there are more things. We want to make a very cool tool, and feedbacks like yours help us greatly!

Once again, thanks knight! Anything, write me again!

Thank you! This is the value proposition I was looking for.
The Principles of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean Product Development

by Donald G. Reinertsen

I would give your post a lot more respect if it wasn't an affiliate link.

non affiliate link:

I second this. Additionally, get a grip on your queues!

I have yet to find a better text on how to properly manage software projects than, "The Principles of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean Product Development"[0].


I recently read "The Principles of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean Product Development"[1] that was recommended to me.

Some of it was familiar. Some of it was new. The language used and how the book articulates the reasoning behind various strategies has been invaluable to me in expressing to others why something is a tractable problem as opposed to an unavoidable one that is just the cost of doing business.

To date I have not succeeded in getting anyone to read it though.


You may not have control over things like scope, timeframe, budget, "resources" (how I hate that word), but be expected to meet an arbitrary deadline. Get used to that. As sjg007 says, double any estimates you get, and don't confuse effort with duration. A task may require 4 hours of effort, but take 2 weeks to complete.

Google "planning fallacy", or see In general getting a list of tasks together and thinking you have a handle on what it will take is a delusion. Trust your gut.

These books shifted my thinking on why some projects work out and others are disasters.

* *

You could go the PMP route, I suppose. And get used to MS Project, which is a tool of the devil, but a necessary evil.

Finally an HN question that I can respond to!

I would recommend reading this book for a very good, but broad and high level intro:

This will cover topics like BOMs, MOQ, Safety Stock, Inventory strategy, warehousing etc.

Next I would recommend reading up on the following phrases: "product development" and "new product introduction" / "NPI"

Lean training/reading never hurts either. Note: this is supply chain lean vs "lean start up".

This is true, but not intuitive or readily explainable to "people" (usually senior management, hence the quotes :).

A great read on the subject of batch sizes and limiting WIP:

The book linked from the show is The Principle of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean Product Development.

Link (no affiliates):

Sep 16, 2011 · deyan on Lean
Thanks, I will check those out.

To add: I highly recommend Principles of Product Development Flow ( - incredibly difficult book to read (i.e. lots of good but dense information) but it explains well the underlying principles - and thus goes beyond the buzzwords.

The realization which the proponents of lean products and software have had is that there are many strategies which have proven incredibly effective in other domains and that they can also be used to make products, business models and ultimately organizations better, faster and cheaper.

Simply put lean startups result from the combination of lean manufacturing principals and maneuver warfare (agility) principals combined and used in business. Which if you want to boil it down further could be thought of as using the scientific method as quickly and efficiently as possible to create organizations and products where teams have fully adopted a culture of continuos improvement.

Lean is probably best known for its ability to enable Toyota to be the amazing manufacturing organization they have been (ignoring recent growth related fuckups). See the book Lean Thinking or the many Lean Software books to see the ways in which people have translated Lean concepts to software development. Of course if you want to really grok lean in the context of making products you should study

Agile principals as codified by the god father of agile strategic thinking, John Boyd would be the other crucial element to lean startups. He is famous for driving maneuver warfare doctrine into the US military establishment and codifying some of the most advanced strategies and concepts regarding the nature of competition, agility and strategy. If you have seen the OODA loop or heard the phrase operating inside the enemies decision cycle then you have seen his work in action. See the book Certain to Win by Chet Richards for a good primer on Boyds work.

These concepts rigorously and intentionally applied to developing products, teams and companies are IMO what makes a startup lean.

And of course if you are interested, you can also read Eric Ries or Steve Blanks blogs.

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